RSSAuthor Archive for The Chester Telegraph

Frances Webb, 89, of Chester

Frances Webb, 89, of Chester

Frances Webb, 89, passed away peacefully at her Chester home on Sept. 30, 2024. She was born Frances Ahmann on April 9, 1935, on a small farm in Hartsburg, Missouri, the third of four siblings. Tragically, both parents, Raymond and Martha Ahmann, were lost to cancer by the time Frances was just 13. She graduated […]

Shrouded in mystery, Weston's 'Woman in Black' twists time and reality

Shrouded in mystery, Weston’s ‘Woman in Black’ twists time and reality

By Cara Philbin ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Theater Company’s final theatrical offering of the season, The Woman in Black, has all the trappings of an old fashioned ghost story to get you in the mood for a spine-tingling Halloween. Set on the melancholy shores of Victorian England, a settling of matters compels a […]

To the editor: Chase demonstrates leadership and knowledge of issues

To the editor: Chase demonstrates leadership and knowledge of issues

Greetings to the Voters of Chester, Grafton, Windham and Athens, It is with great pleasure that I endorse Heather Chase for re-election for another two-year term as our State Representative serving Chester, Grafton, Windham and Athens. I had the opportunity to serve with Heather for several years on the Chester Select Board before serving myself […]

To the editor: Jonynas endorses Chase for re-election

To the editor: Jonynas endorses Chase for re-election

It is my privilege to endorse Heather Chase for reelection to the Vermont State House for the Windham/Windsor district. Heather has been a strong proponent of fair and considerate legislation in the interest of all Vermonters. She is open and receptive to the needs and concerns of her fellow neighbor constituents. She is always willing […]

To the editor: To save Vermonters, vote Republican Nov. 5

To the editor: To save Vermonters, vote Republican Nov. 5

Many residents of Windsor County and all of Vermont are struggling. I am one of them. My property taxes went up by another $800 this year. Woodstock residents saw a 30 percent increase in their education property taxes. Similarly, there was a 34 percent increase in Bridgewater, 26 percent in Thetford and 16.6 percent in […]

Richard Wallace, 94, of East Acworth, N.H.

Richard Wallace, 94, of East Acworth, N.H.

Richard A. Wallace 94, passed away peacefully in his home in East Acworth, N.H., on the last day of summer, Sept. 21, 2024 after a very short period of declining health.  Family, favorite pictures and pets were ever near-by and he was surrounded with love. He was blessed to have enjoyed over 31 years of […]

To the editor: Rep. Chase has been attentive to Windham taxpayer needs

To the editor: Rep. Chase has been attentive to Windham taxpayer needs

I am writing to support the reelection of Heather Chase, delegate to the Vermont House from the Windham-Windsor District. Heather Chase has kept our community of Windham well-informed about legislation being considered in Montpelier.  She has met in person with Windham residents, attended our community events and has submitted articles regularly to our community newsletter. […]

To the editor: Density based zoning doesn't belong in Chester's rural districts

To the editor: Density based zoning doesn’t belong in Chester’s rural districts

On Sept. 18, the Chester Planning Commission presented the Select Board with proposed changes to the Rural Zoning District Bylaws. Due to questions and concerns that arose during this hearing regarding replacing Minimum Lot Size Requirements with Density Based Zoning, the Select Board voted to continue the public hearing to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. […]

College News

College News

Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester, N.H., congratulates the following students on being named to the summer 2024 President’s List. The summer terms run from May to August. Those local students are: Claudia Sammartano of Weston Noah Vittum of Springfield Eva Gagnon of Springfield Hayley Russell of Springfield Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a […]

Windham Foundation seeks buyer or partner for cash infusion for Grafton Cheese Co.

Windham Foundation seeks buyer or partner for cash infusion for Grafton Cheese Co.

The Windham Foundation of Grafton has announced that it is seeking a partner or buyer for the 132-year-old Grafton Village Cheese Co. A co-operative program of the foundation for decades, the cheese company is the award-winning producer of hand-crafted aged cheddar and cave-aged sheep milk cheeses. Part of the mission of the Windham Foundation is […]

Red Cross Blood Drive at GMUHS Oct. 10

Red Cross Blood Drive at GMUHS Oct. 10

From noon to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 10, Green Mountain Union High will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive at the school’s gymnasium, 716 VT Route 103. When you donate blood, you’ll receive a $10 Amazon gift card by email. You will also automatically be entered for a chance to win one of […]

Chester's Festival on the Green celebrates 50 years of fun, family and the arts

Chester’s Festival on the Green celebrates 50 years of fun, family and the arts

© 2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Festival on the Green started 50 years ago as the  Sale on the Green.  And while it has been through a number of changes of the years — including who manages it and what is sold — it has still become an iconic tradition for Chester and all […]

To the editor: Sen. Clarkson works hard for Windsor County

To the editor: Sen. Clarkson works hard for Windsor County

The people in Windsor District are so fortunate to have Alison Clarkson representing us in the Vermont Senate where she is majority leader.  Clarkson is one of our three state senators from the Windsor District and is seeking re-election for her 5th term in the Senate. In her 20 years representing our communities, in both […]

Joan Pickering, 83, formerly of Jamaica

Joan Pickering, 83, formerly of Jamaica

Joan Eleanor (Morrison) Pickering, a former resident of Jamaica, Vt., passed away peacefully at her daughter’s home in Rochester, N.H., on Sept. 6, 2024, at the age of 83. Joan was born Nov. 28, 1940, to George and Elinor (Peck) Morrison. She grew up in Jamaica, Vt., and graduated from Leland & Gray Seminary in […]

Chris Morrow won the seat vacated by Rep. Kelly Pajala File photo

To the editor: State House candidate Morrow on ‘listening tour’ this week

My name is Chris Morrow. I am running for state representative from Andover, Londonderry, Weston and Winhall, the Windham-Windsor-Bennington District. If you would like to meet me and discuss state government, I am on a listening tour with an event in each town over the coming week. Please join me! Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 5 […]

To the editor: State legislature's priorities do not include us

To the editor: State legislature’s priorities do not include us

In a letter to the editor of The Chester Telegraph last week, state Sen. Alison Clarkson talked about the large property tax increase.  In essence, she said they saw the education costs rising rapidly but did nothing about it for three years because they had “free” Covid money they could use to hide the issue […]

To the editor: Progressive policies are making Vermonters poorer

To the editor: Progressive policies are making Vermonters poorer

Concerning Sen. Alison Clarkson’s recent letter to the editor: Clarkson on why taxes increased so much and what can be done about it: The Vermont legislature is so out of touch with hard working Vermonters that I find it offensive how they find every excuse to blame high property taxes on nearly everything but themselves. […]

Abbigale Williams awarded Andover Scholarship

Abbigale Williams awarded Andover Scholarship

Abbigale Williams is this year’s recipient of the Andover Scholarship. She graduated from River Valley Technical Center and Green Mountain Union High School and will be majoring in criminal justice at Elmira College in Elmira, N.Y. Her goal is to become a game warden. She is the daughter of Wesley Williams, one of 70 previous […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Sept. 18

Chester Select Board agenda for Sept. 18

The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 18 at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and via Zoom. Click here to access the meeting using Zoom. Below is its agenda. 1. Hearing on Unified Development Bylaw Amendment 2. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda 3. Approval of Minutes from the Special […]

GMUSD Board agenda for Sept. 19

GMUSD Board agenda for Sept. 19

The Green Mountain Unified School District Board will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday Sept. 19, 2024 at the Green Mountain High School, 716 Route 103 South and via Zoom. To join the meeting go to: Below is the board’s agenda. I. CALL TO ORDER: A. Roll call II. APPROVAL OF […]