All Entries in the "Commentary" Category

Editorial: Dems kick up some dust over a MAGA event
By Cynthia Prairie ©2025 Telegraph Publishing LLC Words matter and so do the reactions to those words. And because of both of those, we have a bit of a dust-up over what exactly is happening at the beloved and historic Fullerton Inn in Chester. Has it gone “full MAGA” as one local Democrat is suggesting? […]

Column: Music on a frigid night warms the soul
By Luna Burkland ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC On this freezing Sunday night, just three days before Christmas, tucked away in the Peru Congregational Church, concert-goers young and old experienced the joyful sounds of Ida Mae Specker, Emily Burkland, Faith Wood and Mowgli Giannitti. The four, informally known as Ida Mae and Friends when they perform […]

To the editor: Vermont education funding needs repair
As a parent of two children attending Compass School, an independent school in Westminster, I am writing to share my story with the hope of raising awareness, advocating for systemic change, and securing funding for children from low-income families. I firmly believe that every child should have access to funding that follows them to the […]

Op-ed: It’s time to move Chester’s revised zoning bylaws forward
By Tim Roper The Chester Select Board finds itself in an unfortunate state of disagreement with regard to moving the work of our Planning Commission forward. During the Sept. 18 and Oct. 16 public hearing to adopt proposed changes to the zoning bylaws, the Select Board heard objections from a few households regarding implementing a […]

To the editor: Rep.-elect Morrow on projected property tax hike
The Vermont Tax Commissioner has released his annual estimate of what our average statewide property tax will be next year, based on expected revenues, expected property values, the budgets school boards are proposing to local voters, and other currently existing costs in the education fund. The letter projects a 5.9% property tax increase. While it […]

To the editor: Chester development would create many problems for full-time residents
My concerns are the zoning law changes to smaller lots in Chester. The new revision of zoning laws for acre reduction to lots for development off Putnam Hill Road in Chester on an 8+ acre lot for new homes has been approved by Chester planning and zoning. Despite objection by surrounding homeowners. My understanding on […]

To the editor: How to merge Proctorsville and Cavendish fire departments
Once again, the issue of merging Fire Districts 1 and 2 in Cavendish has been brought up by a few citizens. I have been on the Cavendish Fire Department since 2017 and on the Cavendish Fire District 2 since 2019. I have also been involved in the unsuccessful attempt to merge the fire districts. The […]

To the editor: Correcting misunderstandings about Covid vaccine and climate change
Mr. Keith Stern, who unsuccessfully ran for the Vermont House in the last election, has made false statements about the Covid vaccine and climate change in several publications. First, Mr. Stern said that the FDA/CDC VAERS website “reported incidences of adverse reactions” to the vaccine. Of course there are reported adverse reactions, as there are […]

To the editor: Senate candidate Murray thanks supporters, says the work continues
Dear Friends, Supporters and Voters of Chester and Windsor District, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each of you who believed in my campaign for state Senate. You shared your stories and campaigned alongside me for a Vermont that works for all. While the result was not what we […]

To the editor: Clarkson, Major, White thank supporters, voters
Thank you to the Windsor District voters for electing us to represent you in the Vermont state Senate. We are honored to serve and appreciate your vote of confidence. We are grateful to our many volunteers who helped make this victory possible. Thank you for hosting our lawn signs, writing letters to the editor, canvassing […]

To the editor: Windsor GOP marks historic wins
The Windsor County Republican Party is pleased to announce the election of three new Republican state representatives in key districts. Kevin Winter of Ludlow has been elected to represent the Rutland‐Windsor District (Ludlow, Mount Holly and Shrewsbury). Tom Charlton of Chester will serve the Windsor‐Windham District (Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham). VL Coffin of Cavendish […]

To the editor: Rep. Chase thanks supporters, congratulates Charlton
Dear Residents of Chester, Grafton, Windham and Athens, The voters have spoken, and while the outcome wasn’t what we hoped for, I want to take a moment to congratulate Tom Charlton on his victory. The people have made their choice, and I respect that decision. Serving as your representative in Montpelier has been an incredible […]

From the editor: 10 thoughts on elections and voting
By Cynthia Prairie ©2024 Telegraph Publishing LLC Most of you may have already voted by mail or in early voting, but I wait til Election Day. Going to the polls is an experience I have cherished since I turned 18. In all the years since, in all the cities I have lived in and for […]

To the editor: Vote for VL Coffin for Windsor-2
Weathersfield, Cavendish and Baltimore friends and neighbors, I’m proud to endorse and support fellow veteran, VL Coffin, for Windsor-2 House of Representatives seat. VL has dedicated his life to serve Vermont and our country loyally and honorably. He is a decorated veteran, awarded the Bronze Star for his meritorious overseas service. VL has the support […]

To the editor: What Republicans stand for
As a Republican, I am for a smaller government close to home. I believe that businesses, not the government, should create jobs. I support free-market capitalism, individual incentive, and achievement. I believe in lower taxes that stimulate the economy by putting more money into wage earners’ pockets. People are better able to decide what to […]

To the editor: Vote for Clarkson, White and Major for state Senate for Windsor
I am writing in support of the Democratic ticket for the Windsor County Senate district: Sen. Alison Clarkson, Sen. Becca White and Joe Major. Alison and Becca are seeking re-election, while Joe hopes to bring his extensive town governance, housing and racial justice experience to Montpelier as a new senator for our district. As a […]

To the editor: Chase has gone above and beyond for the Athens community
My name is Tina White and I’m a life long resident of Athens. I’m writing to share of state Rep. Heather Chase’s commitment to Athens and other small rural towns. As a small town, it often feels like Athens gets forgotten about. Before Heather Chase was elected, I recall our representative only coming to town […]

To the editor: Charlton would provide ‘workable balance’ in State House
I am a Vermonter born in Barre, a long-term Chester Select Board member and retired captain of the Vermont State Police. I also coached softball at Green Mountain High School, where I retired from the school system after working with our students for about 15 years. I love Chester and our surrounding towns and know […]

To the editor: Vote Murray to restore balance in Montpelier
Hello Friends & Neighbors I’m Andrea Murray and running for state Senate in Windsor District because we must make Vermont more affordable. I’m a farmer in Weathersfield, businesswoman and mom who’s struggling too – with a soaring cost of living, high property taxes and feeling we’re not being heard by career politicians. It’s now time […]

To the editor: Support Charlton to help break supermajority
I write in support of Tom Charlton for state representative for Athens, Chester, Grafton, and Windham. Why? Well, in part because the supermajority Democrat members of the Vermont legislature rammed through seven new laws despite the vetoes of Gov. Phil Scott. We have learned from a brave Democrat representative that fewer than 10 Democrat legislators […]