To the editor: Weston group hosts Windsor senators 2 to 3 times a year

I am responding to the comment made in Cynthia Prairie’s recent article titled POLITICAL NOTEBOOK on July 17, 2024:  It was actually good to see candidates from this southern part of the county — and to see them out and about. They have a vested interest in our communities.  I’m not sure if most of our readers would know what the incumbent Windsor senators looked like if we didn’t run their pictures every so often.

 In Weston, in the southern part of the county, our senators and representative continue to join us at least two to three times a year for non-partisan in-person legislative forums/updates/wrap-ups offered by New Thought Vermont.  Our mission is to promote well-being, resilience and meaning in life, individually and collectively, to build connections and community.  Our legislative events are ways to do just that, allowing all of us to have our voice with those who represent us – to further our well-being and resilience in our communities – no matter who and from which party they represent.

Press releases about these forums have been sent to The Chester Telegraph and other online, as well as local print newspapers and all are welcome.  At the most recent two-hour New Thought Vermont legislative update, attendance included those from Weston, Andover, Chester, Springfield, Cavendish and Ludlow, as well as Londonderry (in northern Windham County).  During the moderated discussion, Sen. Alison Clarkson noted that she welcomed the opportunity to meet with groups in Chester and other locations in the southern part of Windsor County.

In addition, Sens. Clarkson, Becca White and Dick McCormick, as well as Rep. Kelly Pajala were on the ground following the flooding events in our region last July, touring the damage, meeting with homeowners, business owners and board members of nonprofits, listening to concerns, answering questions and following up on constituent matters.  Also, this past December, our legislative team was present at a special forum with Vermont’s chief flood  recovery officer, his staff and others representing areas of state government related to flood recovery and resilience.

In my experience, our current legislative team of Sens, Clarkson, White and McCormick, as well as Rep. Pajala have been easy to reach and have been very responsive to constituent needs.  I encourage us to use our voice, invite those who represent us to come to listen and respond to questions and concerns.  After all, they are indeed our representative voices in the State House.  From my view and from many in this region, to suggest that these individuals are not present in the southern part of the county, is inaccurate.  We see them in-person and are able to access them via email and phone.  It is my fervent hope, whoever is elected to the Senate and as our representative, that they will be as engaged and responsive as the current team of folks who serve us.

William Freeman

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