RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Gustafson announces run for Chester Select Board

To the editor: Gustafson announces run for Chester Select Board

My name is Lee Gustafson, and I am running for a one-year term for Select Board. I have lived in Chester since 2002, built my own house, and established a successful renewable energy business serving local and neighboring community residents. My children grew up in Chester, and I feel it is time to give back […]

Op-ed: The well-vetted immigrants

Op-ed: The well-vetted immigrants

By Aleks Hunter Last summer, I was a guest of Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Hanover, N.H., as a cardiac patient. I was initially examined by a doctor from China, then treated by a team led by a doctor from Germany, with one one from Pakistan, one from Turkey and a resident from India. My […]

Editorial: Chester Select Board should reject secrecy

Editorial: Chester Select Board should reject secrecy

A few days before each meeting, members of the Chester Select Board receive a packet of documents relating to upcoming agenda items. Among the draft minutes from previous meetings and liquor license renewal applications for Wednesday’s session is a recommendation from Town Manager David Pisha for how the board should interview candidates for the Planning […]

Op-ed: Vermont needs an independent Ethics Commission now

Op-ed: Vermont needs an independent Ethics Commission now

By Jim Condos Vermont Secretary of State The Vermont Constitution (Chapter 1, Article 6) demands that our elected officials are open, transparent and accountable. The authors understood how transparency in government is the very basis of trust. State statute also demands access and accountability: It is the policy of this subchapter to provide for free […]

To the editor: Scientists foresaw destabilizing climate change 30 years ago

To the editor: Scientists foresaw destabilizing climate change 30 years ago

In cleaning out some old papers, I stumbled on a New York Times article from March 20, 1988 titled “Instability of Climate Defies Computer Analysis” that I had cut out and saved. I believe that it was the first time I had encountered the concept of climate change and found it so intriguing that the […]

To the editor: Reform alimony support and maintenance laws

To the editor: Reform alimony support and maintenance laws

The men and women of Vermont Alimony Reform brought the issue of antiquated spousal support and maintenance laws to the attention of the legislature when we testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last spring. According to the most recent statistics, about 3.5 of every 1,000 Vermonters are divorced every year. Each year, that means almost […]

Op-ed: In its latest test, the Electoral College failed

Op-ed: In its latest test, the Electoral College failed

By Dick McCormack I have received many communications from folks indignant that the presidential candidate who got the most votes was not elected president by the Electoral College. These folks recognize that a constitutional amendment abolishing the Electoral College is unlikely, and so focus their concerns on defending Vermont’s existing National Popular Vote law. I’m […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all who helped with holiday distribution

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all who helped with holiday distribution

The staff and clients of Black River Good Neighbor Services offer their sincere thanks to all who made our annual holiday food and gift distribution possible. Again this year our staff and volunteers packed and distributed dinners and toys to many community residents who would otherwise have a bleak holiday. On Dec. 19, some 30 […]

To the editor: Kurn Hattin thanks all who made Christmas grand

To the editor: Kurn Hattin thanks all who made Christmas grand

As part of a long-standing annual tradition, the Chester Rotary Club coordinated a much-anticipated visit by some very special friends. On Thursday, Dec. 15, Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, the Grinch and an entourage of elves came to Kurn Hattin Homes, going from cottage to cottage with a magical sack of presents for the wide-eyed children! […]

To the editor: Thanks to a local Santa for going the extra miles

To the editor: Thanks to a local Santa for going the extra miles

I would like to express my thankfulness for the kind deed by Bill who works at Balance Designs Inc., the parent company of Vew-Do Balance Boards and Snurfer boards, a hometown business located in Manchester, VT. I wanted to order a few Snow Snurfers for my girls and made an error in the delivery ZIP […]

To the editor: CAES Student Council thanks all who helped with Food Drive

To the editor: CAES Student Council thanks all who helped with Food Drive

We, the Student Council at Chester-Andover Elementary School, just finished the Project Feed the Thousands Food Drive. We collected over 250 food items for the Chester-Andover Family Center. The Family Center is very excited about the donation, and we would like to thank all the students and staff at CAES for sharing with others. We […]

REVISED: To the editor: Chester Rotary thanks VCS angels for helping with Kurn Hattin event

REVISED: To the editor: Chester Rotary thanks VCS angels for helping with Kurn Hattin event

I would like to apologize for an error in an earlier Letter to the editor  in which I stated that the Grinch gifts distributed at the Kurn Hattin School were provided by a small number of employees at the Rockingham Vermont Country Store. Almost all of the employees contribute to this project, and the Vermont […]

To the editor: 2017 Chester business brochure seeks more entries

To the editor: 2017 Chester business brochure seeks more entries

The Chester Economic Development Committee will be distributing updates on local economic development and business activities to make our community aware of initiatives under way. Chester business brochure Last year, more than 9,000 copies of the Chester business brochures were distributed to travelers through Vermont Information Centers, information racks in 100-plus businesses in southeastern Vermont, […]

To the editor: Act 46, health care on tap for 2017 Vt. legislature

To the editor: Act 46, health care on tap for 2017 Vt. legislature

The coming 2017  legislative session in Montpelier, which begins on Wednesday, Jan. 4, will present challenging questions. (The easy questions answer themselves.) Here are some of the big ones: Implementation of Act 46 has proven difficult for folks at the local level. How to consolidate choice and non-choice towns? What to do about overly long […]

To the editor: Sen. McCormack looks to future under new leaders

To the editor: Sen. McCormack looks to future under new leaders

Deer season is wrapping up and Thanksgiving with family is a fond memory. The campaign seems like a distant memory but the election was a mere three weeks ago. On this lazy weekend post-Thanksgiving, I am taking time to reflect. I’m filled with gratitude toward so many people who worked to help me in my […]

To the editor: A nation of immigrants should stand against hate

To the editor: A nation of immigrants should stand against hate

On Sunday, Nov. 20, I stopped to get gas at the Chester Citgo. On the back window of the pick-up truck parked in front of me were large letters in the shape of a map of the United States that spelled out: “F**k off/We’re full.” I immediately thought of my immigrant great-grandparents, of how hard […]

To the editor: Two Rivers Act 46 committee seeks public feedback

To the editor: Two Rivers Act 46 committee seeks public feedback

The Two Rivers Supervisory Union Act 46 committee met on Oct. 25 and Nov. 1 to engage with members of the public, review administrative recommendations for the education of students in grades pre-K through grade 12, and review tax rate projections. The charge of the Act 46 committee is: “To study the advisability of forming […]

To the editor: Clarkson, McCormack, Nitka a winning Senate team

To the editor: Clarkson, McCormack, Nitka a winning Senate team

This year, as a political science major in college, I saw a lot of my classmates abandon the field as they began to look for jobs. They did not want to be a part of a broken system – a system that amplifies partisan bickering, represents the voices of companies instead of the American people, […]

To the editor: Vermonters lucky to have pro-environment candidates

To the editor: Vermonters lucky to have pro-environment candidates

Like me, you might be feeling dismayed by the current presidential election cycle. Yet, while tabloid-style politics grabs the national media attention, back at home we are lucky to have local candidates for the Vermont legislature who we can be proud of. Recently, Vermont Conservation Voters released its endorsement of local candidates: Reps. David Deen, […]

To the editor: On Nov. 8, vote for what is right

To the editor: On Nov. 8, vote for what is right

As legend journalist Bob Schieffer said on CBS, “How did we ever get to this point?” As moderator Chuck Todd said to Joe Biden on Meet the Press, “We have a coarse culture that gives permission to sexual abuse.” Biden responded, “This guy acknowledged he is a sexual predator and abused his power!” How did […]