Author Archive for Henry Homeyer
Henry Homeyer is a lifetime organic gardener living in Cornish Flat, N.H. He is the author of four gardening books including The Vermont Gardener's Companion. You may reach him by e-mail at or by snail mail at PO Box 364, Cornish Flat, N.H. 03746. Please include a SASE if you wish an answer to a question by mail.

Henry Homeyer: Pruning, planting and planning
By Henry Homeyer ©2025 Telegraph Publishing LLC Whether March came in like the proverbial lion or lamb for you, March is the time when you need to pay more attention to your houseplants. Instead of watering every Sunday, you probably need to water most things twice a week – except for cacti and a few […]

Henry Homeyer: Spring brings the flower shows, the seeds and houseplant care
By Henry Homeyer ©2025 Telegraph Publishing LLC Here in Cornish Flat, N.H., this seems like an old-fashioned winter. Temperatures have been consistently below freezing, and the ground has had at least a light covering of snow most of the time. No deep snow, the kind that insulates the ground and keeps tender perennials safe, but […]

Henry Homeyer: Looking back on 2024, looking ahead to 2025
By Henry Homeyer ©2025 Telegraph Publishing LLC I’m not a big fan of unrealistic New Year’s resolutions such as “keep my papers organized and desk tidy,” for example. But I do like to spend some time each January reflecting on the gardens of the past year and making decisions about what I will do in […]

Henry Homeyer’s holiday gift guide for gardeners
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC I am a bit embarrassed to admit this, but I believed in Santa Claus longer than anyone I have ever met. Fifth grade, maybe sixth. To this day, some 70 years later, I still believe in the mystery and joy of giving wonderful gifts that suit the receiver, […]

Henry Homeyer: Final garden chores before winter sets in
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Winter is fast upon us. The shortest days of the year are ahead, but gardening is done for most of us. That being said, I still have flowers in bloom outside: My witch-hazel trees are showing gorgeous, twisty-petaled yellow flowers, even after a light snow and several hard […]

Henry Homeyer: It’s time to plant — yes, really!
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC For some of us, planting time is long past. But not for me. I am always busy in the fall, planting everything I can. It is almost time to plant garlic, which is my easiest crop of all. And I’ll soon be planting spring bulbs, both in the […]

Henry Homeyer: Putting your gardens to bed
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Despite some hot sunny days, fall is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking about cleaning up the garden and putting it to bed. No, I’m not suggesting you cut back all your perennials or pull all your vegetable plants. But October, the time most gardeners put […]

Henry Homeyer: August in the garden and in the kitchen
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC It seems to me that summer has been zooming by. Of course, I did plant many vegetables two to three weeks earlier than usual and crossed my fingers that Demon Frost would not appear. It didn’t. We’ve had a very sunny summer, and my garden is thriving. I […]

Henry Homeyer: Bloomers fit for a wedding
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC June is, traditionally, the month for weddings. It is also the time when old fashioned roses bloom, along with peonies, irises and many other great garden flowers. Is that coincidence? Perhaps. But maybe the two are linked. Let’s look at some great June flowers you can grow, and […]

Henry Homeyer: How to spring into planting
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC As the saying goes, “Spring has sprung.” In my garden, daffodils are blooming and tulips are on the way. My peas are planted. But how do you know when to plant your veggies and tender annual flowers? It’s not just about the last frost of the spring. You […]

Henry Homeyer: 10 tips for a successful garden
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Despite late snow storms that dumped deep snow over much of New England, spring is right around the corner. Let’s take a look at some keys to a successful year in the vegetable garden. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Yes, I grow about 40 […]

Henry Homeyer: It’s time to prune your fruit trees
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC March, April and May are good months to prune your fruit trees. Traditionally farmers pruned their fruit trees in March. I think they did so because they had less other work they could do at this time of year: It was too early to plant, weed or harvest. […]

Henry Homeyer: Growing and eating cardoon
By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Most years I start some onion seeds and perhaps a few artichokes indoors n February; this year I will also start some cardoon seeds at the same time. Cardoon, which is a lovely looking plant related to artichokes, is a delicious vegetable, too. Artichokes and cardoon are in […]

Henry Homeyer: Visiting a sculpture garden in winter
Editor’s note: This article is from 2012. By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC January is generally an all-white month in my garden, though this year the snow has been off to a slow start. I love the curves of drifts, the smoothness of open spaces, the contrast between snow and the outlines of my […]

Henry Homeyer: Cultivating the love of gardening in children
Editor’s Note: Henry wrote this column in 2011. By Henry Homeyer ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC If you’re a gardener, chances are that you had a parent or grandparent that introduced you to the joys of gardening. I was introduced to gardening by my maternal grandfather, John Lenat of Spencer, Mass. He was an organic gardener […]

Henry Homeyer: 2023 – a year in the garden
By Henry Homeyer © 2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC As we begin 2024, I think it is good not only to look back on the year we have just concluded, but also to plan ahead. We can’t know if we’ll be facing hot and dry or wet and soggy this summer – or perfect conditions. But […]

Henry Homeyer: Remembering Tasha Tudor (1915-2008)
Editor’s note: The Chester Telegraph has been publishing Henry Homeyer’s Notes from the Garden since 2016. Now that he has gone into ‘semi-retirement’ and writing one column a month, we’ve asked him to curate his archives of articles to find the gems he believes are pertinent to our readers. We’re happy to present this article […]

Henry Homeyer: Don’t try this at home
Editor’s note: The Chester Telegraph has been publishing Henry Homeyer’s Notes from the Garden since 2016. Now that he has gone into ‘semi-retirement’ and writing one column a month, we’ve asked him to curate his archives of articles to find the gems he believes are pertinent to our readers. We’re happy to present this article […]

Henry Homeyer: How to decorate outdoors in the winter
Editor’s note: The Chester Telegraph has been publishing Henry Homeyer’s Notes from the Garden since 2016. Now that he has gone into ‘semi-retirement’ and writing one column a month, we’ve asked him to curate his archives of articles to find the gems he believes are pertinent to our readers. We’re happy to present this first […]

New schedule for Henry Homeyer’s Notes from the Garden
Editor’s note: Henry Homeyer’s Notes from the Garden will now be running once a month through the winter. You’ll find Henry’s column in The Chester Telegraph on Dec. 10, Jan. 7, Feb. 11 and March 10. Beginning in April, look for Henry’s column twice a month.