All Entries in the "Commentary" Category
To the editor: A big thank you to so many during recovery from illness
To the communities of Cavendish, Proctorsville, Chester and Ludlow: A most sincere thank you to everyone who has been there for my family and me during my recovery from an unexpected illness after a planned surgery. You have been exceptionally supportive and we couldn’t be more grateful. All the cards, daily dinners and rides to […]
To the editor: Please keep your aggressive dogs under control
As many Chester residents know, we walk our two Westies on Main Street almost every morning. Having just been on our morning outing, we were attacked by a large, very aggressive dog just 200 yards from our house. After considerable kicking and yelling on my part, the animal retreated back to his home with hanks […]
To the editor: Congratulations to GMUHS Jr. Iron Chef team
Green Mountain Union High is proud to report that our high school Jr. Iron Chef team were invited to the Vermont State House to participate in a fun day of activities. The Green Mountain Cheftains recently came home from the statewide competition winners in the Local Lively category for utilizing at least five local ingredients […]
To the editor: To prosper, Chester must embrace new technologies
It was only just a few short years ago that 99.9 percent of all phones had a tail on them, earning the coveted name, “land line.” Today the reverse is true; 99 percent of phone users are not subjected to the anchor of a landline tail. Today’s standard communication mode is digital, principally through the […]
To the editor: Saving Yosemite Firehouse can spur Chester economy
I was happy to take part in this meeting at the Yosemite Firehouse in Chester on Friday. If this process makes ownership clear I think without question the town should move forward to acquire it. This is an opportunity not only to own the historic building but to to see if we can really come […]
To the editor: Chester Historical Society is upholding lease
At the Chester Select Board meeting on April 6, 2016, Dan Cote, a recently elected select board member, made some insinuations about the Chester Historical Society and the Academy Building which it leases from the Town of Chester. To wit, he implied that the 15-year lease of the building should be reviewed (the insinuation being […]
To the editor: Rename Route 103 to honor Desert Storm vets
March 3, 2016 marked 25 years since victory by veterans who served in Desert Storm giving freedom back to Kuwait. This was the largest callup of reserves and deployment of troops in Vermont since the end of Vietnam almost 50 years ago. The Veterans of Foreign Wars of Vermont have petitioned the Vermont Board of […]
To the editor: Farm Action Day takes important farm issues to State House
My family owns a small diversified farm in Putney that sells meat, hay, sap and forest products. Last month, I participated in Rural Vermont’s Small Farm Action Day at the Vermont statehouse and had the privilege to share our concerns about Act 64, the new Water Quality law, and the draft Required Agricultural Practices. The […]
To the editor: A special thanks to Chester from Bill Lindsay
After many years on the Chester Select Board, I have been retired. Thanks to the many voters for your support over the years. It is my sincere hope that decisions made were favored by most Chesterites. Thanks to my wife Nancy for her endurance, and also for the cards and calls we have received. This […]
To the editor: GMUHS principal thanks all for passing budget
I want to thank all of you who voted for and approved Green Mountain Union High School’s operating budget for the coming school year. For those who did not vote for the budget, I promise to do all I can so that our school earns your trust and confidence so that in the future you […]
To the editor: New Chester Select Board member urges involvement, dialogue
To the residents of Chester: Thank you for the support. The act of unseating a long-term incumbent requires a groundswell of support. You did it! Your voice spoke loudly last week as the overwhelming support for improvement away from status quo leadership was made clear. This places a tremendous responsibility upon the shoulders of the […]
To the editor: Dakin introduces bill to tighten amounts of opioids prescribed
At the half-way point of the legislative session in Montpelier, we in the State House are working hard to resolve the many differing ideas and interests in order to reach the consensus necessary to keep our state government accountable, efficient and well-functioning. When the session ends in May, Vermont budgets will be balanced, our transportation […]
To the editor: Vote yes on GMUHS, CAES and RVTC budgets
The Green Mountain Union High School Board respectfully requests your support of the FY 2016-17 proposed budget on Town Meeting Day. The budget represents an increase in the amount to be raised by taxes of 2.1 percent, largely based on personnel costs and a decrease in state revenues. Our actual budgeted expenditures to operate the […]
To the editor: Hall touts dedication to Grafton in Select Board race
I’m Noralee Hall, and I’m running for re-election to the three-year selectman’s seat on the Grafton Select Board. I’m asking for your vote on Town Meeting Day Tuesday, March 1st so that we can continue to move our town forward. I have known and worked with many of you over the years, but for those […]
To the editor: Chester businesses invited to be part of 2016 brochure
Last year, the Chester Community Alliance Inc. spearheaded the launch of the Chester Brochure, highlighting 49 local businesses with maps, photos, a calendar of events and other information to attract visitors to our town. Five thousand copies of this brochure were distributed through eight Vermont information centers as well as through local businesses/inns. This year, […]
To the editor: For experience, enthusiasm, vote Cote for Chester Select Board
For more than 30 years, I have worked in senior management roles, first as a regional risk manager for a national insurance company and the last 17 years, as senior vice president of MEMIC, an insurance company headquartered in Maine. During that time, I was also president of MEMIC Safety Services, a safety and business […]
To the editor: Re-elect Tom Bock to Chester Select Board
I enthusiastically endorse Tom Bock for re-election to the Chester Select Board. In my nine years of service as recording secretary for both the Select Board and the Planning Commission I have witnessed firsthand Tom’s thoughtful devotion to the well-being of the people of Chester in consideration of the issues presented to each board. During […]
To the editor: Write-in candidate seeks Grafton residents’ votes
My name is Matt Siano and I am asking for your write in vote on March 1st for the two year open seat on the Grafton Select Board. My wife Anita and I have been voting residents since 1980 and have gratefully given our son Anthony the opportunity to live, attend school and grow here […]
To the editor: Jonynas deserves another term on Chester Select Board
Having known Arne Jonynas for nearly 20 years, it’s quite easy for me to endorse him in his bid for re-election to the Chester Select Board. I know Arne to be a good, honest, hard-working businessperson, an involved citizen of our town, a solid, caring parent to his children and a thoughtful, pragmatic selectman who […]
To the editor: Chester needs new leadership with vision
Chester needs new leadership. The current focus of our town governance is on managing the tax rate – that is, the annual town budget divided by the cumulative assessed valuation of all the properties in the town. This puts the focus on nickel-and-diming the services the town provides while ignoring the far more important factor, […]