Chester Select Board agenda for May 4

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and via Zoom.

To access via Zoom: Meeting ID:  819 8884 2129
or  ​

Below is its agenda.

1. Approve Minutes from the April 20, 2022 Selectboard Meeting

2. Citizen Comments/Answers from Previous Meeting

3. Old Business

4. Police Advisory Committee

5. Public Safety Building Update on 5 Year Plan

6. Adopt Local Emergency Operations Plan

7. Liquor License & Entertainment Permit Approval;

1st and 2nd Class Liquor License – Bea Better Food Company

Entertainment Permit – PJs Kitchen

8. Local Cannabis Control Commission; Resolution adoption & Potential Candidate Interviews and Appointments

9. New Business/Next Agenda

10. Executive Session: Interviews for Local Cannabis Control Commission (if needed)

7 p.m. Susan Bailey

7:15 Robert Neid

7:30 Reisa Alexander

7:45 Arianna Knapp

8 p.m. Craig Miller

8:15 Barre Pinske

8:30 Thomas Simmons

8:45 Tom Diak

11. Appoint Members to Local Cannabis Control Commission (if needed)

12. Adjourn

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