To the editor: When Canadians hid American diplomats from Iran

Jan. 27th marked the 45th anniversary of the escape from Iran of six American diplomats during the Iran Hostage Crisis. The six Americans had eluded capture by the Iranian students who had overrun the U.S. embassy in Tehran. Fifty Americans were taken hostage.

Canadian diplomats hid the six Americans for 79 days inside their embassy  until they were finally able to escape Iran using fake documents. The news of the escape was widely and wildly celebrated throughout the U.S.A.

The Canadian ambassador who facilitated the escape was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. In gratitude and solidarity some American beer drinkers switched to Canadian brands for a time.  On the other hand, the Iranians were less than amused. The foreign minister declared “Sooner or later, somewhere in the world, Canada will pay.”

Could it be that  our current president will fulfill that sentiment?

Andrew Shaw
Manchester Center

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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