RSSAuthor Archive for Shawn Cunningham

Schools open with masks, Ludlow man continues to object

Schools open with masks, Ludlow man continues to object

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC At a Thursday, Sept. 2 meeting, Two Rivers Supervisory Union Superintendent Lauren Fierman once again explained that when schools reopened, which they did on Tuesday, everyone in the schools would be masked for the first 10 days and after that any building that had 80 percent of […]

Chester board mulls cost of fire, ambulance coverage for Andover

Chester board mulls cost of fire, ambulance coverage for Andover

By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC Members of the Andover Select Board came to the Sept. 1 meeting of the Chester Select Board to begin discussing the cost of fire and ambulance coverage. Vermont towns are required by statute to provide fire service, however those that are too small to have a fire department […]

Weston board mulls zoning enforcement, talks reappraisal

Weston board mulls zoning enforcement, talks reappraisal

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its Tuesday, Aug. 24 meeting, the Weston Select Board heard from Zoning Administrator Will Goodwin who spoke about a rewrite of the town’s development bylaws and asked whether the board wanted to move forward on enforcing violations of the zoning regulations. Goodwin told the board that […]

Fierman outlines school opening measures at well-attended forum

Fierman outlines school opening measures at well-attended forum

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC At a time when school officials all over the country are facing meetings of unhappy, often disrupting and even threatening parents regarding their decisions on issues like masking, the Two Rivers Supervisory Union held a school-opening forum last Thursday that was, by contrast, calm and civil. Local […]

Andover board gets legal advice on short-term rentals

Andover board gets legal advice on short-term rentals

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two weeks after hearing residents speak of a short-term rental “tsunami,” the Andover Select Board received advice from attorney Jim Carroll on how they should and should not regulate that business. Via Zoom, Carroll told the board that there are a number of municipalities that either have […]

Ludlow resident disrupts GM board meeting over masking

Ludlow resident disrupts GM board meeting over masking Public forum set for Thursday as meeting over Chieftain mascot mulled

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last Thursday, the board of the Green Mountain Unified School District followed in the footsteps of the Ludlow Mount Holly District board in delegating the decisions about handling health-related issues like mask mandates to Superintendent Lauren Fierman. But before that could happen, the meeting was repeatedly and […]

Following 'vicious dog' hearing, Chester board orders dog impounded, sets conditions of release

Following ‘vicious dog’ hearing, Chester board orders dog impounded, sets conditions of release

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Select Board – acting as a quasi-judicial body under state law – judged a German shepherd named Dutchess to be vicious and ordered her impounded. According to testimony given at the hearing last Wednesday night, the dog, which is owned by Michael Horton, has bitten […]

TRSU Districts to hold public forum on school opening on Aug. 26

TRSU Districts to hold public forum on school opening on Aug. 26

Two Rivers Supervisory Union Superintendent Lauren Fierman and the principals of schools in the SU will hold an open meeting via Zoom at 6 p.m. on Thursday Aug. 26 where they will share information on the start of the school year and answer questions. The Zoom link is:

Cavendish looks at enforcing old junkyard ordinance

Cavendish looks at enforcing old junkyard ordinance

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its Aug. 9 meeting, the Cavendish Select Board discussed the enforcement of its 15-year-old “junkyard ordinance” and got some push back from one resident who says he was unfairly singled out under the law when others in town were not. Brendan McNamara told the board that […]

LMH school board delegates health decisions to administration

LMH school board delegates health decisions to administration

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Looking to a Sept. 7 opening of its schools as a highly transmissible variant of the Covid 19 coronavirus is increasing infections across the United States, the board of the Ludlow Mount Holly Unified Union School District voted last Wednesday to once again delegate decisions regarding health […]

Andover confronts short-term rental 'tsunami'

Andover confronts short-term rental ‘tsunami’

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC With a growing number of dwellings in Andover becoming short-term and vacation rentals, the Andover Select Board on Monday, Aug. 9 took public comment as well as advice from the town’s Zoning Board of Adjustment/Planning Commission on what steps can be taken to get a handle on […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Aug. 18

Chester Select Board agenda for Aug. 18

The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday Aug. 18, 2021 at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom at  Below is its agenda. Approve minutes from the Aug. 4 Select Board Meeting Citizen Comments/Answers from previous meetings Old Business Vicious Dog Hearing: Horton Whiting Library Board […]

Weston board changes planning and zoning structure, sets tax rates

Weston board changes planning and zoning structure, sets tax rates

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board revised the planning and zoning structure of the town at its meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 10, moving from a Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment to a Planning Commission and Development Review Board. This shifts the responsibility for a number of zoning […]

Chester board mulls construction finances, choices

Chester board mulls construction finances, choices

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC In an accelerated meeting last Wednesday that took visiting members of the Andover Select Board by surprise, the Chester Select Board heard from Town Manager Julie Hance about the finances and schedules of the soon to open Public Services Building on Pleasant Street and the soon to […]

TRSU board hears reopening plans, hires GM board member

TRSU board hears reopening plans, hires GM board member

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC With school reopening in one month from its Aug. 7 meeting, the board of the Two Rivers Supervisory Union heard plans for bringing students back to the classrooms while the Covid-19 pandemic continues. Superintendent Lauren Fierman told the board that with the state of emergency lifted, the […]

Kids 'go wild' with Legos

Kids ‘go wild’ with Legos TRSU summer campers build a city in six hours

Rome wasn’t built in a day – as the saying goes – but the kids in Two Rivers Supervisory Union’s Go Wild summer camp program put their city on the map in six hours with the help of a  Lego master model builder. On July 16, the Go Wild program welcomed Ian Coffey for a […]

Clearing a trail, one bite at a time

Clearing a trail, one bite at a time

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Day and night during the last two weeks of July, a band of workers quietly and methodically rid 14 acres of the new Chester hiking trail of the invasive barberry bush – by eating it. Actually the 16 goats – from Slippery Slope Farm in Londonderry – […]

Weston tax rate still up in the air

Weston tax rate still up in the air Public hearing set for Aug. 10 on switching from Zoning Board to DRB

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board on Monday, July 27, once again passed on approving the town tax rates but did reinstate a 3 percent late fee for property taxes that had been waived last year due to the pandemic. At its July 13 meeting, the board had questions […]

In policy shift, feds to redirect 'county' ARPA funds to Vermont towns

In policy shift, feds to redirect ‘county’ ARPA funds to Vermont towns $121 million had been destined to 14 court 'jurisdictions'

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC In a phone call to U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont last night, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin confirmed that her department would issue new guidance today specifying that Vermont’s 14 counties do not constitute “units of general government,” and will therefore send $121 million more in […]

Public weighs in on Chester greenhouse proposal

Public weighs in on Chester greenhouse proposal Select Board continues speed limit talk; town garage rehab hits a budget wall

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Before taking up the regular business of its agenda for Wednesday, July 21, the Chester Select Board held a forum for the organizers of the community greenhouse project to explain what they are working on to the public, answer  community questions and take comments and suggestions. Around […]