Author Archive for Cynthia Prairie
Cynthia Prairie has been a newspaper editor more than 40 years. Cynthia has worked at such publications as the Raleigh Times, the Baltimore News American, the Buffalo Courier Express, the Chicago Sun-Times and the Patuxent Publishing chain of community newspapers in Maryland, and has won numerous state awards for her reporting. As an editor, she has overseen her staffs to win many awards for indepth coverage. She and her family moved to Chester, Vermont in 2004.
To the editor: Wilton for state treasurer
Many of the letters in support of candidates come from the candidate asking the author of the letter to write it. I can assure that this letter of support does not have that as its origination or motivation. As the chair of the finance committee of the Rutland Board of Aldermen for three years, I […]

Dollar General’s Act 250 hearing set, public invited to seek ‘party status’
After five months of quiet, Zaremba Group LLC – the developer of a proposed 9,100-square-foot Dollar General store on Main Street across from the Country Girl Diner – has filed an application for the Act 250 permit (project No. 2S0699-3) it needs to proceed with its plans. The District 2 Environmental Commission, headquartered in Springfield, […]

Chester to seek Village Center Designation
By Cynthia Prairie Leanne Tingay, coordinator of the Vermont Downtown Program, came before the Chester Select Board on Wednesday Oct. 3 to urge the board to get behind efforts within the town to achieve a state Village Center Designation. And from the enthusiasm that the board expressed following her presentation, it appears that the town […]

Chester is Prettiest Painted Place in Vermont; makes Top 60 in nationals
Chester has been named among the Top 60 finalists of the Prettiest Painted Places competition, held by the Paint Quality Institute, and the only finalist from Vermont, making it the Prettiest Painted Place in the state. Two other Vermont towns applied: Bellows Falls and Stowe. The PQI is a 23-year-old organization aimed at educating consumers, […]

Community & Arts in Brief: French classes; Rotary Cabaret coming together; interim pastor at Congregation Church
New French classes at Misty Valley Books Misty Valley Books will again offer French classes beginning Monday, Oct. 15. The Learn French courses will run for six weeks. Intermediate classes will be held on Monday evenings, beginning Oct. 15. Beginners classes will be held on Tuesday evenings, beginning Oct. 16. Both classes will run from […]

Fire destroys Brooks-Lackie house, but memories remain
Photos by Bill Revill, Lew Watters and Kaitlin O’Shea. Story follows. By Cynthia Prairie An uninhabited house in the Stone Village burns down. Although few residents have ever seen the inside of it, many are moved to grief. Within minutes of posting photographs of the smoking ruins of the Brooks-Lackie House – or Kelley’s Tavern […]

Police Log for Aug. 22 – Sept. 13, 2012
Editor’s Note: The Chester Telegraph Police Log takes incidents directly from Chester Police reports. We do not identify individual victims of crimes nor those who have been arrested. Sunday, Aug. 18, 1:26 p.m. A complainant told of a possible impaired driver along Route 103 North. The driver was located. She is elderly and said that […]
To the editor: TARPS thanks all for a great Fall Festival
The Animal Rescue and Protection Society had a successful time at this year’s Chester Rotary Club’s Fall Festival on the Green and would like to express our appreciation. Thank you to everyone who visited to our booth. We are happy to report that quite a few of our cats found new, loving homes plus we raised a lot […]

Changes in store for Lisai’s Chester Market
With Photo Gallery and Story Below By Cynthia Prairie I t’s obvious. Just look at the grocery carts. Most of the full-sized, difficult-to-turn models have been replaced by shiny sub-compact, double-decker ones that save energy as customers easily maneuver them through the aisles at Lisai’s. And there has been and will be more. Change that is. […]

Sun shines on 38th Fall Festival on the Green
A persistent high fog finally broke after noon on Saturday, Sept. 22, to bring out the crowds to the Chester Rotary’s Fall Festival on the Green. It remained a beautiful weekend almost up to the end, when clouds rolled in to cast a similar chill Sunday afternoon that had dampened Saturday morning. Within the two […]

An Old Home Day photo gallery
After a year’s absence, Chester Old Home Day and Fireworks 2012 kicked off Saturday afternoon Sept. 1 under bright skies and cheery faces. The event, put on with the help of the Chester American Legion Post 67, the Ladies Auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion, featured dance music by Sound Investment, fried dough, […]

Public offers suggestions on zoning regs; 2nd hearing set
By Cynthia Prairie Concerns about enlarged minimum property size, noise limits, property uses and the enforceability of zoning language drew about 30 Chester residents out on Monday night, Aug. 20, for the first of four public hearings to be held to take comment on proposed changes to the town’s zoning regulations. The hearing was held […]

Old Home Day, fireworks; meet Paige Turner At Misty Valley
Chester Old Home Day Sept. 1 Chester Old Home Day is set for Saturday, Sept. 1, at the American Legion property, Route 103 South. Activities begin at 3 p.m. with food, games and prizes. Live music by Sound Investment will be staged outside from 4:30 to 7:30. And fireworks will begin as darkness falls!

More brain drain at the Chester Development Review Board
By Cynthia Prairie For the fourth time in five months, an experienced member of the Development Review Board is gone. Bruce McEnaney resigned two weeks ago, after he took a job at the Jeld-Wen plant in Ludlow. This once again leaves two vacancies on the five-member board and only one person – Harry Goodell – […]

E. coli levels drop at Chester sites; two remain above acceptable levels
The latest water tests taken on July 11 by volunteers of the Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance have found that E. coli levels have dropped at all six Chester area Williams River testing sites and are at acceptable levels at four — including two that were 10 times higher than acceptable levels. Click here for the […]

Festival Series ends evening performances; focus remains Arts-in-Education
By Cynthia Prairie The 28-year-old Green Mountain Festival Series evening performances will no longer be held. The GMFS board of directors announced on Wednesday, July 11, that the series was ending its annual performance lineup to focus on its Arts-in-Education program. In announcing the decision in an email, the board wrote, “For many years the […]

63 in Class of 2012 graduate from GMUHS
By Cynthia Prairie With all the anticipation that befits a coming adventure and the sadness of leaving a place of comfort, Green Mountain High School’s Class of 2012 graduated Friday, June 15, as the sun set behind the school. Graduation ceremonies took place on the front lawn, on a cooling evening warmed by friends and […]

Family Center gets DRB OK for move to larger digs
By Cynthia Prairie The Chester-Andover Family Center has been approved for a conditional use permit by the Development Review Board so that it can move into the former Curtis’ Bar-B-Q restaurant building at 908 VT Rt. 103 S. to set up its thrift shop and first-floor food pantry. The permit still needs to be formalized […]

Wunderle out at DRB; O’Neil, Westine to fill openings
By Cynthia Prairie As many expected, the Chester Select Board did not reappoint long-time Development Review Board member Scott Wunderle to another three-year term. Instead, the board on Wednesday, June 6 appointed Amy O’Neil and Carla Westine to three-year terms. The board also declined to fill a second alternate position, after Select Board member Derek […]

Bittersweet Family Day as CAES bids farewell to Plunkard
Becky Plunkard has been with Chester-Andover Elementary School for 19 years — it’s been so long that she had to look back in her records to check, she said. Secretary, paraprofessional, special education teacher, substitute teacher, mentor, Respect Club adviser, special events and after school activities coordinator. “I have kids that I remember when they […]