VSAC announces low fixed rate higher ed loans

Vermont Student Assistance Corp. has announced its low fixed rates for Vermont Advantage education loans for the 2015-16 academic year.

The Vermont Advantage offers rates as low as 5.50 percent APR for both undergraduate and graduate students who need additional financing for postsecondary education or training. Vermont students attending college in the United States or abroad or students from out of state attending a Vermont institution are eligible for this financing.

“The Vermont Advantage is good option for students and families to help make up the difference between the total cost of education and the various kinds of financial aid they already may have received,” said Scott Giles, president and CEO of VSAC. “For 50 years, VSAC has been Vermont’s postsecondary education and training information resource.  We are dedicated to working with Vermonters as they continue their studies after high school and helping them to finance their education.”

For more information on education financing, visit www.vsac.org/Advantage or call 800-226-1029.

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Filed Under: Education News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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