RSSAuthor Archive for Cynthia Prairie

Cynthia Prairie has been a newspaper editor more than 40 years. Cynthia has worked at such publications as the Raleigh Times, the Baltimore News American, the Buffalo Courier Express, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Patuxent Publishing chain of community newspapers in Maryland, and has won numerous state awards for her reporting. As an editor, she has overseen her staffs to win many awards for indepth coverage. She and her family moved to Chester, Vermont in 2004.

VTel responds to Big Pole controversy in Chester; Andover-Chester MOUs still in play

VTel responds to Big Pole controversy in Chester; Andover-Chester MOUs still in play

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015 – Telegraph Publishing LLC Following two executive sessions to discuss legal issues with town attorney Jim Carroll, the Chester Select Board reconvened its public session after almost a 90 minutes on Thursday, May 21. After the first executive session, the board authorized Town Manager David Pisha to sign an amendment to […]

Chester Select Board revisits Andover MOU; ice cream truck permit will have to wait

Chester Select Board revisits Andover MOU; ice cream truck permit will have to wait

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC The ongoing negotiations with the Town of Andover over a Memorandum of Understanding concerning the cost of providing emergency fire and ambulance service to that town of 500 is looking more like a duel with paper swords. Since the 2007 budget, Chester has charged Andover $9,300 (up from […]

Saturday night fire destroys garage, ignites brush along Route 10

Saturday night fire destroys garage, ignites brush along Route 10

By  Cynthia Prairie © 2015 Telegraph Publishing, LLC UPDATE – 8:30 a.m. Sunday May 3:  The Chester Fire Department reports that the cause of the fire has been determined but it is not being released and that the scene has been turned over to the Chester Police Dept. The fire department also explained that downtown […]

Grafton Select Board OKs local input resolution; approves historic preservation plan for Daisy Turner property

Grafton Select Board OKs local input resolution; approves historic preservation plan for Daisy Turner property

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its Monday, March 16 meeting, the Grafton Select Board approved – with vocal disagreement from some of the attending public – a resolution created by Rutland Town government to attempt to give local jurisdictions a stronger say with the Public Service Board over the siting of renewable […]

Squeaker of a write-in contest for Grafton Select Board; sale of Town Garage OK'd

Squeaker of a write-in contest for Grafton Select Board; sale of Town Garage OK’d

It was a quiet day for Grafton officials as voters met at the Grafton Elementary School Tuesday for a less than hourlong Town Meeting, then sporadic visitation during daylong Australian balloting. The Grafton Select Board will have a new member with the write-in candidacy of Ron Pilette, who won a tight race 69 to 67 […]

Budget passes at relocated Andover Town Meeting

Budget passes at relocated Andover Town Meeting

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Failure of the Town Hall heating system forced the Andover Town Meeting to be moved to a hall at the Andover Community Church across the street, resulting in a standing room only crowd and prompting a joke from moderator Jon Bliss about the separation of church and state. Despite […]

From the editor: No surprises in complaint rejection, but hope for transparency lives on

From the editor: No surprises in complaint rejection, but hope for transparency lives on

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Two weeks ago, the Chester Select Board unanimously adopted a motion from a letter by town attorney Jim Carroll as a reply to The Chester Telegraph’s complaint that it had held an illegal executive session back in November. The Chester Telegraph claimed that the Nov. 19 executive session was […]

Fire destroys Chester home on Sunday, donations welcome

Fire destroys Chester home on Sunday, donations welcome

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015-The Chester Telegraph Chester Fire Chief Matt Wilson says that a fire that destroyed the home of Andy and Judy Lavallee on First Avenue in Chester on Sunday was not suspicious, but that the cause has not been officially confirmed. According to the Chester Fire Department, firefighters responded around 8:30 a.m. to […]

Spending issues on Town Meeting agendas for Andover, Chester, Grafton & Weston

Spending issues on Town Meeting agendas for Andover, Chester, Grafton & Weston

2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC This time of year, town governments throughout Vermont begin setting their proposed spending agendas that voters will have to vote up or down either from the floor or by Australian ballot. Below are summaries of those articles for Andover, Chester, Grafton and Weston. Because of the Tuesday snows, we’ll give you […]

From the editor: On the recent downs and ups of the Chester Telegraph

From the editor: On the recent downs and ups of the Chester Telegraph

Around 11:20 a.m. last Tuesday morning, as we were editing and writing articles for The Chester Telegraph, the company that hosted our website began experiencing instability on its servers. As you probably noticed, attempts to access the paper were met with 502 errors, 504 errors and other messages that indicated we and other websites hosted […]

Commentary: Do it in public -- a call for transparency and accountability

Commentary: Do it in public — a call for transparency and accountability

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015 The Chester Telegraph The Chester Telegraph has sent a formal letter of complaint alleging that on Nov. 19 of last year the Chester Select Board held an illegal executive session. You can read a copy of that complaint here. That seems like a pretty serious step. But the fact is that […]

Environmental judge upholds Chester DRB on Dollar General permit

Environmental judge upholds Chester DRB on Dollar General permit

By Cynthia Prairie ©2014-Telegraph Publishing LLC Environmental Judge Thomas Walsh handed the billion dollar Tennessee-based  Dollar General corporation an early Christmas present by striking down an appeal of the Chester Development Review Board’s OK of a developer’s plans for a 9,100-square-foot store across from the Country Girl Diner. The decision was signed on Monday, Dec. […]

$20 AND UNDER: Gifts they'll love without breaking your bank

$20 AND UNDER: Gifts they’ll love without breaking your bank

  By Cynthia Prairie © 2014  Telegraph Publishing LLC  Welcome to the 3rd annual Chester Telegraph Shop Local Holiday Gift Guide. Although the economy seems to be on the upswing, we felt that this year it was a good idea to focus on gifts priced at $20 and under. You may be under the impression […]

Commentary: Signs for our times

By Cynthia Prairie ©Telegraph Publishing LLC-2014 The Chester Planning Commission has begun considering making further changes to the sign regulations within the Unified Development Bylaws after tweaking them in the last go-round. (You can read them at right.) It had amended the Home Occupation and Home Business standards by cutting in half the allowable signage […]

Appeal of Environmental Court OK of Dollar General goes before VT Supreme Court

Appeal of Environmental Court OK of Dollar General goes before VT Supreme Court

By Cynthia Prairie ©2014 – Telegraph Publishing LLC MONTPELIER Chester’s Dollar General opponents took their fight to the Vermont Supreme Court Tuesday, a venue that — by its very nature as the court of final decision — awards more technical wins based on nuances of law than KOs delivered by an attorney’s one-two punch. Thirty […]

As Grafton begins to look at updating Town Plan, its citizens brainstorm

As Grafton begins to look at updating Town Plan, its citizens brainstorm

By Cynthia Prairie © 2014 – Telegraph Publishing LLC Almost 50 Grafton residents turned out at the elementary school Monday night to offer up their views of and hopes for the town that they call home. The input will be gelled into a more concise form and will likely become part of a new Grafton […]

Amid steady turnout, governor's race tight, Huntley holds slight lead against Lindberg

Amid steady turnout, governor’s race tight, Huntley holds slight lead against Lindberg

By Cynthia Prairie @The Chester Telegraph – 2014 In what appears to be a tighter than expected race, incumbent Democratic Gov. Peter Shumlin will retain his seat for another two years despite a strong showing from Republican Scott Milne. Statewide, and with 231 of 275 precincts reporting by 3 a.m., Shumlin was ahead 84,015 to […]

Children's safety at the fore at DOC meeting on transitional housing

Children’s safety at the fore at DOC meeting on transitional housing

By Cynthia Prairie ©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 The safety of Chester’s children was the main concern expressed by many of the 50 residents who turned out last Thursday to hear from three officials with the state Department of Corrections on how it chooses a home and inmates to take part in transitional housing programs […]

 Sawdust christens Chester Festival Grounds as carving event creates a Big Buzz

Sawdust christens Chester Festival Grounds as carving event creates a Big Buzz

By Cynthia Prairie ©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 The sawdust flew under bright blue skies as the Big Buzz Chainsaw Carving Festival christened the new Chester Fairgrounds this past week. About 40 carvers from as far away as Germany traveled to Chester for the weeklong event, which culminated in a busy Columbus Day weekend of […]

High waters: Two neighboring towns face very different challenges

High waters: Two neighboring towns face very different challenges

By Cynthia Prairie ©The Chester Telegraph – 2014 Londonderry and Chester are 14 miles apart and lie in two different river valleys: Londonderry in the West River; Chester in the Williams. Both were flooded in 2011 by Tropical Storm Irene, but Chester fared far worse. Then, on July 28 of this year, torrential rains soaked […]