Author Archive for Gloria Dufield
Gloria Dufield is a Green Mountain Union High School and University of Vermont graduate. She has more than 15 years of experience working in higher education libraries. Her most recent writing includes marketing projects for a Vermont GIS company as well as articles for a weekly publication.

Grafton residents await answers on wind project
By Gloria Dufield © 2015 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Less then a dozen community members attended Grafton’s 15-minute Select Board meeting on Monday in which topics ranged from finalizing details relating to ongoing projects, FEMA buyouts and the town garage closing, to the continued discussion on the wind project. The board voted Town Administrator Rachel Williams […]

Grafton to present wind project questions to Iberdrola; bids for town garage sale now open
By Gloria Dufield ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC Economic and workforce development, the Grafton wind energy project and the sale of the old town garage property topped a very brief Grafton Select Board meeting on Monday, Aug. 3. Alex Beck, Young Professionals coordinator for the Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies, gave a brief overview of his […]

Grafton wind info committee role questioned, town garage construction progressing
By Gloria Dufield © 2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC Wind information and the new town garage were the focus of discussions again at the Grafton Select Board meeting on Monday night, July 20. Don Dougall asked the board to clarify the purpose of the Wind Information Committee, which he felt was making an effort that was […]

Grafton considers townwide vote on wind project
By Gloria Dufield ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC The proposed wind project in Grafton continues to raise concerns for residents and again was the focus of much of the Monday, July 6 Select Board meeting. Resident Kent Armstrong began by stating that the meeting last month held jointly by landowner Meadowsend Timberlands Ltd. and project developer Iberdrola […]

Grafton residents turn out to hear details behind wind project
By Gloria Dufield ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC It was an appropriately windy evening on Tuesday, June 16, as about 75 Grafton residents gathered under a tent at Grafton Ponds for an informational session and picnic held by Meadowsend Timberlands Ltd. and Iberdrola Renewables about their proposed wind project. The two companies are the landowner and […]

CAES principal resigns, search for replacement under way
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester-Andover Elementary Principal Sherri Nichols has resigned her post after two years on the job. The CAES Board of Directors formally accepted her letter of resignation in May. She will become curriculum and staff development coordinator in the Addison-Rutland Supervisory Union, replacing Brooke Olsen-Farrell. Her salary will be $84,002, […]

Grafton residents await reopening of village grocery after surprise closing
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC The Grafton community was hit hard in May by the unexpected closing of Mae’s Cafe at 56 Townsend Road, followed closely by the announcement that the Grafton Village Market, around the corner at 162 Main St., would also be closing. Sandi Woods, who operated the Village Market for many […]

Wind developers invite skeptical Graftonites to info session; speed study on Route 121 OK’d
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC The Monday, June 1 Grafton Select Board meeting was well attended with many community members taking part in the continuing discussions on the Grafton-Windham wind project, a proposed speed limit change on Route 121 and the minimum bid on the town garage. Melissa Belcher, of Meadowsend Timberlands Ltd., a […]

Grafton ponders speed limit change on Route 121; unhappy with notifications from wind developer
By Gloria Dufield © 2015 Telegraph Publishing Although the weather was sunny and mild, a dozen residents and all five members of the Grafton Select Board were in attendance at the Monday, May 18 meeting, where discussion continued on topics from past sessions including a proposed wind project and the sale of the old town […]

CAES board adopts limited school choice
Gloria Dufield © 2015 Telegraph Publishing, LLC T he Chester-Andover Board of Directors on Monday, May 11, finalized some specific policy and processes that continue to reflect the district merger. Of most significance on this short agenda for CAES students and parents were adoption of limited school choice program within the district for the elementary […]

Grafton struggles with conflict of interest issues, wind project at Select Board meeting
By Gloria Dufield ©2015 The Chester Telegraph The Grafton Select Board of Monday, May 4, continued to focus on the Iberdrola Renewables wind project, changes in the Town Plan and whether Select Board and Planning Commission members were facing a conflict of interest in regards to both. In a breaking story, Michael Faher of the […]

Delays to Grafton Town Plan questioned; wind project again aired at Select Board
By Gloria Dufield ©2015 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Grafton Select Board meeting on Monday, April 20, had a good audience despite the rain and ongoing mud season. Board chair Sam Battaglino’s call for public comment resulted in resident Carol Lind thanking the Select Board for their work. But she also asked that members take into […]

Green Mountain school board OKs funds for use of Greven Field, considers merging some teams
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-The Chester Telegraph Sports seemed to be topic of the moment at the Green Mountain Union High school board meeting on Thursday, April 16 at the high school. It followed an hourlong executive session for a student disciplinary hearing Brendan McNamara, director of Athletics, Facilities and Transportation, kicked off the meeting by […]

CAES board works to smooth over consolidation issues, addresses school nurse concerns
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Much of the agenda at the Monday, April 13 Chester-Andover School Board meeting reflected the 2013 consolidation of Windsor Southwest Supervisory Union and the Rutland-Windsor Supervisory Union into the Two Rivers Supervisory Union. TRSU’s Innovations in Learning Committee recommended offering limited school choice for grades K-8 within the school district. […]

Grafton board seeks counsel advice on conflict of interest; considers Town Meeting date change
By Gloria Dufield ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Monday’s Grafton Select Board meeting began fairly routinely with early agenda items moving the meeting quickly to a mystery topic only listed as Kent Armstrong. Once he was announced, Armstrong asked each board member on what grounds each had decided to run for the Select Board — to which all […]