Chester Select Board and Water Commission agendas for Aug. 7

The Chester Select Board will meet in its capacity as the town’s Water Commission at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday Aug. 7 followed by a Select Board meeting. The meetings will be held at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom. To join the meeting go to:

Below are the Boards’ agendas


1. Citizen’s Comments
2. Set Water and Sewer Rates
3. Purchase of Water Meters
4. Adjourn


1. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda
2. Approve Minutes from July 3, 2024 Select board Meeting
3. Citizen’s Comments
4. Old Business
5. Appoint Local Cannabis Control Board Member; Barry Fowler
6. Julian Quarry Violations
7. Errors and Omission; Assessors
8. Quarterly Financial Reports
9. Catering Permit; WI Foster
10. New Business/Next Agenda
11. Executive Session: Personnel
12. Adjourn

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