RSSAuthor Archive for Shawn Cunningham

2 TRSU schools to participate in state Covid testing program

2 TRSU schools to participate in state Covid testing program Senior prom to be held; TRSU joins SU consortium

Correction: In the story below The Telegraph reported that Green Mountain High School would hold a prom this year open to both juniors and seniors. This was a misunderstanding and in fact there will be a seniors only prom and the junior class will wait until next year to hold its prom. We regret any […]

Chester board OKs three events; wayfinding signs in limbo as state panel goes missing

Chester board OKs three events; wayfinding signs in limbo as state panel goes missing

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Select Board was in an agreeable state of mind last Wednesday night, giving all three organizations that came before them the permissions and support they asked for including use of town property, police security and the nod to conduct a second coin drop on Route […]

Weston board mulls May 25 Town Meeting

Weston board mulls May 25 Town Meeting

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC While the Weston Select Board decided on Tuesday, May 25  for its annual meeting back in January and voted to warn the meeting for that date back on March 23, there seemed to be a fair amount of confusion around the event at last Tuesday’s regular meeting. […]

Chester Planning Commission takes a step toward consensus

Chester Planning Commission takes a step toward consensus

By Shawn  Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC While it may have been the most constructive meeting of the Chester Planning Commission since Feb. 17, the word “quagmire” best described the Monday night meeting right up to the final minutes when its members — less Barre Pinske who exited abruptly apparently upset at the direction […]

Chester High/GM alums postpone annual celebration to 2022

Chester High/GM alums postpone annual celebration to 2022

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Citing ongoing concern about the Covid-19 pandemic, Chester High/Green Mountain Alumni Association director Jon Clark, a 1977 graduate,  says that the organization will again forgo holding its regular annual festivities — including the parade — this June, but will instead begin planning for the 2022 celebrations. The […]

Chester board reaffirms paper of record decision, adds The Commons as well

Chester board reaffirms paper of record decision, adds The Commons as well Members call Press Association's claims 'condescending,' 'bullying'

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Select Board reaffirmed its March 18 decision to name The Chester Telegraph the town’s paper of record last Wednesday, but also decided to add a printed paper – The Commons – for its required legal notices. The choice reflected the board’s displeasure with the way […]

After reorganization fracas, planning panel looks forward

After reorganization fracas, planning panel looks forward

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two weeks after a contentious reorganization meeting, which saw the chair elected by a coin flip and the nomination of a vice chair as “a joke,” the Chester Planning Commission was back together on Monday night but seeming more restrained in front of a guest – Jason […]

After heated votes, GM board looks at what's next

After heated votes, GM board looks at what’s next

By Shawn Cunningham and Cynthia Prairie ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Thursday’s meeting of the board of the Green Mountain Unified School District left few members — if any — feeling unbloodied from the voting process and the public’s reaction. During the meeting some members complained of receiving threats for voting ‘no’ to approving a one […]

A single vote changes and GM board appoints Keith Hill principal

A single vote changes and GM board appoints Keith Hill principal

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC In an often contentious  and confusing meeting on Thursday night, the Green Mountain Unified School District Board looked at a bleak prospect and voted 5-4 to rescind its recent vote to reject its superintendent’s recommendation for a new high school principal. With four members continuing to stand […]

Six GM board members say what went into principal voting decisions

Six GM board members say what went into principal voting decisions

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The actual deliberations that went into the Green Mountain Unified School District board’s decision not to offer GM teacher Keith Hill a one-year contract as principal will remain shrouded by the executive session where they took place. But The Telegraph asked board members to share their personal […]

Chester board gets feedback on paper of record choice

Chester board gets feedback on paper of record choice

By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC Before calling its meeting to order on the evening of Wednesday, April 7, the Chester Select Board held a forum to hear public comments on its decision to name The Chester Telegraph as the town’s paper of record for legally required public notices for the coming year. For […]

Chester board passes on reversing course on Mosher land

Chester board passes on reversing course on Mosher land

By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC At its March 17 meeting, the Chester Select Board heard from project managers who will consolidate the Thompson and Jewett bridges along Route 103 North into one bridge. Before getting deeply into the design phases of the project, they wanted to see if  Chester would change course and […]

GM board rejects principal recommendation 4-3

GM board rejects principal recommendation 4-3

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC By a vote of 4-3 with one abstention, the board of the Green Mountain Unified School District late Tuesday night rejected the recommendation of Two Rivers Superintendent Lauren Fierman to name Keith Hill the next principal of Green Mountain High School. Hill, a social studies teacher in […]

Fractious Chester Planning Commission elects chair on a coin flip

Fractious Chester Planning Commission elects chair on a coin flip

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Planning Commission met on Monday night for the first time since the town’s Select Board removed one member and appointed two more. What that appeared to create was two factions with differing views of zoning and the tie-breaking vote in the hands of a newcomer […]

New dimensions in Chester zoning proposal

New dimensions in Chester zoning proposal

March 17: Huge changes possible in Chester’s proposed new bylaws March 24: Proposed zoning bylaws raise questions of uses, costs By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Allowed uses — such as single family home, restaurant, retail shop or light industry to name just a few —  are not the only way of crafting […]

Photo gallery: Great Cavendish Easter egg hunt

Photo gallery: Great Cavendish Easter egg hunt

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC There wasn’t a cloud in the sky on Saturday morning as the Cavendish Recreation Department held its annual Easter Egg Hunt. But while the sunshine was bright, the freezing temperatures and gusty winds made the event a chilly one at Greven Field. After all 37 children were […]

School community meets, questions GM principal candidates

School community meets, questions GM principal candidates

 By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Each of the two finalists for the GM principal post were scheduled to meet with the public on Tuesday night to talk about their experience and qualifications and to answer questions about how they would handle running the high school. The candidates are Gwen Hagenbarth of Killington […]

Chester board appoints interim Zoning Administrator, again

Chester board appoints interim Zoning Administrator, again Current ZA steps down after four months

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Just days short of completing her fourth month as Chester’s Zoning Administrator, Jill Barger unexpectedly resigned late last week. Then on Tuesday afternoon of this week, the town’s Select Board re-appointed Cathy Hasbrouck to the position of interim ZA until another candidate can be appointed to the […]

Propane leak forces dental clinic in Chester to evacuate

Propane leak forces dental clinic in Chester to evacuate

By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC A large propane leak at the Chester Dental Clinic just west of downtown this morning brought out firefighters from Chester and Proctorsville on a busy day of high wind-related calls. Upon arrival, Chester Fire Chief Matt Wilson said, his crew used gas meters to detect a high […]

Proposed zoning bylaws raise questions of uses and costs

Proposed zoning bylaws raise questions of uses and costs

LAST WEEK: Huge changes possible in Chester’s proposed new bylaws NEXT WEEK: Subdivision, lot sizes, setbacks, frontage and the “building envelope” By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Nothing characterizes the differences between the Unified Development Bylaws in force today and those being finalized by Chester’s Planning Commission better than their respective zoning maps. […]