To the editor: County Democratic chair urges residents to vote for Dem state Senate candidates

As we enter the last weeks of this election cycle, it is important to recognize the characteristics that are most critical in a candidate – integrity, honesty, transparency, and a genuine desire to be sensitive to and to understand the needs of the people of Vermont. There can be no ulterior or self-serving motives that would affect how that person votes on issues, no matter that person’s personal beliefs or religious affiliations and, above all, they should be immune from the influences of outside lobbyists.

I am grateful that the slate of democratic senatorial candidates in Windsor County check off all boxes – Sen. Alison Clarkson, Sen. Becca White, and Joe Major share records of dedicated leadership and selfless community service.  Alison, as Senate Majority Leader, has guided many priorities through the legislature. Becca, as the co-chair of the Climate Solutions Caucus and the youngest woman in Senate history, elected in 2022, and served as a Windsor 6 representative prior to that. Joe as the Hartford town treasurer and a proven community leader, with extensive business management experience, who is dedicated to a Windsor County where everyone can thrive.

All three have a vision for moving us forward in the 21st century, to be sure that Vermont remains a viable place for young people to live and start families, while also supporting the needs of older Vermonters, attracting new businesses for expanded employment opportunities, developing affordable housing options which will encourage growth, and being sure that everyone is treated with compassion and respect – they are the problem solvers and leaders that we need now. Please join me in supporting Alison, Becca and Joe this year!

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Laurent
Windsor County Democratic Committee


Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Stu Lindberg says:

    Article 18 of the Vermont Constitution [Regard to fundamental principles and virtues necessary to preserve liberty]

    That frequent recurrence to fundamental principles, and a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality, are absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty, and keep government free; the people ought, therefore to pay particular attention to these points, in the choice of officers and representatives, and have a right, in a legal way, to exact a due and constant regard to them, from their legislators and magistrates, in making and executing such laws as are necessary for the good government of the State.

    What I find to be completely absent in the hearts and minds of the incumbents running for Windsor County Senate are the virtues of adhering to Justice for the taxpayer and those that are victims of crimes, Moderation in the application of legislation and how it impacts citizens, Industry, which is treated as a cow to be milked to death, and frugality, as in respect for those of us struggling to make a living here. As the constitution states this adherence to these virtues is what makes possible the preservation of liberty and the condition of good government. All of these things are in desperate short supply in the Vermont Legislature and Senate and will continue to be so until the time when Vermonters say “We have had quite enough.”

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