High wind warning for tonight through tomorrow morning

The National Weather Service has issued a High Wind Warning for areas of Vermont from 8 p.m. Sunday to 11 a.m. Monday.  Warning areas can be seen on the National Weather Service website at www.weather.gov/btv or www.weather.gov/aly.

Warning areas currently include all of Western Massachusetts as well as Rutland, Bennington and Windham counties in Vermont. Those areas should see southeast winds of 25 to 35 mph with gusts up to 60 mph.  Those winds will likely lead to downed trees, tree limbs and power lines, causing power outages.

The winds could also carry debris at dangerous speeds.  Homeowners, renters and business owners are encouraged to remove or secure anything from outdoor areas that could be blown around in high winds and create a hazard.  Protect your home by asking neighbors to do the same.

Vermonters are encouraged to heed the below advice in high winds and during power outages:

  • If you lose power and use a generator – NEVER use a generator indoors, that includes the garage.  Use the generator outside and away from the house, far from vents and windows.  Exhaust from generators and other motors can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be fatal.
  • Never touch or come in contact with a downed power line.  Treat all power lines as live wires that can electrocute, causing serious injury or death.
  • When clearing debris, ensure branches are not in contact with a power line.  Trees and other items conduct electricity and can cause electrocution.
  • Before a wind storm, ensure you know the location of flashlights and other lighting sources.  Have batteries for flashlights and battery powered radios on hand.  A battery charger for your cell phone can also ensure you can stay connected.
  • Never leave candles unattended – especially when going to bed.  It’s always best to use sources of light other than candles.
  • Ensure your home has working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Respect detours on the roads, never drive over a downed power line.
  • Driving in high winds can be hazardous.  Avoid driving during the highest winds (Sunday night into Monday morning) if you can.
  • If you must travel in high winds keep both hands on the wheel, expect gusts and be mindful of flying debris and debris on the road
  • If you have medical equipment that relies on electricity, or medication that must be refrigerated, plan for where you may go in the event of an outage.
  • If you lose power and need shelter call 2-1-1.
  • Watch forecasts, social media and traditional media for updates on conditions and warnings.


Filed Under: FeaturedLatest News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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