ESBR announces successful fund-raising campaign

The Expeditionary School at Black River, located in Ludlow,  thanks the donors who supported 2024’s Giving Tuesday — End of Year Campaign. The Matching Funds Challenge goal of $10,000 was achieved, for a total of $22,675.

An additional $15,000 was pledged by an annual angel donor who has supported this cause since before the annual Giving Tuesday Campaign was established, and an Epic Promise Grant in the amount of $2,500 was received this winter to support transportation and technology.

As an independent school, providing a local viable, affordable and intriguing educational opportunity remains a top priority.

ESBR is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Support is always welcome, whether through financial donations or volunteering. Click here to donate online or mail a check to P.O. Box 485, Ludlow, VT 05149.

Please contact Patrick Pullinen, Chair of the Board, if you would like to learn more about the school or get involved.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeEducation NewsIn the Community

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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