RSSAll Entries in the "Letters to the Editor" Category

To the editor: Tri-Mountain Broadband invites communities to May meeting

To the editor: Tri-Mountain Broadband invites communities to May meeting Seeks to serve under- and unserved S. Vermont towns

Our kids and small businesses can’t continue to be the last to get good, affordable and dependable broadband. Just like everyone in the more profitable, densely populated and politically connected parts of Vermont, they deserve it as soon as possible. It’s only fair. Built from the ground up to be Vermont’s only broadband network to […]

To the editor: Vote for Balint for Congress

To the editor: Vote for Balint for Congress

Vermont Democrats have a decision to make on Primary Day, Tuesday, Aug. 9: Who among the four current candidates should be the party’s choice to replace U.S. Rep. Peter Welch in the General Election in November? Let me tell you why I am supporting Becca Balint of Brattleboro. For one thing, I am impressed by […]

To the editor: GM Class of '72 seeks feedback for 50th anniversary reunion

To the editor: GM Class of ’72 seeks feedback for 50th anniversary reunion

Alumni Day June 11, 2022 is fast approaching and several members of the Green Mountain Union High School Class of 1972 are trying to determine if there is any interest in holding a reunion for our 50th anniversary year. NO LARGE FLOATING BUILDING THIS YEAR!!  WE ARE PAST THAT POINT.  HOWEVER, WE MAY WALK OR RIDE […]

To the editor: Chester Planning chair thanks all who turned out for recent hearing

To the editor: Chester Planning chair thanks all who turned out for recent hearing

Despite March Madness, soft roads and sugaring, on the evening of Monday, March 21, a group of Chester citizens joined a hearing at Town Hall for a proposed amendment to Chester’s bylaws. The amendment creates a new district around our village Green. In these times when government can feel remote and detached from our everyday […]

To the editor: Thanks to the staff at Springfield Hospital

To the editor: Thanks to the staff at Springfield Hospital

Recently a cherished family member fell ill and passed away at Springfield Hospital. In the difficult hours we fought to save my brother’s life, we could not have been more comforted by the staff in the Emergency Department and on the floor at Springfield. Included in the amazing team is Julie, Carla, Joella, Chris, April, […]

To the editor: Understanding zoning bylaws

To the editor: Understanding zoning bylaws

On the last Saturday of February, I walked from Cobleigh Street to School Street distributing the text of the bylaw amendment for the proposed Village Green district to anyone who was interested. I was lucky enough to chat with several property and business owners. Many people expressed concerned about the bylaws and I finished my […]

To the editor: Planning Commission becoming business friendly

To the editor: Planning Commission becoming business friendly

I’d like to comment here that our Planning Commission, particularly our Planning Commission subcommittee, has had a productive year for the betterment of the business community. So much so that they are hard to keep up with, even if one is doing his or her best to pay attention. For the better part of a […]

To the Editor: In praising Putin, Trump leaves supporters straddling a gap

To the Editor: In praising Putin, Trump leaves supporters straddling a gap

As the brave Ukrainian people fight to protect their homes against Russian invaders, Donald Trump has praised Putin and refused to condemn his naked aggression. Russian state television is even quoting Trump and his lapdog, Tucker Carlson, in support of the war. A widening crevice is opening beneath the Republican party and Trump supporters. Simply […]

To the editor: Dakin on running for re-election to Chester Select Board

To the editor: Dakin on running for re-election to Chester Select Board

Greetings, Thanks to the hard work and continuing efforts of our residents who are active in their support of the municipal and school functions that often we take for granted, Chester is an attractive and good place to live.  Our school system, including Green Mountain Union High School and Chester-Andover Elementary School, continues to meet […]

To the editor: Robin Trask on running for Andover Select Board

To the editor: Robin Trask on running for Andover Select Board

Hello Andover Voters: My name is Robin Trask. I would like to give my time and energy to one of the seats on the Andover Select Board.  I have served on the Andover Select Board previously, and was mentored by  Sam Chauncey and Harold “Red” Johnson, both wonderful men who served the town of Andover […]

To the editor: Susan Leader on candidacy for Andover Select Board member

To the editor: Susan Leader on candidacy for Andover Select Board member

Dear Andover voters, My name is Susan Leader. I would like the opportunity to give back to our community by serving on the Andover Select Board. I was born and passed my early childhood in Andover, attending the Peaseville one room schoolhouse in the 1950s. I also raised my own children here. For over 40 […]

To the editor: Drug decriminalization bills are not good for Vermonters

To the editor: Drug decriminalization bills are not good for Vermonters

The State of Vermont legislature has introduced numerous bills to decriminalize ALL drugs. The legislation being introduced is based upon the Oregon law that has decriminalized all drugs. In a recent NPR report, the decriminalization in Oregon has been labeled a complete failure, even by those who initially supported the bill.  This law has not […]

To the editor: Board praises 'amazing' SMCS staff during these difficult Covid times

To the editor: Board praises ‘amazing’ SMCS staff during these difficult Covid times

It is with an immense amount of pride that the Board of Directors of Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc.  would like to acknowledge the amazing efforts and commitment of all the staff of SMCS over the last two years during this pandemic. Their efforts have highlighted that excellent care is a team effort and that […]

To the editor: Legislature should pass single-member districts

To the editor: Legislature should pass single-member districts

Below is a letter sent to state Reps. Carolyn Patridge and Leslie Goldman, both Democrats representing Windham-3, on the morning of Friday, Jan. 14. Good morning, Carolyn and Leslie, Best wishes to you and yours for the new year. This afternoon, the Vermont House will vote on redistricting the electoral districts in the state.  As […]

To the editor: Eye-opening discussion over masking in Chester

To the editor: Eye-opening discussion over masking in Chester

Last Wednesday’s select board meeting with public discussion on the mask mandate was truly eye-opening! It’s difficult to listen to the same theme from so many people, “My personal freedom is more important than yours.” Whatever happened to taking care of your neighbor with regard to public health? Wearing a mask is such a simple […]

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Dance Factory's 'Nutcracker' a success

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Dance Factory’s ‘Nutcracker’ a success

  The Dance Factory would like to extend heartfelt thanks and immense gratitude to the myriad community members whose contributions made this year’s production of The Nutcracker possible. To our amazing cast of dancers: thank you for your time, talent and dedication, and for being so mindful of staying healthy and safe. Performing in masks […]

To the editor: Chester board should institute a mask mandate

To the editor: Chester board should institute a mask mandate

After some debate on the topic, I can only determine three core reasons that some of my fellow citizens have for not wanting a mask mandate in Chester. a) They don’t want anyone telling them what to do. b) They don’t believe the science telling us that masks help mitigate the transmission of Covid. c) […]

To the editor: Londonderry should consider other ways to control speeding than costly sheriff

To the editor: Londonderry should consider other ways to control speeding than costly sheriff

At Town Meeting last year, Londonderry voted to appropriate $45,000 to hire the Windham County Sheriff to spend up to 20 hours per week for policing the town of Londonderry. A representative from the sheriff’s office said that they were committed to policing the community as a whole (which was important to the voters since […]

To the editor: Budget deliberations to begin for BRSU school districts; public urged to attend

To the editor: Budget deliberations to begin for BRSU school districts; public urged to attend

As December is upon us, the Bennington Rutland Supervisory Union  is focusing on the future of its three school districts: Winhall, Mettawee, and the Taconic & Green, which serves Peru, Londonderry, Landgrove and Weston. For all three jurisdictions, December marks the traditional start of formal district budget discussions on finances and tax rates for fiscal […]

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Warm Hands coat drive successful

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Warm Hands coat drive successful

The Warm Hands Warm Hearts planning committee wishes to thank the Chester and Andover communities for the wonderful support for Warm Hands Warm Hearts 2021, held in late October. Many generous donations of coats, blankets, boots and other warm items were all given free to all shoppers. Donations of cash were used to purchase healthy […]