Chester quilter Linda Diak wins People’s Choice Award for ‘Road Trip’

‘Road Trip,’ a quilt by Linda Diak

Linda Diak, of Chester has won the People’s Choice Award at the 38th Annual Vermont Quilt Sampler Exhibition being held through Monday, Sept. 2 at the Historic Barn at Billings Farm & Museum, 69 Old River Road in Woodstock.

Her entry, Road Trip, is among 56 quilts on display from 13 of the 14 counties in Vermont.

When the awards were announced on Aug. 20, 2,445 ballots had been cast, and more than 15,000 visitors had passed through the exhibit.

Commemorating the 2023 Vermont floods, her quilt portrays animals that escaped during the disaster, symbolizing the impact of climate change on the region. Diak said, “Tiki, the emu, spent a month on the lam. The pig and bull were rounded up within a day. Kevin, the peacock, has never been found. It is hoped he is living a good peacock life.”

Last year, Diak won a Juror’s Choice Award for her quilt “Ruffled Feathers.”  Billings Farm and Museum is open every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Arts

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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  1. Tim Roper says:

    Congratulations on your latest well deserved accolades, Linda!