Author Archive for Kevin Theissen
Kevin M. Theissen, principal and financial advisor at Skygate Financial Group LLC, has more than 20 years of experience as an investment advisor, wealth manager and tax professional.

Wise Money: Create a healthy relationship with money
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2018-Telegraph Publishing LLC Here are six steps for a healthy relationship with your money. Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst We go through many tough experiences in life, most of which are not our fault: job loss, unforeseen illness, accidents, etc. Unfortunate circumstances happen – be prepared […]

Wise Money: What about dividends?
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC When interest rates reach historic lows, some investors in search of income-generating investments turn to dividend-yielding stocks. Dividends are taxable payments made by a company to its shareholders. When a company makes a profit, that money can be put to two uses: It can be […]

Wise Money: A primer on Living Trusts
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC Aliving trust is a popular consideration in many estate strategy conversations, but its appropriateness will depend upon your individual needs and objectives. A living trust is created while you are alive and funded with the assets you choose to transfer into it. The trustee (typically […]

Estate management checklist to help yourself, your heirs
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC Here’s an estate management checklist. But before we proceed, one key difference between a will and a living trust is when they take effect. A will takes effect when you die; a living trust takes effect when you execute it, and begins to operate when […]

Can the spam: Avoid problems of digital scams
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC Beware of spam! While some may be concerned about the iconic American meat that arrives in a rectangular 12-ounce tin (and is popular in certain island states and American territories), more should be wary of its namesake – the spam that arrives digitally as email, […]

College loans a tough lesson for students to learn
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC College students have steep learning curves. In high school, they were tasked with doing well academically, participating in extracurricular activities, complying with the rules of their parents’ homes and, possibly, having a job. At college, they must decide what to study, how many credits to […]

Health savings account can fatten to your retirement fund
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC Wouldn’t it be something if you could plump up your retirement savings as easily as you can put on a few pounds eating fast food? Here’s one way to do it: Open a health savings account — an HSA. It offers a triple tax advantage […]

Plan for your aging self; safeguard against elder abuse
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC ©2017-Telegraph Publishing LLC We are all, inexorably, marching toward old age. By 2030, 72 million Americans will be age 65 or older. The good news is longevity has been improving, with people are remaining healthy and vibrant at older ages. The bad news is cultural perceptions of “old” […]

Retirement alchemy: Turn after-tax contributions into Roth savings
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC In medieval times, alchemists sought methods for transforming ordinary metals into gold. Today, just about every adult searches for a means of transforming savings into a retirement’s worth of income. Recently, they received help from an unexpected source – the Internal Revenue Service. In 2014, our nation’s tax […]

It’s tax time, but don’t pay more than you have to
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC Who among us wants to pay the IRS more taxes than we have to? While few may raise their hands, Americans regularly overpay because they fail to take tax deductions for which they are eligible. Here’s a quick look at the six most overlooked opportunities to manage your […]

Pull retirement funds from a number of solid sources
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC Here’s a million-dollar question: How will you transform your savings into income that will last throughout your retirement? According to the Social Security Administration, at age 65, a woman can expect to live for 21.6 more years and a man for 19.3 more years. However, 25 percent of […]

12 things to do before you ring in the New Year
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC Here are 12 things to do before the ball drops to usher in the New Year. 12. Leverage your Health Plan Deductible Have you hit your health plan deductible for the year? Then now might be the best time to consider getting to the doctor to check out […]

Relieve money stress by talking honestly with your partner
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC If you ask people what creates stress in their lives, money is often at the top of the list. Stress in America: Paying With Our Health found money was a somewhat or a very significant source of stress in the lives of 64 percent of Americans, primarily parents, […]

Begin planning now for that inevitable day
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group, LLC National Estate Planning Awareness Week (Oct. 17-23) is a reminder for all of us to make sure our affairs are in order. Estate planning is a critically overlooked component of financial wellness. More than half of Americans, an estimated 56 percent, do not have an estate plan in […]

When looking for financial advice, seek a fiduciary
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group, LLC If you were to stand out on the street and ask a handful of people the meaning of fiduciary and how it relates to financial services, you would likely get a bunch of responses like, “I don’t know” and maybe a few like, “I don’t care.” If you […]

Make wise money management your ‘family business’
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC Like it or not, we’re all involved in running the “family business.” We worry that our parents might outlive their retirement savings. We’re comforted by the thought that family members would probably bail us out if we got into money trouble. We strive to help our children financially, […]

Learn how to manage student loan debt
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC If college were a party, then student loans would be the hangover. Unfortunately, the “hair of the dog” won’t cure this headache, but here are some ideas for managing your student loan debt. Income-Based Repayment Programs — Under one income-based repayment program, your outstanding loan balance may be […]

Start preparing for retirement: Save, gain confidence in investing
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC Almost 50 percent of Americans are either “not confident” or just “slightly confident” in their ability to make the right investment decisions for their retirement accounts. This is according to the Federal Reserve Board’s third annual Survey of Household Economics and Decision-making. Many Americans don’t spend time on […]

Clever election cycle stock market theories not as sound as long-term investing
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC Super Bowl winners, the length of hemlines and Sports Illustrated covers – all of these have been used to develop theories about the direction in which stock markets may be headed. Presidential elections and terms have also inspired a significant number of theories. Rational and not-so-rational decision making […]

Financial literacy — for children and adults — starts at home
By Kevin Theissen Skygate Financial Group LLC April is officially recognized as National Financial Literacy Month since the passing of Senate Resolution 316 in March 2004. The effort was to highlight the importance of financial literacy and teach Americans how to establish and maintain healthy financial habits. Many government and private efforts have been established, […]