RSSAll Entries in the "Letters to the Editor" Category

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Weston Town Green celebration a success

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Weston Town Green celebration a success

Weston’s Town Green came alive on Sept. 4 with more than  200 people at its annual community picnic and concert, celebrating 130 years of the Town Green. The “Ladies of the Green,” Trustees and maintainers of the park wish to thank the many people whose volunteer work made it such a success:  The Blue Flames Steel […]

To the editor: Iberdrola offer seems like bribe, divides even more

To the editor: Iberdrola offer seems like bribe, divides even more

Last Tuesday night, a foreign corporation promised me a minimum of $23,240, as long as voters approve their turbine project in November. This was done publicly and in writing at an open meeting held at our local elementary school. I was not the only one offered this opportunity. Every registered voter in Windham can get […]

Chester-Andover food services highlight fresh and local

Chester-Andover food services highlight fresh and local

The first month went very well this year. The children at Chester-Andover Elementary are excited to be back in school. Food service staff have returned, and are ready to go. Returning this school year is our cook Mary Spaulding. Our new hire this year is Alan Farrar. Alan will be our kitchen assistant working with […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all who helped make Rummage Sale a success

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all who helped make Rummage Sale a success

The staff and clients at Black River Good Neighbor Services thank all of the volunteers, donors and customers who made our annual Fall Rummage Sale a success. We put a tremendous effort into offering quality merchandise at fair prices and we spend many, many hours into setting up the barns and lawn at Fletcher Farm […]

To the editor: Who are the people behind the wind company?

To the editor: Who are the people behind the wind company?

The tiny towns of Grafton and Windham are faced with the possibility of a 28-turbine wind project being built on our ridgelines. This, the largest industrial wind development in Vermont, would forever change these quiet rural towns and the lives of their residents. The magnitude of this development is high up on the Richter scale. […]

To the editor: Windham Selectwoman responds to resident's pro-wind letter

To the editor: Windham Selectwoman responds to resident’s pro-wind letter

These comments are in response to Mary McCoy’s op-ed, which appeared in The Chester Telegraph on Aug. 29. As a selectwoman in Windham, I responded to them at the Sept. 6 Windham Select Board Meeting, with the full intent that any of our residents who were unable to attend would still be able to view/hear […]

To the editor: GM Food Services providing healthy meals

To the editor: GM Food Services providing healthy meals

The Green Mountain Union High School’s Food and Nutritional Services is well into the new school year and everything is going great. It is always good to see the kids back. All of our staff from last year have returned including Josh Adams our sous chef, Karla Hunsdon our sandwich prep and server and kitchen […]

To the editor: Thanks to all who helped make Fall Festival a success

To the editor: Thanks to all who helped make Fall Festival a success

Fall Festival had another successful year thanks to the cooperation and support of so many people in our community. Visitors enjoyed coming to our beautiful Chester Village to celebrate the arts in our area and enjoy our local musicians.  The vendors were excellent, the food was delicious, and the music kept the Festival upbeat.   […]

To the editor: Factoids aside, Meadowsend Timberlands a good steward of land

To the editor: Factoids aside, Meadowsend Timberlands a good steward of land

The conversation continues about the potential of an industrial wind project on Meadowsend Timberland’s Stiles Brook Forest, a privately owned, 5,000-acre tract of land in Windham and Grafton.  As part of the Meadowsend Timberlands team for over 11 years, I have participated in meetings, workshops, presentations and read the many commentaries on the subject over […]

To the editor: Many in Windham, Grafton open to wind project

To the editor: Many in Windham, Grafton open to wind project

I have called South Windham my home for 60 years, have no intention to leave it, and want what’s best for it.  Contrary to popular belief, there are many in Windham and Grafton like me who are open to developing wind power on the plateau between our two towns. Here are 10 of my reasons […]

To the editor: Jack Coleman was committed to lifelong learning

To the editor: Jack Coleman was committed to lifelong learning

To the impressive account of John R. Colman’s legacy, one additional aspect of his rich life should be added: his commitment to lifelong learning programs. (Jack Coleman, force behind Chester’s Players Guild, Overture to Christmas, dies at 95, Chester Telegraph, Sept. 9). Jack taught in the I.L.E.A.D. program at Dartmouth College for some years to […]

To the editor: Upper Midwest embraces wind

To the editor: Upper Midwest embraces wind

We just returned from a 2,600-mile round trip on motorcycles to the Wisconsin Dells. Imagine to our (seven people in the group) surprise all the wind turbines we saw, maybe 1,000 just in Michigan and Illinois alone — we got tired trying to count them. As we arrived in Ubly, Mich., we had seen at […]

To the editor: Black River Rugby season about to begin

To the editor: Black River Rugby season about to begin

Summer is winding down and fall is fast approaching, and with it comes the 2016 fall season for the Black River Rugby Club. Black River is a Division 4 Men’s Team in the New England Rugby Football Union. Again this year, Black River Rugby would like to thank Mark Verespy and The Killarney Irish Pub […]

To the editor: Bock thanks supporters for primary victory

To the editor: Bock thanks supporters for primary victory

A sincere thank you to all my supporters from Andover, Baltimore, Chester and North Springfield who brought our campaign to victory at the Aug. 9 primary. I am honored to have received the Democratic nomination for state representative and look forward to the final leg of the race to Election Day this fall. Over the […]

To the editor: Woodward announces run for Windsor Senate seat as independent

To the editor: Woodward announces run for Windsor Senate seat as independent

My name is Scott Woodward and I’d like to announce my candidacy to the voters of the Chester area. One reason I’m running as an independent is because of the growing frustration with both the major parties. I also believe my broad set of business, government and legal skills would serve me well as a […]

To the editor: Volunteers made 250th Celebration a success

To the editor: Volunteers made 250th Celebration a success

We are writing to personally thank all the volunteers and local businesses for their efforts and donations of time, money and services that helped make the Chester VT 250th Celebration a huge success. It has been truly a pleasure seeing town residents and visitors learning about our history, sharing the great food, music, games and […]

To the editor: Knowledge of community makes Bock good candidate

To the editor: Knowledge of community makes Bock good candidate

Tom Bock is running for the Vermont House of  Representatives seat  District 3. 1. I have known  Tom since the early ‘80s when he was vice president of Readex Microprint Corp. Tom has worn many hats for our community since moving to  Chester in the ‘70s: a successful business owner; Chester Selectman for nine years; […]

To the editor: Reed is best candidate

To the editor: Reed is best candidate

Having worked with many state representatives over the years, I would describe their most important characteristic is the ability to listen.  You cannot represent your constituents if you don’t know what their concerns are or how the issues will impact their lives.  Your have to listen to be a good representative. It is this quality […]

Editor's note: Letters to the editor

Editor’s note: Letters to the editor

During any political season, we naturally receive many letters to the editor endorsing one candidate or another. This year’s state primary will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 9. For fairness to all, The Chester Telegraph will not be running political endorsement letters to the editor between Tuesday, Aug. 2 and Aug. 9. Following the Primary, […]

To the editor: Reed understands needs of her district

To the editor: Reed understands needs of her district

There is an important primary election coming up on Aug. 9. That day, voters in Chester, Andover, North Springfield and Baltimore will have the opportunity to choose a new representative in Montpelier. We strongly recommend voting in the Democratic primary for Melody Reed. Melody brings a fresh face to the political process. A Vermonter with […]