RSSAuthor Archive for Cynthia Prairie

Cynthia Prairie has been a newspaper editor more than 40 years. Cynthia has worked at such publications as the Raleigh Times, the Baltimore News American, the Buffalo Courier Express, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Patuxent Publishing chain of community newspapers in Maryland, and has won numerous state awards for her reporting. As an editor, she has overseen her staffs to win many awards for indepth coverage. She and her family moved to Chester, Vermont in 2004.

Adams Funeral Homes in Chester, Ludlow to close by early February

Adams Funeral Homes in Chester, Ludlow to close by early February

By Cynthia Prairie ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Adams Funeral Homes & Cremation Services in Chester and Ludlow will be closing their doors by early February. The two funeral homes have been managed under the Dignity Memorial brand, which is owned by Service Corporation International, the Houston, Texas, based company that, as of 2013, owned […]

Telegraph Business Ticker

Telegraph Business Ticker

©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Green Mountain Bookkeeping opens shop in Chester Mary Richardson has opened Green Mountain Bookkeeping & Office Support on Main Street in Chester. With more than 25 years of experience, Green Mountain Bookkeeping is offering bookkeeping and office support to small business owners as well as individuals. Richardson said that her services […]

Telegraph Business Ticker

Telegraph Business Ticker

New businesses coming online in Chester By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The business landscape continues to change in and around Chester, much of it for the better. Nancy and Hugh Pennell of Smokeshire Road have transformed the former Post Office and grocery at 3630 Route 103 in Gassetts into a warm showroom and […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Nov. 27, 2017

Andover Select Board agenda for Nov. 27, 2017

The Select Board for the town of Andover will meet at Town Office, 953 Andover Road, at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 27. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from Nov. 13 meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five […]

Commentary: Chester is emerging with new energy

Commentary: Chester is emerging with new energy

By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Several years ago, at a Chester Town Meeting, a resident told those gathered that she believed that the town was stagnating. Then, others noted there were empty shops on the Green, houses were not selling and those that did sell were getting prices far lower than their assessed […]

New Derry Town-Zoning Admin hails from rural New York

New Derry Town-Zoning Admin hails from rural New York

 By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board has hired Robert Nied of Richmondville, N.Y., as its new Town Administrator and Zoning Administrator, for the first time combining the two positions under one person. Nied (pronounced need) will be replacing Stephanie Thompson who served as Londonderry’s Town Administrator from 2015 until her […]

Springfield Recycling rates hiked starting Monday, Oct. 2

Springfield Recycling rates hiked starting Monday, Oct. 2

By Cynthia Prairie ©2013 Telegraph Publishing LLC As of Monday, Oct. 2, the cost for a sheet of 25 tickets for the Springfield Recycling Center will increase $2.25 from $11.25 to a base price of $13.50 a sheet. Each ticket is good for 4 pounds of trash, or 100 pounds per sheet. Consumers will see […]

Restaurant owner: I painted over mural 'as favor to community'

Restaurant owner: I painted over mural ‘as favor to community’

By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC Ed Brown, owner of the Mill Tavern, told The Telegraph last night, that on Monday, using a gallon of dark colored concrete stain, he did indeed paint over the floral mural that has decorated a retaining wall at Routes 11 and 100 in Londonderry for the past three […]

Burglar makes off with cash at Londonderry Transfer Station

Burglar makes off with cash at Londonderry Transfer Station

An office at the Londonderry Transfer Station was broken into overnight and someone made off with $90 in cash, Vermont State Police announced this afternoon. Police said that they were notified of the burglary around 9 a.m. today. The complainant said that the cash was taken sometime overnight. The Londonderry Transfer Station, at 7060 Route […]

Chester man held on $100,000 bail as new charges brought

Chester man held on $100,000 bail as new charges brought

By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC An 18-year-old Chester man, charged earlier this year on two counts sexual assault, was arrested today by Ludlow Police and charged with kidnapping, attempted aggravated sexual assault and lewd and lascivious conduct with a child  in connection with a July 2015 incident in Ludlow. According to Ludlow Police, […]

People on the move

People on the move

Realtor McEnaney expands volunteerism at Pan-Mass Challenge On the weekend of Aug. 4 through 6, Betty McEnaney of Chester, a Realtor with the Bean Group, will once again volunteer for the Pan-Mass Challenge, hoisting the luggage of cyclists from one stop to another as part of its Luggage Crew. More than 6,200 cyclists from more […]

Grafton begins looking at Town Hall refurbishment

Grafton begins looking at Town Hall refurbishment

By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Grafton Select Board has begun of looking into possible renovations to Town Hall, the 200-year-old building at 117 Main St. that houses not only the offices of the clerk, treasurer and administrator, but the U.S. Post Office as well. The board hopes to one day return its […]

GM seniors recognized during busy annual Awards Night event

GM seniors recognized during busy annual Awards Night event

Green Mountain Union High School held its annual Senior Awards Night on Friday, June 9 at the school. Below is the list of awards and their winners. Chester High School/Green Mountain Union High School Alumni Association $1,000 scholarships to Mikayla Call and Kimball Schultz Chester Art Guild Scholarship $2,000 scholarship to Kimball Schultz Chester Fire […]

Commentary: When fake news is fun

Commentary: When fake news is fun

By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC A new online “news” site has recently emerged from the ether.  The Winooski, which bills itself as “locally sourced organic Vermont satire” and “Vermont’s Fakest News,” has, unlike other northern Vermont based publications, agencies and radio stations, realized that stuff does indeed happen south of Route 4 and […]

CAES hosts Community Cafe Ice Cream Social

CAES hosts Community Cafe Ice Cream Social

By Cynthia Prairie © 2017 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 S. Main St., will be hosting a free ice cream social at the school from 3 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 21, to begin talking with families about what they want to see in a new playground and in other areas that […]

Ludlow Rotary offers business memberships; <br>Moody's upgrades VSAC bond ratings

Ludlow Rotary offers business memberships;
Moody’s upgrades VSAC bond ratings

Ludlow Rotary kicks off business membership with Big Eyes Bakery The Ludlow Rotary Club initiated its new business membership policy at its recent luncheon meeting at DJs Restaurant by welcoming the Big Eyes Bakery of Ludlow into the club. This new membership procedure permits area businesses to become members of the Ludlow Rotary and Rotary […]

GM board sanctions LGBTQ comments of fellow member

GM board sanctions LGBTQ comments of fellow member

By Stephen Seitz and Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Green Mountain Union High School board sanctioned the comments of one of its own at its regular meeting on Thursday, April 13, as a room full of faculty, staff, students and other board members aired their outrage over comments made at the March 9 […]

New owners of Country Girl Diner fulfill lifelong dream

New owners of Country Girl Diner fulfill lifelong dream

By Stephen Seitz and Cynthia Prairie © 2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Country Girl Diner in Chester may have changed hands, but the new owners are assuring their customers that further changes will be incremental and, then, only for the better. Jess Holmes and Paul Frasca, who have been managing and cooking at the diner […]

Grafton board votes to move meetings to new town garage

Grafton board votes to move meetings to new town garage

By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Grafton Select Board voted 4 to 1 on Monday to move its meetings to the new town garage on Tom Bell Road, more than 2 miles east of the center of town. The meetings are currently held in the gym/cafeteria at the Grafton Elementary School, 58 School […]

Grafton residents to vote on using surplus to buy tractor

Grafton residents to vote on using surplus to buy tractor

By Cynthia Prairie ©2017 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Grafton Select Board Monday night decided to ask town voters to approve using funds from the town surplus to help pay for a new tractor and attachments that would help the town comply with Act 64, which was signed into law in summer of 2015 and is […]