RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: BRGNS thanks Okemo staff, skiers, ambassadors for successful food drive

To the editor: BRGNS thanks Okemo staff, skiers, ambassadors for successful food drive

The volunteers, employees and clients of Black River Good Neighbor Services in Ludlow extend their sincere thanks to the staff and skiers at Okemo for their generosity at the annual Cares and Shares spring food drive. Special thanks go to the Okemo Mountain Ambassadors who skipped skiing on a beautiful Sunday morning to help collect […]

To the editor: Huge thanks to all who helped with successful 2015 Heath Gordon fundraiser

It was a fantastic night, and the Heath Gordon Scholarship Fund has a ton of people to thank. We were able to raise $5,100 at our 2nd annual fundraiser on Saturday night. All proceeds will go to a deserving Green Mountain Union High School senior or GM alumni pursuing a college degree in either art […]

To the editor: Save Vermont Interactive Technologies

I am a nursing student at Vermont Technical College. Our college, as well as many other colleges, companies and people in Vermont, use Vermont Interactive Technologies for educational and training programs. Gov. Peter Shumlin has decided to cut funding for VIT to $0 in FY16. This means that VIT will cease to exist by July […]

To the editor: GM principal thanks voters for backing school budget

I want to thank all of you who voted for and approved our operating budget for the coming school year. For those who did not vote for the budget, I promise to do all I can so that our school earns your trust and confidence. Besides their rigorous academics and participation in sports, theater and […]

To the editor: Chase thanks voters for their support

Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve Chester as a member of the Board of Selectmen. I am humbled by the support and encouragement that I have received from so many fellow citizens. Over the course of the next three years I am looking forward to listening to your ideas and concerns.  I […]

To the editor: Chase will represent Chester well on the Select Board

We are writing to support the candidacy of Heather Chase for a seat on the Chester Board of Selectmen. Over the 14 years that the Chase family has been our neighbors and friends, we have had a chance to see Heather close up, in both good times and trying times. And we really like what […]

To the editor: Not the time to legalize marijuana

I have kept a keen eye on the marijuana legalization issue over the months. Vermonters should not be fooled into thinking this is a Vermont thing. The Marijuana Policy Project, a Washington, D.C., organization, has sent Matt Simon to our lovely state to lobby for marijuana to be legal in our state. Mr. Simon lives […]

To the editor: Chase a fresh voice for Chester Select Board

We are pleased to write in support of Heather Chase for the three-year seat on the Chester Board of Selectmen. We have known and admired Heather and her family ever since she moved to our wonderful town in search of a quality of life. As long-time active Chester residents, creators of a successful doll business […]

To the editor: Expect education tax rate to drop

Several factors go into our education tax rates – education spending and the number of students, for example. But no aspect of the formula has as significant an effect on whether we pay more or less in taxes than the Common Level of Appraisal. Last year, a swing in the CLA was largely responsible for […]

To the editor: Vote for Green Mountain, Chester-Andover & River Valley school budgets

The Green Mountain Union High School Board respectfully requests your support of the FY 2015-16 proposed budget. The budget to be voted on Town Meeting Day represents an increase in budgeted expenditures of 1.43 percent, largely based on personnel costs that are offset by savings in transportation. Our estimated education spending per pupil continues to […]

To the editor: Former Rep. Pellett endorses Chase for Chester Select Board

It is with great pleasure that I endorse Heather Chase for a three-year term on Chester’s Select Board. I’ve known Heather for more than 10 years, having met her during my first term as state representative. What impressed me then – and continues to this day – is Heather’s passion – and it shows in […]

To the editor: Vote for Chase for Chester Select Board

Please join me in voting for Heather Chase for Chester Select Board on March 3. I have known Heather for 13 years. She offers a fresh prospective on town leadership that comes from her years of experience as a mother of four, a nurse, a business consultant and an involved member of our community. She […]

Telegraph Poll: What type of new restaurant would you want?

Telegraph Poll: What type of new restaurant would you want?

Architect and community growth consultant Steven Cecil recently spoke to residents of Chester, Londonderry, Grafton, Ludlow and Springfield, telling them that in attracting tourists and new businesses, “Local and regional foodways are also important today. … Retail never leads, retail only follows. Restaurants lead.” What Top Three type of restaurants would make you enthusiastic to […]

To the editor: Thanks to GM artist for Hearse House drawing

To the editor: Thanks to GM artist for Hearse House drawing

The Chester Beautification Committee thanks Green Mountain Union High School junior Lily Nader for answering its request for a student to create a line drawing of the Hearse House and Public Tomb.  These two buildings flank the entrance to the Brookside Cemetery across from the Village Green in the center of Chester and are a […]

To the editor: Chase would bring fresh energy to Chester Select Board

I am writing in support of Heather Chase as a candidate for a three-year term on Chester’s Board of Selectmen. I have known Heather for the last 12 years. I have known her as a wonderful mother of four interesting, intelligent and creative children. We have been members of the same church. As a fellow […]

To the editor: Conservation Voters sets 2015 agenda

Vermont Conservation Voters today released its 2015 Vermont Environmental Common Agenda. “This agenda highlights the most pressing environmental legislative priorities for 2015 – priorities shared by leading environmental organizations in Vermont,” said Lauren Hierl, political director of Vermont Conservation Voters.  Hierl noted that the groups consulted in assembling the Common Agenda are advocates for Vermont’s […]

From the editor: No surprises in complaint rejection, but hope for transparency lives on

From the editor: No surprises in complaint rejection, but hope for transparency lives on

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015-Telegraph Publishing LLC Two weeks ago, the Chester Select Board unanimously adopted a motion from a letter by town attorney Jim Carroll as a reply to The Chester Telegraph’s complaint that it had held an illegal executive session back in November. The Chester Telegraph claimed that the Nov. 19 executive session was […]

To the editor: Enthusiastic endorsement of Heather Chase

With proud enthusiasm, I recommend Heather Chase for the three-year seat on the Chester Board of Selectmen. I have known Heather for many years and I respect her as a small business owner, nurse, mother and friend.  Heather excels in senior management and supervision of many different projects and people. She will provide the responsible […]

To the editor: Rep. Dakin outlines education, other pocketbook issues on agenda in Montpelier

You, the voters, have sent us to Montpelier with a clear message to address issues of high importance both to our pocketbooks and to the fundamental manner of how services are delivered to the residents of the state of Vermont. The unending increase in the cost of educating our children in our public schools has […]

To the editor: Londonderry Parks Board thanks Thrifty Attic Board for bleachers donation

As the Londonderry Parks Board continues to work on Phase Two of the Pingree Park Revitalization Project, we would like to thank the Thrifty Attic Board for its generous contribution of a set of new aluminum bleachers at the ballfields. This donation will also be used as matching funds as the Parks Board applies for […]