Neighborhood Connections to host Vietnam War veterans’ ceremony March 25
Press release | Mar 10, 2025 | Comments 0

opportunity to honor veterans of the Vietnam War for their heroic service, and it pays tribute to their selfless contributions.
The last ceremonies in the nation will be held in 2025. Neighborhood Connections will be sponsoring one for families in the Mountain Towns area between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25 at its offices in the Mountain Marketplace, 5700 Vermont Route 100 South in Londonderry. A luncheon is included.
Each participating veteran or family member will be honored with a commemorative lapel pin and certificate of special recognition as a token of the nation’s gratitude.  Personnel from the Department of Veteran’s Affairs in White River Junction will oversee the event to make it a truly memorable occasion.
You are eligible to participate if you served on active duty at any time from Nov. 1, 1955 through May 15, 1975, regardless of location of service, or if you are an immediate family member of such a person. If you or someone you know deserves this recognition, please call Suzanne Burge at 802-824-4343 or send an e-mail.
Filed Under: Community and Arts Life • In the Community
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.