Search Results for 'Commission on the Future of Public Education'

Future of Education panel narrows focus to engagement, short-term cost containment

Future of Education panel narrows focus to engagement, short-term cost containment

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two months into its work, the commission that’s charged with looking at the future of public education in Vermont is preparing to hold the first of a series of public sessions on Oct. 21, with a venue still to be identified. The sessions are intended to solicit […]

State education commission members may not 'fully represent Vermont,' chair says

State education commission members may not ‘fully represent Vermont,’ chair says Calls for 'good faith' efforts to bring other voices to the table

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC While the second meeting of the full Commission on the Future of Public Education in Vermont covered agenda items in detail, one thread ran through the three-hour meeting: public representation, engagement and credibility. Even before the meeting’s agenda and previous meeting’s minutes were approved, commission chair Meagan […]

Ed Commission creates group to fix school financing

Ed Commission creates group to fix school financing Hears public criticism of members' 'hidden agenda'

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC At the third meeting out of 30 budgeted by the Vermont legislature, about half of the members of the Commission on the Future of Public Education in Vermont assembled as the “steering group”  on Monday and got down to making some decisions on how their work will […]

The Future of Public Education in Vt. - a big lift on short time

The Future of Public Education in Vt. – a big lift on short time

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Toward the end of this year’s session, the Vermont legislature passed a bill – H-887, also known as the “yield bill” which made adjustments to rein in tax increase for this year by finding other sources of income. It also established a commission to recommend fixes problems […]

Chester planning panel kicks off zoning rewrite with first public workshop

Chester planning panel kicks off zoning rewrite with first public workshop

By Shawn Cunningham © 2002 Telegraph Publishing LLC In preparation for a new re-write of the town’s zoning regulations — known as the Unified Development Bylaws — the Chester Planning Commission held the first of several workshops with consultant Jason Rasmussen Monday night. Rasmussen is the executive director of the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission, which […]

State: Chester must reappraise, future ed tax hikes likely

State: Chester must reappraise, future ed tax hikes likely

By Shawn Cunningham © 2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Perhaps one of the driest items on the Chester Select Board agenda last Wednesday could have the greatest impact in the future, while the town officer who understands the system it is a part of will be leaving before the work will begin. Lister Wanda Purdy told […]

In Chester 3-year race, Lindsay and Cote talk town future

In Chester 3-year race, Lindsay and Cote talk town future

©2016 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two candidates are running for one three-year term on the Chester Select Board. Incumbent Bill Lindsay is seeking re-election and Dan Cote is hoping to unseat him when elections are held on Tuesday, March 1. As we have done for previous contested races, The Chester Telegraph asked the candidates a set […]

Chester GOP holds event for State House candidate Tom Charlton

Chester GOP holds event for State House candidate Tom Charlton

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Around 40 people turned out in front of the Fullerton Inn in Chester on a cool, blustery Sunday afternoon to hear Vermont House candidate Tom Charlton speak on a wide range of topics including infrastructure, education and the state’s “clean heat standard.” But the event’s main message […]

GMUSD board mulls finances, new bond effort, restructuring

GMUSD board mulls finances, new bond effort, restructuring

By Shawn Cunningham ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Late summer board meetings are often sparsely populated, with both members and the public on vacation,  and light on topics to tackle. But while the former was true of the Thursday, Aug. 15 Green Mountain Unified School District board meeting, the latter was not. With just five members […]

'Nobody is looking to close Cavendish' - A tale of two meetings

‘Nobody is looking to close Cavendish’ – A tale of two meetings

By Shawn Cunningham © 2024 Telegraph Publishing Last week, two meetings looked at the same topic, but the tone of each could not have been more different. At issue is a proposal to move the 6th grades out of the elementary schools and create a grades 6 to 8 middle school. Currently, the middle school […]

To the editor: Why state lawmakers overturned Gov. Scott's vetoes

To the editor: Why state lawmakers overturned Gov. Scott’s vetoes

Dear residents of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham, As your state representative, I am proud to have participated in the democratic process of legislating last week. On Monday, June 17, the state legislature reconvened at the State House to vote to override Gov. Phil Scott’s veto of six bills of importance to Vermont residents, taxpayers […]

To the editor: Clarkson on why taxes increased so much and what can be done about it

To the editor: Clarkson on why taxes increased so much and what can be done about it

Most towns in Windsor County have received their education and municipal property tax bills by now. Many, but not all, towns have big tax increases. Woodstock residents have yet to receive their bills but we can expect a 30% increase. These are increases none of us have budgeted for, and one that will be a […]

To the editor: Rep. Chase offers 2024 legislative preview

To the editor: Rep. Chase offers 2024 legislative preview

The Vermont legislature opened its 2024 legislative session on Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2024. As the state representative of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham,  I have a positive expectancy about meeting the goals and priorities of this session as we address issues of continuing importance to our communities and our state. Vermont was once again hit […]

Op-ed: Vermont is more diverse than depicted

Op-ed: Vermont is more diverse than depicted

Editor’s note: The public is invited to write and send in op-ed’s on a variety of topics that directly affect our communities. Mail them to By Sara Stowell ©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Recently The Chester Telegraph published an op-ed titled Vermont officially perpetuates its whiteness by Phayvanh Leukhamhan. The author critiques recent promotional videos […]

News Analysis: Did GM follow the 'Rules' in mascot vote?

News Analysis: Did GM follow the ‘Rules’ in mascot vote?

By Shawn Cunningham © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the confusion that followed the end of last week’s Green Mountain Unified School District meeting, Vice Chair Adrienne Williams asked how Robert’s Rules of Order would handle the complicated situation that had just unfolded.  See Friday’s article: GM votes to keep Chieftain … At that moment, […]

Cavendish board talks energy, reappraisals and police coverage

Cavendish board talks energy, reappraisals and police coverage

By Cara Philbin ©2023 Telegraph Publishing After considerable discussion, the Cavendish Select Board, on Monday, Jan. 9, voted to direct the town’s Planning Commission to begin the process of adopting the enhanced energy chapter for the Town Plan. Commission chair Etienne Ting had told the board that if it wanted that outcome it should tell […]

Ryan-Chase forum sheds more light on State House candidates

Ryan-Chase forum sheds more light on State House candidates

By Cynthia Prairie ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Like most candidate forums, the meetup in Grafton between Republican Eva Ryan and Democrat Heather Chase, candidates for the newly configured Windsor-Windham District of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham in the state House of Representatives, was a polite affair. No challenges, objections or name calling. The questions were […]

Derry Town Meeting scuttles dam article

Derry Town Meeting scuttles dam article

By Shawn Cunningham © 2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC On a sunny but cool and blustery Saturday morning a little over a hundred residents of Londonderry gathered in the parking lot of Town Hall on Middletown Road to hold their Town Meeting, which had been postponed from early March due to Covid worries. Ironically, they were […]

Meet the candidates: Four vie for two one-year seats on Chester Select Board

Meet the candidates: Four vie for two one-year seats on Chester Select Board

©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Telegraph sent a series of questions to the four candidates who are vying for two one-year terms on the Chester Select Board. Those two seats are currently held by Leigh Dakin and Jeff Holden, who are seeking re-election. These questions are currently on issues top of mind for many […]

Participants sought for workforce survey as Chester updated on Communities Challenge

Participants sought for workforce survey as Chester updated on Communities Challenge Chester board begins 2022 budget review; gets update on Lovers Lane Brook bridge

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Springfield Regional Development Corp. came before the Chester Select Board last week to update information on the Working Communities Challenge, a three-year, $300,000 grant program sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and several philanthropic organizations to remove barriers to work and increase the region’s […]