To the editor: A letter of thanks to Gov. Scott for Route 11 work

To: Gov. Phil Scott
Re: Vermont Route 11

Dear Gov. Scott,

Thank you! On behalf of the residents of the Town of Andover and surrounding communities, we appreciate your thoughtfulness and consideration in authorizing the paving of Vermont Route 11, correcting the dangerous conditions that existed.

Please share our gratitude with your staff, the VTrans staff, Pike Industries and all who contributed to make this possible.

Again, please accept our grateful thanks.


Harold Johnson
Andover Select Board

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Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Couldn’t agree more! What a pleasure it’s been to drive and cycle on the newly paved road. Thank you!

  2. Skip Woodruff says:

    It is a joy to travel now after it was so bad for so long. Yes, thanks to all who made the difference !