RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Dem Senate team seeks Winsdor voters' support

To the editor: Dem Senate team seeks Winsdor voters’ support

Thank you, Vermont Windsor District voters, for your support in choosing us to be your three Democratic Senate candidates on the ballot this Nov. 8.  We — Alison Clarkson, Dick McCormack and Becca White — are running as a team, and we heartily endorse one another. We respect one another as individuals and as public […]

To the editor: House candidate Eva Ryan: Let your voices be heard on Nov. 8

To the editor: House candidate Eva Ryan: Let your voices be heard on Nov. 8

This letter is addressed to my constituents of the Windsor-Windham District of Vermont, citizens of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham for showing up and voting in our Aug. 9 primary, one of American’s most sacred duties to perform. I encourage all citizens of our district to exercise their right to vote on Nov. 8 and […]

Op-ed: Protecting reproductive rights

Op-ed: Protecting reproductive rights

By Nicholas Boke I figured that if somebody was handing out glossy anti-Article 22 fliers at the Chester Town Hall on Primary Election Day, there’d be lots of somebodies handing out glossy anti-Article 22 fliers at other voting stations. I was right. The overstated hypotheticals provided in the flier are just the tack that Vermont […]

To the editor: Reasons not to support Manchin-Schumer bill

To the editor: Reasons not to support Manchin-Schumer bill

An open letter to U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders and Rep. Peter Welch: Please do not support the provisions of the Manchin-Schumer bill for a number of reasons.  To name some: How can further excessive government spending mitigate inflation if high government spending is one of the causes of inflation? The wind and […]

To the editor: Vermont Public ... what?

To the editor: Vermont Public … what?

The new name “Vermont Public” has fallen flat with listeners questioning, “Vermont Public What?” The explanation from Vermont Public, presented in a flashy information piece is that “Public” is a noun and the subject is “you” meaning all of us. Now the last time I diagrammed a sentence was in middle school, some 48 years […]

To the editor: Calls up 50% for Derry Rescue

To the editor: Calls up 50% for Derry Rescue

In the year between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022, the Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad responded to 698 calls, up from 466 the previous year. This was an increase of 50 percent. Here are the numbers by town: Andover – 3, Landgrove – 14, Londonderry – 210, South Londonderry – 98, Peru – 88, […]

To the editor: Vermont Conference of UCC stands with bodily autonomy

To the editor: Vermont Conference of UCC stands with bodily autonomy

As Christians in the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ, we oppose the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade. We believe that God is the creator of all living beings and things, and that all human beings are created with the gift of free will and are of […]

To the editor: Vote Malloy for U.S. Senate

To the editor: Vote Malloy for U.S. Senate

I am writing this letter in support of Gerald Malloy for U.S. senator from Vermont.  Gerald graduated from West Point in 1984. He was an active duty field artillery officer and a paratrooper.  He served our nation honorably and with distinction for 22 years.  He has a MBA from Temple University. I have met Gerald […]

To the editor: Balint runs for U.S. House for Vermont

To the editor: Balint runs for U.S. House for Vermont

In politics, there are two types of candidates: those who run to win and those who run to work. Over the last 16 years, Vermonters have been lucky to have a representative in the U.S. House who knows the real goal of running isn’t winning, but working every day on behalf of Vermonters. If we […]

To the editor: Cris Ericson announces run for U.S. Senate

To the editor: Cris Ericson announces run for U.S. Senate

Hello! My name is Cris Ericson and I would like to publicly thank more than 500 local Vermonters from the Chester, Springfield and Bellows Falls area who signed my petitions to allow me to be on the Nov. 8, 2022 general election ballot as an Independent candidate for U.S. senator. Thank you also to Dan […]

To the editor: Southern Windsor will be represented in Montpelier

To the editor: Southern Windsor will be represented in Montpelier

People in the southern part of Windsor County have been reassured by knowing that one of their three senators, Alice Nitka, lives in nearby Ludlow, thinking of her as “the South’s Senator.” When Alice retires at the end of this term, we’ll lose a meticulous, thoughtful legislator.  But folks in southern Windsor County should be […]

Letter to the editor: Eva Ryan announces run for State House

Letter to the editor: Eva Ryan announces run for State House

I would like to introduce myself, Eva Ryan, as a candidate for the office of Vermont House representative in the upcoming Windsor-Windham (Chester, Grafton, Athens and Windham) Primary Election in August. My decision to run as candidate is simple. I believe that public service is incumbent on all of us, thus giving me a means […]

Op-ed: What DQSH could have meant to my younger self

Op-ed: What DQSH could have meant to my younger self

By Vic Mowschenson ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC Drag Queen Story Hour is just what its name sounds like: Drag Queens reading books to children. Usually these events, which have been taking place since 2015, are held in libraries, bookshops and schools. Their mission is to promote open-mindedness by exposing children to gender presentations outside rigid […]

To the editor: The real Second Amendment

To the editor: The real Second Amendment

If the Founding Fathers were around today, they would be flabbergasted by our inability to take even the most basic, common sense steps to protect our children from being murdered at school. Passively accepting, year after year, horrific school shootings, like the recent slaughter in Uvalde, Texas, would strike them as collective madness, which it […]

To the editor: Concerning resignation of Chester library director

To the editor: Concerning resignation of Chester library director

With shock and disbelief, I read of the resignation of Whiting Library Director Deirdre Doran, who has been a remarkably effective director since taking over in 2019 from Whiting’s long-time director, Sharon Tanzer. I served as a trustee of Whiting Library for 10 years, six of those years as chair of the trustees. It was […]

To the editor: A few clarifications on Vermont's 'Hippie Invasion'

To the editor: A few clarifications on Vermont’s ‘Hippie Invasion’

I am writing in regard to her column by Susan Leader that appeared in the Chester Telegraph on Aug. 30, 2021 (Left in Andover: ‘Hippie Invasion’ irritated, but ultimately benefited Vermont.) Susan interviewed me about the Vermont Media Project’s film, Vermont Speaks for Itself. I very much appreciated having the opportunity to talk about the […]

To the editor: Tri-Mtn Lions Club food drive benefits local agencies

To the editor: Tri-Mtn Lions Club food drive benefits local agencies

The Londonderry area Tri-Mtn Lions held a very successful “Food from the Heart” food drive at The Londonderry Mountain Marketplace on Saturday, April 30. More than 400 pounds of food and hygiene products were delivered to the Neighbor’s Pantry in Londonderry. Additionally, $600.00 in cash was generously donated, which was distributed evenly between the Stratton/Winhall […]

To the editor: Support for Queer Circus Arts scholarships humbling

To the editor: Support for Queer Circus Arts scholarships humbling

A note of heartfelt thanks for everyone’s support on May 6 for the Queer Circus Arts Scholarship Benefit and Performance co-presented by Frog Meadow Farm and New England Center for Circus Arts. This truly fabulous cause benefits LGBTQ+ Circus Students studying professionally and playing recreationally of all ages and backgrounds at NECCA. At Frog Meadow […]

To the editor: Liberate U.S. from two-party system with independent candidate for Congress

To the editor: Liberate U.S. from two-party system with independent candidate for Congress

Most of us do not need to be convinced that the two-party system is incapable of solving our challenges. Disgust for the system’s corruption and ineffectiveness happens to be one of the few remaining areas of agreement between the left and right. The primary reason that two-thirds of Americans agree the system is broken is […]

To the editor: Add four seats to Supreme Court <br>to reinstate balance

To the editor: Add four seats to Supreme Court
to reinstate balance

Right now, the right to abortion care is at risk because of a deliberate, decades-long takeover of the Supreme Court by powerful right-wing extremists. We’re seeing the culmination of this takeover as the court prepares to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that made abortion access a constitutional right. This opens the door for […]