All Entries in the "Archives" Category
To the Editor: Voters urged to pass Green Mountain HS budget
To the Editor, Thanks to the hard work of Green Mountain Union High School administration and staff, the GMUHS proposed 2012-13 budget represents an increase in expenditures over the prior year of 1.43%, less than half the rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index for 2011, and almost $5,000 less than the […]
To the Editor: Jonynas seeks your vote
Chester residents, neighbors and friends: My name is Arne Jonynas, and I am running for reelection to the Chester Selectboard for another one-year term. This has been my first year on the board, and it has been an enlightening and learning experience. The workings of town government can be routine at times, and extremely important at […]

Fullerton Inn hosts Rural Vermont’s Town Eating Day
Rural Vermont, an organization set up to assist farmers with their legal and financial problems as well as offer a means for farmers to speak out, is inviting Chester residents to come to the Fullerton Inn and Restaurant, 40 The Common, from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 29th, for Town Eating Day. During the […]

Weather-related Schedule Changes to Chester Winter Carnival
The 2012 Chester Winter Carnival promises even more family fun with a bevy of indoor and outdoor activities, including an opening night dinner dance, and a scavenger hunt. But due to the dry weather, several events have been canceled, while the bulk of activities can still take place, Julie Pollard, who has been instrumental to […]
To the Editor: Meet with Rep. Leigh Dakin
Meet with Leigh Dakin, your State Representative for the Towns of Andover, Baltimore, Chester and a portion of North Springfield. This is an opportunity to ask questions about matters before the Vermont State Legislature in Montpelier or to discuss an issue of concern to you. Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012 – 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. […]
To the Editor: Pellett running for Selectboard
After six years in the Vermont Legislature and a year of retirement, I have decided to turn my attention and skills to my home ground and run for a one-year seat on Chester’s Select Board. It was an honor to serve as your state representative and I enjoyed the work immensely. I miss being useful […]

Taking heart — and flowers and candy — on Valentine’s Day
by Rebecca Salem Chester merchants are stepping up to make sure you don’t throw a bucket of ice water on your relationship this Valentine’s Day with a gift of a vacuum cleaner or a package of undershorts. “For serious relationships,” says Lonnie Lisai, “go Cabernet.” The owner of Lisai’s Grocery on Depot Street is conducting […]

Grateful Garden Seed Sale Begins
The 2012 Grateful Garden Seed Sale begins Wednesday Feb. 1, Carrie Roy King announced over the weekend. You can purchase your Fedco garden seeds from The Grateful Garden and help raise money to repair damage caused by Tropical Storm Irene. The garden, part of Chester-Andover Elementary School, has been declared safe by the UVM Agricultural […]