To the editor: Senate candidate Stern chides holding legislative session

This year has been destructive to Vermont and the country. In particular Vermont’s budget suffered a $400 million shortfall. Businesses as well as individuals are still harmed financially.

The Vermont legislature came back in session at the reported cost of $2 million.  Now if I were in the legislature I would say to my colleagues, “Let’s figure out how to distribute the remaining federal relief funds, pass the budget and stop the financial burden on the taxpayers.” But these people don’t think that way.  They have figured that while they’re milking the taxpayers they should pass more legislation at the same time.

David Zuckerman, who wants to be our chief executive officer, could show his leadership by telling the legislators to pass the budget, take care of the remaining relief aid and recess.  There is nothing that time sensitive in the legislation that can’t wait four months when they are in session and not draining our pockets even more.

Ask yourself — whether you agree with the legislation or not — why can’t this wait just four short months so we aren’t having to foot yet another unnecessary bill?

Or better yet ask your legislators and David Zuckerman.

Keith Stern
Independent candidate for Senate, Windsor County

North Springfield

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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