RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Chase thanks voters for their support, urges community input

To the editor: Chase thanks voters for their support, urges community input

To the communities of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham, Thank you for your vote on Election Day.  I am grateful for your confidence in and support of me. As your newly elected state representative, I pledge to do my best and to work hard to represent the interests of our communities in Montpelier. Whether we […]

To the editor: Ryan congratulates Chase on House victory

To the editor: Ryan congratulates Chase on House victory

I want to say congratulations to you Heather Chase on your successful election to the Vermont House seat for the Windsor-Windham District. Please accept my best wishes as you prepare for your new journey and take on the responsibilities and challenges of representing what is best for the people within our district. I wish you […]

To the editor: Chester board seeks input on town growth, amenities

To the editor: Chester board seeks input on town growth, amenities

As the Chester Planning Commission continues working to maximize citizen input related to quality-of-life priorities around planning Chester’s future, we request the following poll to be completed by all renters, businesspeople, resident, and non-resident property owners as a vitally important tool in providing direction to the work being undertaken. Click here to access the poll. […]

To the editor: Chase the best choice for Windsor-Windham District

To the editor: Chase the best choice for Windsor-Windham District

Heather Chase was one of the first people to say hello to me when we moved here. And she’s been a warm and consistent friend since. When my wife and I first came to Chester, we wanted cleaner air and water, more access to the outdoors, and to get involved in a small town that […]

To the editor: McCormack, Clarkson, White for Windsor District

To the editor: McCormack, Clarkson, White for Windsor District

There are three Democratic candidates for Vermont Senate who are running as a team to represent the Windsor District. They are: Sen. Alison Clarkson from Woodstock; Sen. Dick McCormack from Bethel; and state Rep. Becca White from Hartford (she is the new candidate for Vermont Senate following Alice Nitka’s retirement). I have met each of […]

To the editor: Vote for Republicans for Windsor Senate

To the editor: Vote for Republicans for Windsor Senate

Vermonters are facing hard economic and cultural times. A fair share of the blame for these hard times rests squarely on the shoulders of the current progressive, Democratic Party majority that dominates both branches of the General Assembly in Montpelier. Since 1996, the Democrats have had control of the Vermont Senate. They have had control […]

To the editor: Don't vote Democrat

To the editor: Don’t vote Democrat

If you are happy that Vermont is Top 5 in the country in cost of living vs. wages and overall taxes per capita then vote Democrat. If you believe that draconian measures including steep fuel tax hikes to reduce Vermont’s .1% CO2 share will save the planet then vote Democrat.  If you believe that it’s […]

To the editor: Vote Partridge for asst. judge for Windham

To the editor: Vote Partridge for asst. judge for Windham

May this express my support for the election of Carolyn Partridge to the office of assistant judge for Windham County. Carolyn’s experience as a legislator recommends her highly for the office. As a committee chair in the state House of Representatives for 14 years, Carolyn rightly earned a reputation for fairness, competence and compassion. These […]

To the editor: Vote White, McCormack, Clarkson

To the editor: Vote White, McCormack, Clarkson

Dear fellow Windsor County citizens: I’m privileged to live here and love my home in Vermont. I have a deep appreciation for the attributes I’ve found to be true here: natural beauty that requires diligent and careful protection, the can-do spirit of community and a willingness to help neighbors, and a dedication to collaboration to […]

To the editor: Vote for McCormack, Clarkson and White

To the editor: Vote for McCormack, Clarkson and White

This election year, Windsor County has the opportunity to elect three excellent candidates to the Vermont Senate. Representing the largest geographic Senate district in the state takes a special type of person. They must be willing to show up in every corner of a district that sprawls from Thetford to Weston and Springfield to Rochester. […]

To the editor: Three excellent candidates in Windsor Senate race

To the editor: Three excellent candidates in Windsor Senate race

Please join me in voting for three excellent candidates for Windsor County Senate. If you are looking for experience, listening skills, energy and thoughtfulness, you will choose Alison Clarkson, Dick McCormack and Becca White. Senator McCormack has been elected by Windsor County voters 15 times. He has served on several legislative committees and serves on […]

To the editor: Chase will be responsive to Windsor-Windham residents

To the editor: Chase will be responsive to Windsor-Windham residents

Heather Chase will be a superb legislator, responsive to the concerns of our citizens and forceful in supporting issues of importance to our state as she represents all of us in the Windsor-Windham District of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham. Actively involved  as a Chester Select Board member, chair of the Chester Board of Civil […]

To the editor: The team to vote for on Nov. 8

To the editor: The team to vote for on Nov. 8

You build and vote for a team.   In this election, the strong team to vote for in the race for Vermont’s Windsor County Senate is Alison Clarkson, Dick McCormack and Rebecca White. In lots of aspects of life, business, problem solving and sports, you build a team. In politics it’s no different. You look to […]

To the editor: Chase seeks your vote in run for state representative for Windsor-Windham

To the editor: Chase seeks your vote in run for state representative for Windsor-Windham

My name is Heather Chase and, as a Democrat, I am a candidate for the Vermont state legislature from the Windsor-Windham District to represent all of you in Montpelier. I am excited by this opportunity to seek to serve my community and have enjoyed meeting many of you in my campaign throughout the district in […]

Editorial: Regulate unhosted short-term rentals

Editorial: Regulate unhosted short-term rentals

By Cynthia Prairie ©2022 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Telegraph spent months looking into the housing crisis in the central tier of southern Vermont, trying to understand where it stands now and, if necessary, what can be done about it. Today’s article, Hollowed Community?, which you can read here, pinpoints several factors into the causes […]

To the editor: Partridge seeks post of assistant judge for Windham

To the editor: Partridge seeks post of assistant judge for Windham

I am writing to ask for your vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8 for the position of Windham County assistant judge.  Many of you know me for my service as a state representative in the Vermont House of Representatives for the last 24 years.  My goal has always been to listen to and serve the people […]

To the editor: Dem Senate team seeks Winsdor voters' support

To the editor: Dem Senate team seeks Winsdor voters’ support

Thank you, Vermont Windsor District voters, for your support in choosing us to be your three Democratic Senate candidates on the ballot this Nov. 8.  We — Alison Clarkson, Dick McCormack and Becca White — are running as a team, and we heartily endorse one another. We respect one another as individuals and as public […]

To the editor: House candidate Eva Ryan: Let your voices be heard on Nov. 8

To the editor: House candidate Eva Ryan: Let your voices be heard on Nov. 8

This letter is addressed to my constituents of the Windsor-Windham District of Vermont, citizens of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham for showing up and voting in our Aug. 9 primary, one of American’s most sacred duties to perform. I encourage all citizens of our district to exercise their right to vote on Nov. 8 and […]

Op-ed: Protecting reproductive rights

Op-ed: Protecting reproductive rights

By Nicholas Boke I figured that if somebody was handing out glossy anti-Article 22 fliers at the Chester Town Hall on Primary Election Day, there’d be lots of somebodies handing out glossy anti-Article 22 fliers at other voting stations. I was right. The overstated hypotheticals provided in the flier are just the tack that Vermont […]

To the editor: Reasons not to support Manchin-Schumer bill

To the editor: Reasons not to support Manchin-Schumer bill

An open letter to U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders and Rep. Peter Welch: Please do not support the provisions of the Manchin-Schumer bill for a number of reasons.  To name some: How can further excessive government spending mitigate inflation if high government spending is one of the causes of inflation? The wind and […]