RSSAll Entries in the "Letters to the Editor" Category

To the editor: Neighborhood Connections thanks you

To the editor: Neighborhood Connections thanks you

Neighborhood Connections, based in Londonderry, would like to thank the towns of: Andover, Jamaica, Landgrove, Londonderry, Peru, Weston and Windhall for their pledge of support at the recent March Town Meetings. Your generous backing helps us do our important work – particularly since we do not receive any federal or state funds. Neighborhood Connections provides […]

To the editor: Get the facts and vote on May 30

To the editor: Get the facts and vote on May 30

This letter is for the parents of students that would be impacted by the Section 721 merger vote. As you may know, there has been a lot of noise out there about Act 46, Section 721 and the upcoming vote for Ludlow and Mt Holly on May 30 to decide whether or not to close […]

To the editor: Thank you to all Green Up Day volunteers

To the editor: Thank you to all Green Up Day volunteers

I would like to express greetings and gratitude to many who made Green Up Day 2017 a vibrant reality. Thank you! To the volunteers: More than 22,000 people of all walks of life and varied ages volunteered to come out and clean up litter from Vermont’s roadsides, public and natural spaces and waterways. They did […]

To the editor: The French vote and an ode to joy

To the editor: The French vote and an ode to joy

On Sunday, May 7, the Springfield Community Chorus celebrated its 50th anniversary by performing Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, the final movement of the Ninth Symphony, with the Choral Society of Bennington, at Springfield High School. Also on the program was John Rutter’s Distant Land. It includes these words, which the chorus sang with passionate intensity: […]

To the editor: Answers to Act 46 merger questions

To the editor: Answers to Act 46 merger questions

Saturday’s Andover Information Forum on the proposed school merger was attended by about 25 voters and generated a many good questions. What follows is a recap of the questions and the answers that were discussed: Why are we talking about a merger? ACT 46 requires that small, local school districts consolidate into larger unified school […]

To the editor: Board members urge Yes vote on Act 46 merger

To the editor: Board members urge Yes vote on Act 46 merger

We urge the residents of Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester to vote on May 2 in favor of forming a single pre K-12 school district, the Green Mountain Unified School District. A “yes” vote merges the governance structure of the existing school districts into one school district. A merger will stabilize the tax rates for […]

To the editor: School gardens connect kids with good food

To the editor: School gardens connect kids with good food

At this time of year, the anticipation begins to build toward the last day of school and many teachers find that working in the school garden, or simply growing plants in the classroom, is a welcome hands-on activity that successfully engages students with their curriculum. Most schools in the region have some sort of school […]

To the editor: Local rules for local schools

To the editor: Local rules for local schools

Earl Butz – Richard Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture – was famous for telling farmers to “get big or get out.” His tenure set off a frenzy of consolidation in agriculture pushing small farmers off their land and turning neighbors against each other in an everyone-for-themselves scramble for more acreage. Farming began its perilous decline from […]

To the editor: Wild for Pollinators program benefits Vermont environment

To the editor: Wild for Pollinators program benefits Vermont environment

Vermont has more than 275 species of bees, three of which have recently been added to the threatened and endangered species list. Across the world, and in our own backyards, many pollinator populations are being threatened by pesticide use, habitat loss, climate change, parasites and disease problems, and more. Wild for Pollinators is a new […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks Okemo, volunteers and skiers for food drive

To the editor: BRGNS thanks Okemo, volunteers and skiers for food drive

The clients, employees and volunteers at Black River Good Neighbor Services in Ludlow sincerely thank Okemo, its employees and especially its skiers for a highly successful food drive on March 19. Each spring and each fall, Okemo holds its Cares and Shares food drive to benefit Black River Good Neighbors in the true spirit of […]

To the editor: Four towns vote May 2 on GM unified school district, board candidates

To the editor: Four towns vote May 2 on GM unified school district, board candidates

On Tuesday, March 21, the Vermont State Board of Education approved the formation of the Green Mountain Unified School District. Residents from Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester will serve as school directors for the new district. On Tuesday, May 2, 2017, each town school district will be voting by by Australian ballot on the formation […]

To the editor: Thanks to area firefighters for saving house

To the editor: Thanks to area firefighters for saving house

To the volunteer firefighters of Proctorsville, Cavendish, Ludlow, Springfield, Chester, Reading, Weston, Mount Holly, Ascutney, Walpole and Weathersfield who rallied to our home in the early hours of Feb. 15 to fight our house fire, we are eternally grateful. Through your efforts you were able to control the inferno and save our house. While there […]

To the editor: Sen. Clarkson updates legislative progress

To the editor: Sen. Clarkson updates legislative progress

The Vermont legislature is in the throes of “crossover’ – that two-week period when bills being considered by the House or the Senate must pass from one body to the other if they are to be enacted into law this year. This marks the half-way point in our legislative session. All of us worked hard […]

To the editor: Time to move on after Chester board passed UDBs

To the editor: Time to move on after Chester board passed UDBs

I would like to compliment the Chester Select Board for showing strong leadership at the Wednesday March 15 meeting. I was not thinking ahead so I was surprised by the chairman’s not allowing comments about the UDBs. Once that was stated it made perfect sense that that process was over and we were on to […]

To the editor: Challenge authority, not each other's integrity

To the editor: Challenge authority, not each other’s integrity

I would like the opportunity to address comments made to me regarding my previous letter and also respond to Frank Seawright’s letter, which I guess was a indirect response to mine even though he didn’t answer my criticism. I also would like to clarify my take on things here in Windham. I challenged Frank, not […]

To the editor: Windham board chair Seawright responds to critical letter

To the editor: Windham board chair Seawright responds to critical letter

As chair of the Select Board of the Town of Windham, I was recently vilified in a letter sent to various Vermont news outlets. Besides the peculiar accusation that I am “classless,” the letter criticizes a challenge at this year’s Town Meeting to another sitting Select Board member, who was up for re-election. Although the […]

To the editor: Feds urged to restart tool for FAFSA applicants

To the editor: Feds urged to restart tool for FAFSA applicants

The U.S. Department of Education and IRS have announced that they have shut down the income retrieval tool that simplifies the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. The Vermont Student Assistance Corp. is urging the Education Department and IRS to act quickly so that students and families do not have to manually enter […]

To the editor: Windham board chief disappoints in reaction to Scott win

To the editor: Windham board chief disappoints in reaction to Scott win

I am writing this letter to express my disappointment in the head of our Windham Select Board,  and the anti-wind group Friends of Windham. They continue to demonize and wage a smear campaign against any citizen of Windham whom they deem to be not stepping in line with their self interests. The most recent example […]

To the editor: Thank you for passing GMUHS budget

To the editor: Thank you for passing GMUHS budget

I want to thank all of you who approved our operating budget for the coming school year. For those who did not vote for the budget, I promise to do all I can so that our school earns your trust and confidence. Green Mountain Union High School students bring so much to our community. Besides […]

To the editor: Hall wants to move Grafton forward

To the editor: Hall wants to move Grafton forward

I’m Noralee Hall (that’s my dog Bess next to me) and this March 7th, town meeting day, I would appreciate your vote. I’m running for a 3-year Selectboard term. Here’s my brief back story: I live in town full-time, own my home, and I’ve worked in Grafton over the past 37 years. At the Grafton […]