Chester Select Board, Water Commissioners agendas for Dec. 2

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday Dec. 2, 2020. It will also hold a meeting as the Water and Wastewater Commissioners following its regular meeting. Both meetings will be held at Town Hall and via Zoom.

Note that in person attendance is limited to 10 people including board members and staff, so please consider if your physical attendance is needed or if you can participate via zoom. Click here for the link.
Below are the agendas.

Chester Select Board

1. Approve Minutes from the November 18, 2020 Selectboard Meeting

2. Citizen Comments/Answers from Previous Meeting

3. Old Business

4. Appoint Assistant Fire Warden

5. 2021 General Fund Budget; Public Works; Library

6. Proposal to design additional bay at Town Garage

7. New Business/Next Agenda

8. Executive Session: Interview Candidate for Zoning Administrator Position

9. Appoint Zoning Administrator

10. Adjourn

Water/Wastewater Commissioners

1. Citizen’s Comments

2. 2021 Water Budget

3. 2021 Sewer Budget

4. Adjourn

Note: If the Select Board goes into executive session Zoom attendees will go into a waiting room and re-join the meeting after the session.


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