To the editor: Green Mountain Party seeks pay equity study
The Chester Telegraph | Mar 05, 2018 | Comments 0
The Green Mountain Party has requested that T.J. Donovan, our state’s attorney, investigate the pay inequity between the sexes. We have requested the number of investigations done on pay discrimination for the last 10 years. We have asked for his plans to investigate the pay inequity we have been hearing about, where women are paid 85 cents on the dollar for the same work as men.
We suspect that since the state has the pay stubs for every single employee within the state that we can get this solved within the next 60 days. We are of the firm belief that men and women want to live in harmony.
The Green Mountain Party is trying to bring people together in a cooperative spirit, working together solving our problems. We can use your assistance in many ways, to form Vermont’s first local party of the 21st century.
Please contact us. We have many small volunteer jobs that require 5 to 20 hours per year, that can make a huge difference in our state.
We are looking for smart, kind-hearted, frugal Vermonters. We cherish your wisdom over your wallet.
Green Mountain Party
6971 Main St., Suite E, Box 7
Waitsfield, Vt. 05673
Green Mountain Party
Neil Johnson
State chair
Green Mountain Party
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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