RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Main St. enhancements among Derry residents' improvement ideas

To the editor: Main St. enhancements among Derry residents’ improvement ideas

The Londonderry Planning Commission would like to thank everyone who contributed to Project Londonderry. The bright orange posters around town were filled with ideas and suggestions on what residents would like for their life in Londonderry. The four overriding themes expressed by residents were: Main Street enhancements; expanded basic life services; year-round recreation and entertainment; […]

Sharpe on Act 46: Were we hoodwinked?

Sharpe on Act 46: Were we hoodwinked? Former legislator looks at promises, realities of consolidation

By David Sharpe I am distressed by the proposals for school closings in Addison County. The legislature’s education committees took many weeks of testimony over a six-year period regarding how we move forward as a state in providing quality education for Vermont children in a way that taxpayers could afford. As the chairman of the […]

To the editor: Thank you, Chester Fire and mutual aid departments

To the editor: Thank you, Chester Fire and mutual aid departments

We would like to thank the Chester Fire Department and ALL the mutual aid departments that came to our fire on Dec. 26. Thank you for your dedication and willingness to help in our time of need. Thank you for being such an important part of our community. We are so blessed to live in […]

To the editor: Family Center thanks Andover Snow Riders

To the editor: Family Center thanks Andover Snow Riders

Every year, the Andover Snow Riders holds a pancake breakfast to raise funds and collect food for the Chester-Andover Family Center. This event is always well-attended thanks to Nick Baker and his team of snow-rider chefs. This year’s breakfast was delicious and plentiful, raising $480 and collecting 110 pounds of food. The Chester-Andover Family Center […]

Opinion: Put education legislation in timeout

Opinion: Put education legislation in timeout

By Shawn Cunningham ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Thursday, Agency of Education Secretary Dan French announced a new statewide initiative to improve reading and math skills. According to a press release, the agency will “partnering with MetaMetrics to roll out (its) … Frameworks for reading and math cost-free to all Vermont school districts.” To put […]

Editorial: The GM school board is leading

Editorial: The GM school board is leading

By Cynthia Prairie ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC When a public body should be criticized, at times the loudest voice you’ll hear comes from me. Today, that will be true for one that deserves praise: The Green Mountain Unified School District Board of Directors and its Finance Committee. Over the past several months, these elected members […]

To the editor: Thank you for a great Cookie Tour

To the editor: Thank you for a great Cookie Tour

The 3rd Annual Chester Holiday Cookie Tour, held Sunday, Dec. 8 in the Stone Village, was a resounding success as more than 100 people toured historic homes, chatted with the hosts and other visitors and tasted homemade cookies. Visitors came from as far away as Texas and Connecticut although most were Springfield and Chester residents […]

To the editor: State updates action on Lowell Lake

To the editor: State updates action on Lowell Lake

Master Planning work is progressing at Lowell Lake State Park in Londonderry with 2019 field work wrapped up, public input survey on design alternatives complete and further analysis under way. The Lowell Lake Master Plan concept design alternatives were presented at an open house in South Londonderry on July 25.  A public feedback survey was […]

To the editor: Holiday Housewarming raises funds fuel assistance

To the editor: Holiday Housewarming raises funds fuel assistance

The Chester and Andover Democrats will hold its annual Holiday Housewarming Fuel & Food Fundraiser at Baba a Louis Bakery, 92 Vt. Route 11 west in Chester on Monday, Dec. 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. As always, there will be plenty to eat and drink at this event, which is open to the entire […]

To the editor: Chester brochure needs your help!

To the editor: Chester brochure needs your help!

In January, the Chester Economic Development Committee will begin putting together the 2020 Chester brochure, advertising local businesses, the 2020 Calendar of Events and the many activities that make Chester a great place to live and work. To do this requires help with selling ads, taking photos, layout, proofing and distribution. We’re asking for volunteers […]

To the editor: Chester a very special community

To the editor: Chester a very special community

It has been 40 years since our car accident. On Nov. 29, 1979, my older sister Lisa. 13, and my younger sister Kathy Jo, 8, and I, 11,  were waiting for the school bus across the street from our house. A car came around the curve, slid on black ice, landed on my two sisters […]

Bill Schubart: Incent strangers or invest in Vermonters and newcomers?

Bill Schubart: Incent strangers or invest in Vermonters and newcomers?

By Bill Schubart The Vermont State Auditor’s recent report titled Structural Weaknesses and Questionable Gains by Vermont’s Remote Worker Grant Program not only raises questions about the design and efficacy of the executive and legislative effort to attract telecommuting employees to Vermont but suggests the execution was slapdash. The $500,000 legislative commitment was designed to […]

To the editor: Consider donation to Family Center

To the editor: Consider donation to Family Center

The Chester-Andover Family Center, as a 501c3 charitable non-profit organization, relies on donations from local citizens, friends from “away” and businesses to fund our community based social programs. Our Food Shelf serves over 100 families a month, providing nutritious, supplemental food. Our financial assistance program provides heating assistance and help with paying bills for necessities […]

To the editor: A different point of view on Meg Powden

To the editor: A different point of view on Meg Powden

As a long time school board member in Chester, recent chair of both the Green Mountain Unified School District Board and the Two Rivers Supervisory Union Board, member of the Act 46 Study Committee, and chair of the Board Bargaining Council for several years, I have had the opportunity to observe Superintendent Meg Alison Powden […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks volunteers, shoppers for rummage sale fund-raiser

To the editor: BRGNS thanks volunteers, shoppers for rummage sale fund-raiser

Throughout the weekend of Sept. 20, 21 and 22, the staff and volunteers of Black River Good Neighbor Services conducted their semi-annual rummage sale at Fletcher Farm in Ludlow. The sale has come to be a well-recognized and eagerly anticipated event for the Black River Valley. This spring the weather was wonderful; the crowds were […]

To the editor: Chester Rotary grateful to all who helped with successful Fall Festival

To the editor: Chester Rotary grateful to all who helped with successful Fall Festival

This year’s Chester Fall Festival  — held on Sept. 21 and 22 — marked the 45th year of the town’s traditional, signature autumnal event. Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Chester, the festival is a major fundraiser for the organization’s community programs, such as scholarships. The Rotary Club of Chester would like to extend our […]

To the editor: GM Class of 2024 thanks all who aided with Fall Festival fund-raising

To the editor: GM Class of 2024 thanks all who aided with Fall Festival fund-raising

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 21 and 22, was the Chester Fall Festival. And what a weekend it was! The Green Mountain UHS Class of 2024 (8th graders) served nearly 200 baked potatoes to festival goers, nearly doubling our fundraising goal. This was only possible through generous donations of time […]

Rep. Tom Bock: Bills passed to spur job growth

Rep. Tom Bock: Bills passed to spur job growth

By Rep. Tom Bock By the closing of the 2019 session in mid-May, the House and Senate legislators had passed 93 bills, two of which were vetoed by Gov. Phil Scott. The rest became law on July 1, 2019, including the FY2020 $6.1 billion budget. Low population growth and its impact on workforce development have […]

Editorial: A question of judgment

Editorial: A question of judgment

By Cynthia Prairie ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Meg Powden took the reins of the Two Rivers Supervisory Union in 2016, when our schools were in the throes of Act 46 consolidations and all parties involved worked hard to make the transition smooth. At the time, Powden was an unknown entity, so we sat back and […]

To the editor: Chef Michael Kennedy takes over GM food service

To the editor: Chef Michael Kennedy takes over GM food service

Welcome to another year of healthy and nutritious meals for our students. My name is Michael Kennedy, and I am the new food service director here at GMUSD. I grew up in Chester and know Jack Carroll quite well. I am excited to build upon the terrific program Jack has been running here for so […]