RSSAll Entries in the "Letters to the Editor" Category

To the editor: Sexual assaults take many forms, have a variety of victims

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. Sexual assault is an umbrella term, and describes non-consensual sexual acts spanning from cat calling, to groping, to forcible rape. Sexual assault is a crime unrestrained by race, gender, social class, or background. It is a crime of power, and often causes the victim to feel guilt, shame and […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all for support during food drive

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all for support during food drive

The volunteers, employees and clients of Black River Good Neighbor Services in Ludlow extend their sincere thanks to the staff and skiers at Okemo Mountain Resort for their efforts on the annual Cares and Shares spring food drive.  Special thanks go to the Okemo Mountain Ambassadors and to Madison Cota, Miss Vermont Teen USA, who […]

To the editor: Why approve Certificate of Public Good for Vermont Yankee?

  A settlement agreement announced on Dec. 23, 2013 by Gov. Peter Shumlin, Attorney General William Sorrell, the State of Vermont, and Entergy recommends that the Vermont Public Service Board approve the Certificate of Public Good for Vermont Yankee to continue to operate until the end of 2014. The plant’s continued operation through the year […]

To the editor: The real heroin problem

The reason we have a heroin problem in this state and this country is because the U.S. military is guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan and has helped to increase the production of opium since U.S. occupation. If Gov. Peter Shumlin really wants to solve the heroin/addiction problem, he should be addressing this issue instead […]

To the editor: Thanks to community for supporting GMUHS budget

I am writing this open letter to the community to thank you for your support of our school budget. Your continued support of our fine community school is commendable. It makes me proud to be entrusted with so important a task as educating the children of our great democracy. On the importance of an education […]

To the editor: Please help preserve Chester

The charming village of Chester, VT,  is fighting an invasive attack from a powerful corporation. A proposed Dollar General store at the gateway to our village historic district will destroy the character of the town.  Please join the fight by making a tax deductible donation earmarked for Chester, to Vermont Preservation Trust at its website: […]

To the editor: Londonderry Parks Board thanks all for Valentine's Pingree Park fund-raiser

To the editor: Londonderry Parks Board thanks all for Valentine’s Pingree Park fund-raiser

  The Londonderry Parks Board would like to thank the community for its support of the Valentine’s Day Dance at Magic Mountain.   An excellent crowd came to hear a great band and win some fantastic prizes.  The dance  was a smashing success and helped raise an additional $1,030 for the Pingree Park Revitalization Project. The […]

To the editor: Vote yes for Whiting Library at Chester Town Meeting

The Whiting Library Board of Trustees encourages all Chester voters to attend Town Meeting on Monday, March 3 to support your public library and vote yes on Article 5. Article 5 seeks $119,820, less any grant funds received, for the purpose of restoring the Whiting Library building. Any funds borrowed will be financed for a […]

To the editor: Absurd arguments against Affordable Care Act

I am so disturbed at the recent flurry of pundit and political comments insisting that the recent Congressional Budget Office report insinuates that the Affordable Healthcare Act will cause the loss of millions of jobs or that the ACA is an incentive for people not to work. This is an absurd stretch of prediction and […]

To the editor: Cold winter takes its toll on families needing heating fuel

This is a tough winter for many Vermonters.  It has been five years since we had a winter this cold and while we all recall colder winters, this one is 10 percent colder than last year (based on heating degree days at the end of January) and 22 percent colder than the prior winter.  The […]

To the editor: Vermont legislative update from Rep. Dakin

After the first week of the 2014 session of the Vermont General Assembly, I am heartened by the budget presentation from Gov. Peter Shumlin. I support the theme of the proposed budget, which provides increased funding for education, mental health services, drug intervention and transportation, without a tax increase. As I start my fourth year […]

To the editor: Thanks to the emergency personnel who helped during fire

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the firefighters, police and EMS personnel who assisted at the fire at our antique shop last Tuesday morning. We were so impressed with their professionalism, hard work and caring attitude. It was quite overwhelming to see such a large response of men and women […]

To the editor: Join us for lunch to plan regular community meals

Several area towns have begun regularly scheduled Community Meals. In talking with people I know, I feel there is enough interest to begin this in Chester and Andover also. It will take a little planning, like where, how often, who will prepare the food, etc. Rather than have a meeting about meals, I decided to […]

To the editor: Rotary’s annual visit to Kurn Hattin was a blessing for all

  Wow! What an afternoon it was on Thursday, Dec. 19 at Kurn Hattin Home for Children in Westminster, when the Chester Rotary made its annual visit. In the 10 years I have been participating, I have never seen the number of Rotarians, Interact members, friends of Rotary, even our District Governor David Hoopes and […]

To the editor: Thanks to all for making the Annual Senior Christmas Dinner a success

    I  would like to thank everyone who helped with the annual Chester Senior Christmas Dinner on Saturday, Dec. 14, at Chester-Andover Elementary School. Thanks to you, this free event was again a great success. It is truly a labor of love and shows in the smiles and laughter of all the workers and […]

To the editor: Two injured Proctorsville firefighters need community support

On Saturday Nov. 2, two members of the Proctorsville Volunteer Fire Department were injured, though not in the line of service. According to the fire department, “PFD received a tone for a man that was hit by a tree during logging operations. Ludlow Ambulance Service and PFD responded to find it was our 1st Lt. […]

To the editor: Thanks to all for a great Fall Festival in Chester

Everyone in the community helped make the 39th Fall Festival a great success! Sunny, warm weather with lots of blue sky allowed the crowd to enjoy the fine crafts displayed on the Green, to watch craftspeople demonstrating their skills, including an opportunity to try out Susan Leader’s potting wheel, and to sample a variety of […]

To the editor: New England congressional delegation opposes changes to clean air funding

All 20 of New England’s representatives in the U.S. House sent a letter to Gina McCarthy, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, expressing their concern that proposed funding changes to clean air programs would have a negative impact on the region. In June, the EPA announced changes to the way the agency plans to distribute […]

To the editor: Motion to terminate Rockingham Library director uncalled for

To the Board of Trustees of the Rockingham Free Public Library, I object to the recent motion to terminate our library director, Célina Houlné. Earlier in the year I heard that Houlné’s job performance was in question and I was shocked. Then, I found out about the claims that were being leveled against her. I’ve […]

To the editor: Does Dollar General fit in with Chester?

Have you been wondering and following why Chester has been targeted to allow a small box Dollar General store to be built across from the Country Girl Diner on our Main Street? As many of our good friends know, Bonnie and I have party status in the Act 250 hearing and the appeal process now […]