All Entries in the "Business in Brief" Category

Meditrina in Chester gets $110,000 in loans for wine bar, restaurant
©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Meditrina, a 14-year-old wine, cheese and beer shop owned by Justin and Amy Anderson and located at 295 Main St. in Chester, has been approved for two loans worth $110,000 for its long-planned expansion for a wine bar and restaurant called The Meditrina Wine Bar. Earlier this week, the Springfield Regional […]

Grace Cottage again earns top score in LGBTQ+ Healthcare Equality Index
In conjunction with Pride Month, Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital is pleased to announce that, once again, it has earned the highest score in Vermont in the 2024 Human Rights Campaign’s Healthcare Equality Index. Grace Cottage, UVM Medical Center in Burlington and the VA Medical Center in White River Junction tied for the top […]

Springfield Hospital employees donate 322 pounds of food to local food shelf
In celebration of National Hospital Week, Springfield Hospital employees participated in a food drive to benefit the Springfield Family Center’s food shelf. The 322 pounds of non-perishable foods were delivered to the Family Center on May 21 after a week of collecting the food at various employee events. Springfield Hospital’s motto for the week was […]

Grace Cottage again wins ‘Best Place to Work’ award
For the second year in a row, Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital, 185 Grafton Road in Townshend, has been named one of Vermont’s “Best Places to Work” by VermontBiz magazine. The award, given each year by VermontBiz magazine and the Vermont Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Society for Human Resource Management, the […]

Springfield Hospital introduces first-in-Vermont Nuclear Medicine Program
Patients and physicians can experience a new level of diagnostic imaging at Springfield Hospital in its newly reopened Nuclear Medicine program, which debuted in early March. A breakthrough in nuclear medicine technology enables high diagnostic accuracy using low-dose radiation. “It has been over two years since we offered this service, and we are pleased to […]

Grafton Village Cheese Co. moves shop from Brattleboro to Proctorsville
The Grafton Village Cheese Co., a subsidiary of the Windham Foundation, has announced that it is moving its retail store and cut and wrap operation from Brattleboro to Proctorsville. A long-time fixture at Linden Street in Brattleboro, the company lost its lease when the building was sold to Retreat Farm in late 2022. The company […]

Terrigenous’ Wunderle honored with Olmsted Award
©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Scott Wunderle, PLA, ASLA of Terrigenous Landscape Architecture of Chester has been award the Olmsted Award from the Vermont Association of Landscape Architects. Vermont Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects. The award, named after founding father of American urban landscape architecture Frederick Law Olmsted, celebrates Wunderle’s “tireless commitment to […]

Grace Cottage’s annual Cabin Fever Online Auction begins Feb. 14
Grace Cottage’s Cabin Fever Online Auction is a perfect way to bring fun and joy to your winter. You’ll find items that are practical, delectable, delightful and inspirational. Bidding takes place from Feb. 14 through Feb. 28, and all proceeds support patient care at Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital in Townshend. Each year, the […]

Fletcher Farm Arts School takes 2024 off to retool after financial troubles
The Society of Vermont Artists and Craftsmen, parent group of the Fletcher Farm School for the Arts & Crafts in Ludlow, announced that the organization is facing a pivotal financial crossroads that is threatening its ability to continue operating in 2024 and beyond. After years of declining enrollment exacerbated by unforeseen circumstances like the pandemic […]

North Star moves eye care to River Street health center
© Telegraph Publishing LLC [Dropcap]North Star Health recently completed renovation of a second-floor area of its flagship community health center at 100 River Street in Springfield to make room for North Star Vision to join the lineup of health services available there. North Star Vision (formerly Lane Eye Associates) has been part of the Springfield […]

Architect hired for Wilder Library expansion
Weston’s Wilder Memorial Library Board of Trustees has selected Foster Architecture of Weston to lead the library’s expansion project. Deborah Granquist, library board chair, said, “We sent Requests for Proposals to architects throughout Vermont. We narrowed the responses down to four firms whose proposals met our goals. Through a series of interviews and visits, Ryan […]

Grace Cottage to hold presentation on planned clinic Sept. 27
A public forum to unveil plans for a new primary care clinic building at Grace Cottage will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at the Wardsboro Town Hall, 71 Main St. Attendees will learn how Grace Cottage is planning for the future of primary care in southeastern Vermont. The current clinic operates […]

Chester artists open fine art gallery in Grafton
©2023 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester residents and artists Katherine Henry and her husband Harry Hudson have opened Atelier Annex art gallery in the Old Fire House in Grafton, 217 Main St., handling the works of fine art and artisanal studios. Henry, an artist and designer, and Hudson, an artist, writer, designer and musician, both produce […]

Benson’s Chevrolet hosts annual cruise-in Aug. 25
Benson’s Chevrolet, 25 Pond St. in Ludlow, kicks off the Best of Vermont Summer Festival weekend with its annual cruise-in from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 25. Many cars, trucks and motorcycles from around the area will be on site. Bring your treasure and show it off. Admission is free to this family friendly event. […]

Grace Cottage to reveal new plans for 22,000-sf clinic on Aug. 23
A public forum to unveil plans for a new, 22,000-square-foot primary care clinic building at Grace Cottage will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 23 at the Newbrook Fire House on Route 30 in Newfane. Attendees will learn how Grace Cottage is planning for the future of primary care in southeastern Vermont. […]

Vermont Apple Festival seeks sponsors for October event
Plans for the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce’s 39th Annual Vermont Apple Festival and Craft Show are well under way. This year’s festival takes place from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 7 at Riverside Middle School, 13 Fairground Road, in Springfield. The chamber is accepting sponsorships for this long-standing event that has become a […]

Springfield Hospital hosts high schoolers in MedQuest Program
Fifteen high school students with aspirations of careers in the medical field spent three days at Springfield Hospital taking part in Southern Vermont Area Health Education Center’s MedQuest Program. This was no ordinary summer camp. The participants followed a curriculum that was designed and delivered by medical students from the Robert Larner, M.D. College of […]

Springfield Chamber recaps 51st Hackers Golf Tournament
The Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce’s 51st Hackers Golf Tournament was held on July 13 at Crown Point Country Club. Eighteen teams hit the course with a total of 72 players. The field was split into two divisions, allowing for four first-place winning teams. Flight A gross winners: David Sigl, Bay Wheeler, Jeremy Sigl, Tony Moriglioni — Team Sigl […]

Registration open for Leadership Southeast VT
Registration is open for the 2023-2024 session for Leadership Southeast Vermont. This program gives participants the tools, experience and education to be successful leaders. Participants can expect to gain a better understanding of southeast Vermont, network with other classmates and lecturers from around the state and experience personal growth. The reduced rate, early bird deadline is […]

Grace Cottage awarded Red Sox Foundation mental health grant
Grace Cottage Hospital of Townsend has been awarded the $3,000 2nd Place prize through the IMPACT Awards, which every year gives Boston Red Sox fans the opportunity to nominate their favorite non-profit organizations to receive support and funding. Through a grant from the Ruderman Family Foundation, the winning non-profits receive first-, second- and third-place grants […]