RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Spring brings Sunshine Acres' 19th season

To the editor: Spring brings Sunshine Acres’ 19th season

Spring is here at last, and bulbs and perennials – planted by Chester Townscape volunteers – are beginning to bloom at public locations around town. Soon to follow, when the danger of frost has passed, will be the annuals in bridge boxes and planters that make Chester such an attractive and joy-filled town for visitors, […]

Op-ed: What could go wrong? Senate Finance Committee bakes a broadband cake

Op-ed: What could go wrong? Senate Finance Committee bakes a broadband cake

By Sen. Randy Brock Imagine if you were baking a birthday cake and you had the benefit of having the Vermont Senate Finance Committee helping you. That’s what it’s like as we debate how to extend broadband throughout Vermont.  The birthday we want to celebrate is coming soon and we have to make decisions about […]

To the editor: Vt. Women's Caucus stands with Asian-Americans against hate

To the editor: Vt. Women’s Caucus stands with Asian-Americans against hate

We, of the Women’s Legislative Caucus, are writing to express both our sadness and anger at the recent acts of hatred and violence in Georgia against Asian Americans which resulted in the killing of eight people including six Asian American women. The latest violence toward the Asian community, and these women in particular, is fueled […]

Op-ed: 2 proposals would amend Vt. Constitution

Op-ed: 2 proposals would amend Vt. Constitution

By Sen. Alison Clarkson The Vermont Constitution is a living document and, as such, is allowed to be amended. However, the authors of our Constitution in 1777 did not make it an easy document to amend. It is a multi-year process, requiring review and approval in two consecutive legislative biennia (in this case 2019-20 and […]

Editorial: Give Keith Hill the contract

Editorial: Give Keith Hill the contract

By Cynthia Prairie editor, The Chester Telegraph ©2021 Telegraph Publishing There have been plenty of instances over the years that The Telegraph has been covering various boards when members claim that their decision is based upon the recommendations of either another body or of the general public, whom they have been elected to represent. So […]

To the editor: School staffs wear red to support Keith Hill for GM principal

To the editor: School staffs wear red to support Keith Hill for GM principal Public asked to attend April 15 GM board meeting

Green Mountain and Cavendish Town Elementary school faculty and staff today wore red in solidarity and support of the recommendation by both the search committee and Two Rivers Supervisory Union Superintendent Lauren Fierman that Keith Hill be appointed principal of Green Mountain Union High School. The board’s rejection of the recommendation has caused confusion and […]

To the editor: State should not burden state workers with retirement shortfall

To the editor: State should not burden state workers with retirement shortfall

I urge our state government NOT to support the current proposal that would put the burden of the retirement shortfall on our teachers and state employees.  The current teachers and state employees should be not responsible for the mismanagement of the retirement fund by prior state administrations. Asking teachers/state employees to delay retirement for less […]

To the editor: Gut check finds we are what we eat

To the editor: Gut check finds we are what we eat

Facts: Up to 287 chemicals have been found in the umbilical cord of newborns; the rate of autoimmune diseases, diabetes, obesity and cancers have increased along with the increase in the use of glyphosate; even non-GMO crops such as wheat, oats, barley and potatoes, are sprayed with glyphosate before harvesting; the Maximum Residue Level of […]

Op-ed: Bock on legislative progress in Montpelier

Op-ed: Bock on legislative progress in Montpelier

By state Rep. Tom Bock Windsor-3-1 Nothing about the 2021-2022 legislative session in Montpelier has been business as usual. It began as no other like it, in total virtual mode with legislators “Zooming in” from 150 locales across Vermont. Despite these challenges, we are making progress on critical goals. Our focus continues to be on […]

Op-ed: Sunshine Week celebrates open government -- even in a pandemic

Op-ed: Sunshine Week celebrates open government — even in a pandemic

By Jim Condos Vermont Secretary of State “Work Like There Are 625,000 Vermonters Looking Over Our Shoulders” Covid-19 has strained so many of our institutions over the last year. As our Vermont government agencies work to support our state through this crisis, we must always work to maintain the public’s right to know. Fortunately, in […]

To the editor: Chester Planning Commission outlines its work on updating bylaws

To the editor: Chester Planning Commission outlines its work on updating bylaws

Due to some recent confusion surrounding the Chester Planning Commission’s work on rewriting the town’s Unified Development Bylaws, or UDBs, the Commission feels that it’s important to provide clarity and insight to that process. The UDBs are being rewritten so as to be closely aligned with the existing Town Plan and Chester Village Master Plan […]

Sen. Clarkson: Pandemic Zooming has made Montpelier more accessible

Sen. Clarkson: Pandemic Zooming has made Montpelier more accessible

By Sen. Alison Clarkson Town Meeting week certainly was different this year. While I missed the in-person visits, delicious food and touring around Windsor District, our virtual Zoom Town Informational Meetings enabled me to stop in to 10 gatherings. Without having to drive half an hour or 45 minutes between meetings, I was afforded the […]

To the editor: For his 80th, Paul Ippolito shares his 80 favorite songs

To the editor: For his 80th, Paul Ippolito shares his 80 favorite songs

For the past 52 years, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of singing and playing guitar with groups of all ages from young children to senior citizens in Chester, Springfield, Ludlow and surrounding communities. In March I will be 80 years young, so I put together a list of my 80 favorite songs which I’d […]

To the editor: Vote for Chase for Chester Select Board

To the editor: Vote for Chase for Chester Select Board

We are supporting Heather Chase in her campaign for re-election as one of three candidates for a three-year position on the Chester Select Board. Having served on the Select Board for six years, Heather has demonstrated good leadership in maintaining and improving Chester as a comfortable and livable place for us to live, work and […]

To the editor: Hoser would bring unique abilities to Chester Select Board

To the editor: Hoser would bring unique abilities to Chester Select Board

Having personally been in need of emergency services in the last few years, I’ve been fortunate to have had the very competent services of physician assistant Will Hoser on a number of occasions. I received not just effective medical care from him, but also the comfort and reassurance of his caring manner. The warmth and […]

To the editor: Vote for Hoser for Chester Select Board

To the editor: Vote for Hoser for Chester Select Board

Dedication and commitment to one’s community are the hallmarks of a good public servant, and that is why I am delighted to write a letter in support of Will Hoser for a one-year term on Chester’s Select Board. I have known Will for 16 years and know that he is someone who really cares about […]

Op-ed: VPR/Vermont PBS -- The Vermont media conglomerate

Op-ed: VPR/Vermont PBS — The Vermont media conglomerate

By Matt Krauss The largest non-profit media organization in Vermont history –made up of Vermont Public Radio and the Vermont Public Broadcasting System — will soon have 117 employees, an annual budget $18 million and $91 million in assets. Seven Days has around 43 employees; VtDigger around 22. How many at your local newspaper? Its […]

To the editor: Chase has proven track record on Chester Select Board

To the editor: Chase has proven track record on Chester Select Board

The first time met Heather Chase, I was a new state representative. She approached me (at the Post Office to be exact) to discuss an issue she felt was important to Chester. Over the course of my six years in the legislature, I often heard from Heather on issues that touched on the well-being and […]

To the editor: Chester greenhouse project thanks supporters

To the editor: Chester greenhouse project thanks supporters

Chester Community Greenhouse & Gardens is sincerely grateful to the Town of Chester Select Board for its Feb. 3, 2021 letter supporting our proposed community greenhouse project. What began as just an idea discussed by a few avid gardeners at the beginning of the pandemic, has taken root to become a full-fledged non-profit organization in […]

To the editor: On 100th anniversary, remember Vermont was slow to accept women's suffrage

To the editor: On 100th anniversary, remember Vermont was slow to accept women’s suffrage

Monday, Feb. 8, 2021, marks the 100th anniversary of Vermont’s ratification of the 19thAmendment granting women the right to vote, coming almost six months following its adoption and after women had voted in November 1920. Contrary to its history of progressive change, Vermont lagged behind the nation on women’s suffrage. Legislators resisted the reform for […]