Andover and Londonderry Town Meeting results
Shawn Cunningham | Mar 05, 2025 | Comments 0
By Shawn Cunningham
© 2025 Telegraph Publishing LLC
Two area towns, voted their Town Meeting articles from the floor on Monday night and Tuesday morning.
Andover voters approved a $1.24 million budget, elected two new select board members along with a slate of officers running unopposed and passed half a dozen other articles on Monday evening’s Town Meeting. A little over a $1 million of the spending plan will come from taxes with the remainder coming from non-tax revenues.
With long-time member Chris Plumb and Richard Griswold stepping down, voters gave Richard Pierce in a three-year term and former board member Chris Walker into a one year term on the board. Susan Leader was re-elected to her seat.
Jon Bliss received another term as moderator and Town Clerk Jeanette Haight was re-elected to one year terms as Town Treasurer and Tax Collector. Later in meeting the voters approved changing the term for the Treasurer position from one year to three. Other officials elected are as follows
- Cindy Ingersoll – Auditor – 3 years
- Hank Mauti – Cemetery Commission – 3 years
- Hank Mauti – Sexton – 1 year
- Lucas Trask – First Constable – 1 year
Voters also agreed with the select board recommendation to split the 2023/24 budget surplus of nearly $15,000 between the Highway/Bridge fund and the Capital Equipment fund. Finally, the voters approved having town meeting on the Monday before the first Tuesday in March 2026 with the select board choosing the time for the meeting.
The River Valley Technical Center budget passed by a vote of 69 to 20.
The voters of Londonderry dispatched 15 articles in just over two hours on Tuesday morning including the approval of a town budget of $3.15 million. Taxes to raise that amount are due on or before Oct. 1, 2025.Voters also tapped Taylor Prouty for a 2-year term on the select board with James Ameden, Jr. elected for a 3-year term. Alison Marino was elected for a 1-year term as Town Clerk and voters gave Sandra Clark a 3-year term as a lister. The 1-year position remains vacant. Doug Friant was elected as Town Moderator for 1-year.
In other voting, Gary Barton was given a 5-year term as a Cemetery Commissioner while Michael Goodbody will serve as a Trustee of Public Funds for 3 years. Diana Pagnucco was also elected by voters to a 3-year term as a Trustee of the South Londonderry Library.
Also passed by the meeting was a $91,250 article to help fund the two fire companies, the rescue squad, library and conservation group. Another $45,222 article funding 20 organizations that serve the Londonderry area.
Voters also approved money for the following funds
- Emerald Ash Borer Infestation fund – $3,000
- Highway Equipment fund $100,000
- Town Buildings fund $100,000
- Highway improvement fund $340,000
- Pingree Park fund $20,000
And finally, voters agreed to ad “housing” to the purposes of the Community Economic Improvement fund and deposit $25,000 in that fund.
Filed Under: Andover • Featured • Latest News • Londonderry
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