Signs of the Times: In Londonderry
Chester Telegraph reporter Bruce Frauman took a tour of Londonderry late last week to visit the shops and offices that are usually open to the public but under shut-down orders because of the Covid-19 virus are either open on a limited basis, with altered hours or closed completely. Here’s what he discovered. Click any photo […]

Weston board delays decision on special Town Meeting in its first remote session
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In its first video-conferencing meeting during the Covid-19 shutdown, the Weston Select Board on March 24 delayed action on a proposal by board chair Denis Benson to hold a special Town Meeting to postpone large town expenditures such as a $90,000 bridge replacement and $30,000 for a fire […]

Derry board briefed on pandemic readiness George Mora elected new Select Board chair
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC As he spoke about the town’s preparation for the Covid-19 crisis, Londonderry Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie told the Select Board on Monday, March 16 that the primary issue nationally is to slow the spread of the virus so that the medical infrastructure can keep up with the […]

Flood Brook adjusts, innovates for new schooling
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC As he enters the 2nd week of classes under state restrictions imposed to stem the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, Flood Brook School Principal Neal McIntyre said, “The challenge we are facing in education right now is that we have to figure out everything at once.” Since Friday, […]

Weston cemetery commish loses seat as non-voter
By Bruce Frauman © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Resident Donald Hart told the Weston Select Board on Tuesday, March 10 that one of the elections on Town Meeting Day the previous week was illegal. Judy Poissant had been elected to a five-year term on the Cemetery Commission but is not registered to vote in Weston, […]

Home Work: Flood Brook teachers, admin, students prep for learning under Covid-19
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Flood Brook School Principal Neal McIntyre on Monday, March 16 met with his teaching and administrative staffs to plan for the state-mandated closing of all schools, which started today, Wednesday, March 18. On Sunday, Gov. Phil Scott had ordered all K-12 schools closed at least until April 6 […]

Derry board OKs new speed limits along Middletown Road
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC At the last meeting with Board chair Jim Ameden and member Bob Forbes before they would step aside for two newly elected board members, the Londonderry Select Board on March 2 approved speed limits on Middletown Road. After consulting online maps, the board voted to place a 40 […]

Annunziata, Fleming elected to Derry Select Board Pro-cannabis resolution passes; 1% options tax defeated
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The 2020 Londonderry Town Meeting on Tuesday elected two new new members of the Select Board, rejected a 1 percent local options tax, passed a non-binding resolution supporting cannabis related business and left both constable positions vacant. Vincent Annunziata was elected to a three-year term on the Select […]

Derry board indicates support for speed limits along Middletown Road
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC At their Feb. 17 meeting, Londonderry Select Board members Bob Forbes, George Mora and Tom Cavanagh all expressed support for imposing speed limits on Middletown Road. Based on engineering and traffic studies, Town Administrator Shane O’Keefe proposed a 30 mph speed limit from the intersection of VT Route […]

Weston board ponders updated hazard plan
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston Town Clerk Kim Seymour told the board on Tuesday, Feb. 11 that she has applied for a $7,200 grant from FEMA that requires a $2,500 match from the town to conduct a survey to update the town’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. However, she said she doesn’t know […]

Two Derry Select Board veterans won’t seek
By Bruce Frauman © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC During a sparsely attended Candidates’ Night forum held on Monday, Feb. 17, both Londonderry Select Board members who are up for re-election in March said they have chosen not to run again. Bob Forbes said that at this time in his life, he has other things going […]

Dale to Derry Selects: School budget to rise 4%
By Bruce Frauman © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Dick Dale, a board member of the Taconic & Green Regional School District, spent considerable time at the Monday, Feb. 3 meeting of the Londonderry Select Board going over details of the school district’s proposed fiscal 2020-21 budget, which is 4 percent higher than in fiscal 2019-20. […]

Weston board agrees to survey to kick off broadband project
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its Jan. 28 meeting, the Weston Select Board agreed to participate in the Windham Regional Commission broadband project. Board member Ann Fuji’i said that the town will participate in the survey but can withdraw from further action at any time. The WRC will be surveying landowners in […]

Derry residents get rundown on feasibility study for water/wastewater systems
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Monday, Jan. 27, about 20 Londonderry residents gathered at the Twitchell Building for the first of three planned public meetings about a study to be conducted on the feasibility of creating town water and wastewater systems. Planning Commission chair Sharon Crossman told the group, “Every time we […]

Derry budget holds slight tax hike; cannabis article at Town Meeting
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday, Jan. 20, passed a budget for fiscal year 2020/21 that will result in an expected total municipal tax rate of $0.40385 that includes the building reserve fund and all appropriations. This will result in about a $25 hike in taxes for a […]

Weston board discusses future of fiber optic, cannabis marketplace
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board, minus the absent Ann Fuji’i, on Tuesday, Jan. 14 engaged in extended discussions regarding financial issues over legislation in Montpelier, the fire department and a generator to serve both the Town Office and the Little School building next door. State Rep. Kelly Pajala called […]

State experts urge action on emerald ash borer beetle
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The primary take-away for individuals attending a community forum about the emerald ash borer beetle is not to move wood during the bug’s “flight season,” which in Vermont is from June 1 to Sept. 30. For communities, the lesson is that the longer one waits to act, the […]

Derry voters to weigh local options tax Board tackles 2020-21 budgeting before Town Meeting
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board at its meeting on Monday, Jan. 6 voted to place on the March 3 Town Meeting warning an article for the town to vote on a 1 percent local options tax on sales, rooms, meals and alcohol, in an attempt to reduce the municipal […]

Weston board begins to address state cannabis legislation, regional broadband service
By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC State cannabis legislation and its affects on local jurisdictions, regional broadband service and the rising cost of recycling and solid waste disposal were all discussed at the Dec. 17 Weston Select Board. After several board members admitted confusion over a letter describing cannabis regulation legislation now in a […]

Derry to undertake water/waste system study Local option tax, Williams Dam future also discussed
By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board has agreed to move forward with a water and wastewater management study. At its Monday, Dec. 16 meeting, the board also agreed to authorize Town Administrator Shane O’Keefe to sign a contract for the study with a consultant recommended by the water/wastewater committee. O’Keefe […]