Chester Select Board agenda for April 5

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday April 5, 2023 at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom. To join the meeting go to:

Below is the board’s agenda.

1. Approve Minutes from the March 22, 2023 Special Select Board Meeting

2. Citizen Comments/Answers from Previous Meeting

3. Old Business

4. Discussion with Neighbors of West Chester/Potash Brook Road area

5. Review Conflict of Interest Policy

6. Annual Appointments

7. Whiting Library Trustee Appointment

8. Approve Liquor Licenses

Dollar General – Second Class & Tobacco
Smitty’s Chester Market – Second Class
Heritage Deli – First Class & outside Consumption
American Legion – First Class, Third Class & Outside Consumption
Meditrina Wine and Cheese – Second Class
Pizza Stone – First Class, Third Class & outside Consumption
(ADDITION)Fullerton Inn – First Class, Third Class & Outside Consumption

9. Entertainment Permits

Pizza Stone
Heritage Deli and Bakery
American Legion
(ADDITION) Fullerton Inn

10. New Business/Next Agenda

11. Adjourn

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