Springfield Co-op shoppers donate to Project ACTION

Springfield Police Chief  Jeff Burnham, who also is chair of  Project ACTION, accepts a donation check from staff at the Springfield Food Co-op. The store raised $456 in January through its “Change for Change” program, where customers can “round up” their purchase, with the proceeds going to a local organization.  Project ACTION — Assembling Community To Improve Our Neighborhoods — is an effort to engage community members “in response to drug, crime and community health” issues, according to its social media page. Pictured from left are Burnham with store employees Matthew Abare, Lillian Graham, Wolf LaForge and Tamsin Holley.  Click here to contact Project ACTION via e-mail.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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