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Op-ed: Vermont's legislative session falls<br> far short of the Democrats' hype

Op-ed: Vermont’s legislative session falls
far short of the Democrats’ hype

By Sen. Randy Brock Imagine waking up one morning and seeing crumbs all over the floor, dirty dishes in the sink and the house full of flies because someone left the back door open. Which problem should you deal with first?  None of the above — because the smoke and flames should have alerted you […]

Sen. McCormack: Climate change & infrastructure were two imperatives in Montpelier

Sen. McCormack: Climate change & infrastructure were two imperatives in Montpelier

By Sen. Richard McCormack Here’s a few highlights from the 2021 legislative session in Montpelier. Senators serve on two standing committees. My morning committee is the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, and my afternoon committee is the Senate Committee on Institutions. The Environment: The big environmental issue, indeed the overarching existential issue of […]

Essay: What Memorial Day means to me

Essay: What Memorial Day means to me

Editor’s note: The following essay by Miles Glidden was chosen as the best Memorial Day essay byhis peers from among all the Memorial Day essays that his class wrote. In non-Covid times, he would have read the essay during Memorial Day ceremonies held by the Chester American Legion on the Green in Chester. By Miles […]

Sen. Clarkson: What we learned this session

Sen. Clarkson: What we learned this session High speed internet is essential; federal dollars will benefit all Vermonters

By Sen. Alison Clarkson The Vermont legislature adjourned Friday afternoon, May 21. We all agree that it was an historic session. It was the first legislative session to be conducted completely remotely during an international pandemic. And,  despite our productivity, we all long to be back in the Statehouse doing the people’s business in person. […]

Op-ed: On science, liberty and nonsense

Op-ed: On science, liberty and nonsense

By Sen. Dick McCormack The Vermont legislature has only a few actual scientists and constitutional scholars. But the discussion of public health, including the matter of Covid vaccinations, is a scientific discussion.  And some folks invoke questions of liberty in response.  Strange duty for citizen legislators. But neither are we all farmers, ski area operators […]

Op-ed: What could go wrong? Senate Finance Committee bakes a broadband cake

Op-ed: What could go wrong? Senate Finance Committee bakes a broadband cake

By Sen. Randy Brock Imagine if you were baking a birthday cake and you had the benefit of having the Vermont Senate Finance Committee helping you. That’s what it’s like as we debate how to extend broadband throughout Vermont.  The birthday we want to celebrate is coming soon and we have to make decisions about […]

Op-ed: 2 proposals would amend Vt. Constitution

Op-ed: 2 proposals would amend Vt. Constitution

By Sen. Alison Clarkson The Vermont Constitution is a living document and, as such, is allowed to be amended. However, the authors of our Constitution in 1777 did not make it an easy document to amend. It is a multi-year process, requiring review and approval in two consecutive legislative biennia (in this case 2019-20 and […]

Op-ed: Bock on legislative progress in Montpelier

Op-ed: Bock on legislative progress in Montpelier

By state Rep. Tom Bock Windsor-3-1 Nothing about the 2021-2022 legislative session in Montpelier has been business as usual. It began as no other like it, in total virtual mode with legislators “Zooming in” from 150 locales across Vermont. Despite these challenges, we are making progress on critical goals. Our focus continues to be on […]

Op-ed: Sunshine Week celebrates open government -- even in a pandemic

Op-ed: Sunshine Week celebrates open government — even in a pandemic

By Jim Condos Vermont Secretary of State “Work Like There Are 625,000 Vermonters Looking Over Our Shoulders” Covid-19 has strained so many of our institutions over the last year. As our Vermont government agencies work to support our state through this crisis, we must always work to maintain the public’s right to know. Fortunately, in […]

Sen. Clarkson: Pandemic Zooming has made Montpelier more accessible

Sen. Clarkson: Pandemic Zooming has made Montpelier more accessible

By Sen. Alison Clarkson Town Meeting week certainly was different this year. While I missed the in-person visits, delicious food and touring around Windsor District, our virtual Zoom Town Informational Meetings enabled me to stop in to 10 gatherings. Without having to drive half an hour or 45 minutes between meetings, I was afforded the […]

Op-ed: VPR/Vermont PBS -- The Vermont media conglomerate

Op-ed: VPR/Vermont PBS — The Vermont media conglomerate

By Matt Krauss The largest non-profit media organization in Vermont history –made up of Vermont Public Radio and the Vermont Public Broadcasting System — will soon have 117 employees, an annual budget $18 million and $91 million in assets. Seven Days has around 43 employees; VtDigger around 22. How many at your local newspaper? Its […]

Opinion: State bill would require civics education for high school graduation

Opinion: State bill would require civics education for high school graduation

By Sen. Dick McCormack Windsor District It requires real effort to focus on anything but Covid-19 and the transfer of power, but life and its lesser concerns go on. A tri-partisan group of senators, including local colleagues Sen. Alison Clarkson, Sen. Mark MacDonald and all three Rutland County senators, are co-sponsoring S.17, a bill I’ve […]

Opinion: Historic day in Montpelier and Washington, D.C.

Opinion: Historic day in Montpelier and Washington, D.C.

By Sen. Alison Clarkson Windsor District Last Wednesday, Jan. 6, we saw a sharp contrast between legislative life in Vermont and in the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. This contrast couldn’t have been more stark: One, unusually quiet, orderly, historic but subdued; The other noisy, chaotic and shockingly violent. One affirming and one rocking our […]

Op-ed: Town Clerks are heroes of Election Day

Op-ed: Town Clerks are heroes of Election Day

By Jim Condos Vermont Secretary of State As Vermonters we should be proud. The November General Election saw Vermonters voting in record numbers, exercising our civic duty both safely and securely during circumstances that are anything but ordinary. Much of the conversation nationally is focused on the results of the election. I think it’s equally […]

Op-ed: Rep. Bock on wrap up of legislative session

Op-ed: Rep. Bock on wrap up of legislative session Covid funding, Global Warming Act, cannabis marketplace

By Tom Bock The Vermont House of Representatives passed its final bills and adjourned on Friday, Sept. 25. This concluded an historic 2-year session in which Covd-19 tested our state, causing numerous disruptions, including the closure of Vermont’s State House. The main purpose of the final session, which began on Aug. 25, was to finalize […]

Op-ed: One Drop

Op-ed: One Drop Passing as white, denying your identity

By James Michael Brodie ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC “You see, unfortunately, I am not black. There are lots of different kinds of blood in our family. But here in the United States, the word ‘Negro’ is used to mean anyone who has any Negro blood at all in his veins. In Africa, the word is […]

Op-ed: Individual actions save local businesses

Op-ed: Individual actions save local businesses

By Tim Roper I’ve heard and read quite a bit recently about how the town of Chester is killing small business through onerous regulation and thought this might be a good place to share some thoughts from my perspective in that regard. I’m writing here as a citizen of Chester and a small business owner, […]

Op-ed: Why are you mad?

Op-ed: Why are you mad?

By James Michael Brodie ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC A few days ago, a white gentleman responded to one of my posts with a series of profanity laden insults. When another poster pointed out his bigotry, he responded by declaring himself a “proud racist,” before adding in a few more expletives. A quick look at postings […]

Rep. Bock: State moving Covid money into areas of need

Rep. Bock: State moving Covid money into areas of need

By Rep. Tom Bock The last day that I and my fellow Vermont House colleagues set foot in the House Chamber was Friday, March 13. Since then, for more than three months, the 150-member House has conducted business from our homes, with Speaker of the House Mitzi Johnson insisting we continue to wear proper business […]

Op-ed: Why are you 'white?'

Op-ed: Why are you ‘white?’

By James Michael Brodie ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC I recently posed a question to my friends on Facebook who identify as white: “Do you know how you came to be called white? Do you know why?” Those who responded shared their experiences of living in white skin, but none could cite the source of those […]