New interpretive sign installed at Lowell Lake Cemetery

From left: Andie Fusco, Maureen Cronin, Laurie Krooss Mullen, Chris Blackey and Gary Barton

The Londonderry Cemetery Commission recently announced that an interpretive sign has been created for the  Lowell Lake Cemetery thanks to the efforts of commission members Gary Barton, Chris Blackey, Maureen Cronin, Andie Fusco and Laurie Krooss Mullen; photographers Bob Maisey and Alex Vincent; graphic designer Heidi Humphrey; copywriter Megan Farrell and Vermont’s Parks Interpretive Program Manager Rebecca Roy.

This sign was installed by Duane Hart at the lake overflow dam and bridge, where the Lowell Lake trail and the path to the cemetery meet in Lowell Lake State Park.

Visitors to Lowell Lake are invited to learn about the history of Londonderry and its first cemetery.

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About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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