RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: A vote for Milne is a vote for Vermont’s future

As a young adult living in Vermont, I feel so privileged to reside in a state filled with natural beauty, rich history and kind-hearted people. However, like many young Vermonters, I’m at a crossroads over where I plan to live as I approach the next stage in my life. The direction of our state government […]

Editorial: Penny wise and still no new Chester government website

Editorial: Penny wise and still no new Chester government website

©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 If members of the Chester Select Board honestly believe that $10,000 would buy the town a brand-spanking new website with all the bells and whistles that would lure businesses to Chester and be a useful tool for its residents, I’ve got a ski mountain in Ludlow I’d like to sell […]

To the editor: New England lacked energy foresight

Observers of the New England energy scene can be forgiven for asking “what were they thinking” when New England’s state energy planners backed building 25 cent/kilowatt-hour wind projects while opposing reliable, existing, low-cost generators like Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. They were thinking New England would have endless amounts of “fracked” natural gas; they were […]

To the editor:  Thanks to good neighbors during flood

To the editor: Thanks to good neighbors during flood

For the second time in three years, my family has endured the flooding of our surroundings. Believe me, we have been active in seeking improvement and speaking to the proper authorities.  My vocabulary now contains words like  “hazard mitigation” and I’m becoming an expert on what our costly flood insurance won’t cover. Amid all of […]

Editorial: Bringing business to businesses on Chester's Green

Editorial: Bringing business to businesses on Chester’s Green

Last week, The Chester Telegraph ran a series about Chester’s Green, what makes it different from other Vermont greens — it’s characterized by its businesses — and what can be done to ensure the success of businesses along The Green and in Chester as a whole. Over the years, The Green has faced its share […]

To the editor: Whiting Library meets goal, holds Early Literacy activities

To the editor: Whiting Library meets goal, holds Early Literacy activities

In the autumn of 2012, a community task force met at the Whiting Library to explore all aspects of library service, then settle on three main objectives: Early Literacy, Information Fluency and Lifelong Learning. Our objectives for Early Literacy were established: To create a positive association with books from the earliest age, model reading aloud […]

To the editor: 2nd hearing on VY severance package

Everyone agrees that Windham County must get the biggest local bang for the buck from the Vermont Yankee settlement. With $2 million per year for five years ($10 million total) ready to be unleashed, that bang could – and should – be pretty big. The state of Vermont hearing set for Thursday, July 10 in […]

To the editor: Family Center grateful for landscaping work, dollar and food donations

To the editor: Family Center grateful for landscaping work, dollar and food donations

The Chester-Andover Family Center would like to thank a number of individuals and organizations for their recent help with landscaping and donations of food and money. Thanks go to the Springfield Garden Club, Green Mountain Union High School students and Family Center volunteers for help sprucing up the outside of the Family Center. Thanks to […]

To the editor: Thanks to volunteers, donors for successful CAES Staff Appreciation Week

The week of May 5 through 9 was Staff Appreciation Week at Chester-Andover Elementary School. On Monday, each staff member received a little box of treats in his or her mailbox. On Wednesday the PTG sponsored a luncheon for all the staff to enjoy. We would like to thank Chef Michael Kennedy, the parents and […]

Editorial: Targeting cultural and economic growth

  By Cynthia Prairie Two weeks ago, I wrote about the desire of many area residents and interested parties to see a concerted push for economic vitality in the town of Chester, whether it is for a fairgrounds and kiosk, an observatory or a new business. We’ve read it many times in The Telegraph Polls, […]

Editorial: Chester, start your economic engine

Editorial: Chester, start your economic engine

When The Chester Telegraph started producing its Telegraph Polls shortly after its own launch back in January of 2012, we thought it would be a great way to continue conversations and register opinions that until then were only rarely conducted in public. The results have been heartening and enlightening. I bring the Telegraph Poll up […]

To the editor: Help Nicolas raise awareness, funds for celiac disease

To the editor: Help Nicolas raise awareness, funds for celiac disease

Nicolas Houghton is a 5th grade student at Chester-Andover Elementary School. On Saturday,  May 10th, he will be running his first 5k race in Merrimack, N.H., to help provide clinical care and scientific research relating to celiac disease. Nicolas was diagnosed with celiac when he was in the second grade, and would like to raise […]

To the editor: Thanks to all for a very successful Ladd Scholarship fund drive

Congratulations to the Andy and Heidi Ladd Scholarship Fund committee for doing such a grand job of organizing and executing  a very complex event held at the Fullerton Inn last Saturday evening. Special thanks go to Ann and Malcolm Summers, Carol and Townsend Gilbert, Nancy and Bret Rugg and, of course, the members of the Ladd family. […]

To the editor: Chester Andover community meal open to all

I am writing to share exciting news about the response to my letter you printed in January, where I presented a proposal to start a free community meal in our two towns. At the first meal in February, the attendees decided to serve a monthly meal, to be held at a rotation of locations. The […]

To the editor: Sexual assaults take many forms, have a variety of victims

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. Sexual assault is an umbrella term, and describes non-consensual sexual acts spanning from cat calling, to groping, to forcible rape. Sexual assault is a crime unrestrained by race, gender, social class, or background. It is a crime of power, and often causes the victim to feel guilt, shame and […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all for support during food drive

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all for support during food drive

The volunteers, employees and clients of Black River Good Neighbor Services in Ludlow extend their sincere thanks to the staff and skiers at Okemo Mountain Resort for their efforts on the annual Cares and Shares spring food drive.  Special thanks go to the Okemo Mountain Ambassadors and to Madison Cota, Miss Vermont Teen USA, who […]

The Telegraph Poll: A fairground and visitor center for Chester?

The Telegraph Poll: A fairground and visitor center for Chester?

To the editor: Why approve Certificate of Public Good for Vermont Yankee?

  A settlement agreement announced on Dec. 23, 2013 by Gov. Peter Shumlin, Attorney General William Sorrell, the State of Vermont, and Entergy recommends that the Vermont Public Service Board approve the Certificate of Public Good for Vermont Yankee to continue to operate until the end of 2014. The plant’s continued operation through the year […]

To the editor: The real heroin problem

The reason we have a heroin problem in this state and this country is because the U.S. military is guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan and has helped to increase the production of opium since U.S. occupation. If Gov. Peter Shumlin really wants to solve the heroin/addiction problem, he should be addressing this issue instead […]

To the editor: Thanks to community for supporting GMUHS budget

I am writing this open letter to the community to thank you for your support of our school budget. Your continued support of our fine community school is commendable. It makes me proud to be entrusted with so important a task as educating the children of our great democracy. On the importance of an education […]