Popular art classes for kids return to LAHS this summer

Bernadine Custer Sharp’s illustration (circa 1960s-1970s) of her house, now home to the Londonderry Arts & Historical Society.

The Londonderry Arts and Historical Society will be offering its popular art workshops for children again this summer at the Custer Sharp House, 2461 Middletown Road in Londonderry.

These classes are offered in honor of artist Bernadine Custer, who bequeathed her home to the historical society in 1992. Children will meet daily for weeklong classes in the wonderful marble-floored studio attached to the house.

Exploring the Arts with Bev Foster will take place from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday, July 7 to 11. The cost is $130, which includes all materials and a simple snack. Children must be at least 6 years old.

This weeklong class will explore watercolor painting, acrylics, printmaking, calligraphy, collage, colored pencils and much more. Students will learn the various techniques for creating final pieces. A few pieces will be matted to show at LAHS.

Foster is a former early elementary school teacher who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Art. She has studied watercolor and printmaking in depth with local artists and enjoys sharing her love of art with children.

For information and to register, call Foster at 802-558-1211, click here or send an e-mail.

Art with the Masters with Casey Junker Bailey will meet from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday, August 4 to 8. The cost is $150, which includes all materials and a simple snack. Children must be at least 6 years old.

This weeklong class will explore a variety of materials and artistic styles — drawings, paintings, collage and sculpture — inspired by the works of famous artists through the ages. These will include O’Keefe pastels, colorful Hundertwasser houses, Impressionist gardens, Fauve landscapes, Giacometti sculptures and more. The class will culminate with a celebratory art show for family and friends.

Junker Bailey has been sharing the joy of art with elementary school kids in Vermont for more than 40 years. She now enjoys bringing her programs to children and adults through libraries and summer classes. For information and class registration, call 802-289-4360 or send an e-mail.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Arts

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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