All Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Springfield Hospital needs new leadership
Like most people in our community, I am concerned with the current situation surrounding Springfield Hospital’s finances and administration. I am extremely concerned by a clear lack of leadership by the hospital’s Board of Directors, especially the lack of leadership shown by George Lamb, chair of the SMCS board. Whether the lack of leadership is […]

To the editor: Andover Snow Riders thanks all fund-raiser participants
On Saturday, Jan. 5, 2019, the Andover Mountaineer Snow Riders held its 6th Annual Pasta Dinner and Blind Auction. The event was well attended by club members, fellow snowmobile enthusiasts and neighbors from our surrounding communities. The evening is a two-fold event: the delicious dinner served at the beginning of the evening, then the fun, […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all for holiday food, gift collection, distribution efforts
Each year, the staff and volunteers at Black River Good Neighbor Services collect food and toys during December and distribute them to deserving families throughout the area. This distribution dates back to well before the creation of BRGNS, but our staff and volunteers are proud to continue the tradition and to serve our clients in […]

To the editor: Derry Rescue Squad honors members at banquet
On Oct. 28, the Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad held its annual banquet at the Landgrove Inn. LVRS is all volunteer and doesn’t charge for its ambulance and rescue services. The banquet is a yearly chance to get together in a social setting, have good fun and good food, and recognize accomplishments of individual members and […]

Op-ed: An open letter to Vermont legislators
Dear Legislators, First, thank you all for your willingness to serve your constituents and all Vermonters. You are appreciated by most of us. But please remember, you serve both the special wants and needs of your constituents … and, of all Vermonters, whose needs sometimes differ. Foster the balance. The bill-drafting process is broken. You […]

Op-ed: Let stand historic language of Vermont Constitution
By Sen. Dick McCormack When the Vermont legislature convenes in January, there will be an effort to amend the Vermont Constitution to alter the 1777 language prohibiting slavery, the first prohibition of slavery in North America. I think doing this is a bad idea. As I understand it, supporters of amending object to the anti-slavery […]

To the editor: Organic dairy farmers sought for quick survey
Mastitis is one of the costliest health issues for dairy cows, and a team of UVM researchers is working to address it by exploring the risks and benefits of common bedding strategies used by Vermont organic farmers. According to co-project director Deb Neher, Ph.D., “Reducing mastitis is an opportunity for increased profitability for organic dairy […]

To the editor: State plan for Lowell Lake poorly conceived
The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation presented an information meeting in Londonderry on Monday, Dec. 10 detailing plans to increase development within Lowell Lake State Park. Here is what I learned at that meeting and by reviewing the state’s development plan: The many people that have been using Lowell Lake for years for […]

To the editor: Phoenix Books hopes to keep Misty Valley open into January
Phoenix Books Misty Valley, located on the Green, in Chester, has been open the past two weeks and will remain open at least through the end of December. It is our hope that we can continue to operate into January, and an announcement about that will be issued soon. The December hours of operation are […]

To the Editor: Tom Bock thanks voters
I want to thank the voters of Andover, Baltimore, Chester and North Springfield for re-electing me to be your representative in Montpelier. I look forward to representing all of you and hope to learn more about your concerns on the issues that face our community. Again, thank you for your continued confidence in me as […]

To the editor: Springfield Hospital needs change at the top
Springfield Hospital is going through some tough times and the staff and public are worried. At a recent Springfield Hospital board meeting, members opened some of their time to public comments. This letter is in response to that meeting and to Tim Ford and George Lamb’s letter that appeared in the Eagle Times. Tim Ford […]

Commentary: The irony of the Phoenix
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Irony – As a literary device, irony is a contrast or incongruity between expectations for a situation and what is reality… It can also be a difference between what might be expected to happen and what actually occurs. — If it weren’t for the loss of […]

To the editor: Sen. Clarkson thanks supporters
Many thanks to the voters in the Windsor County District for re-electing me to serve in the Vermont Senate. I am deeply honored that you’ve extended your trust to me and I look forward to continuing to advocate for this large and diverse Senate district in our Statehouse. Over the last four months, I’ve canvassed, […]

To the editor: Thanks to all who made Chester outerwear drive a success
The Eleventh Annual Warm Hands Warm Hearts event on Oct. 19 and 20 was truly a heart warming event. Thousands of donations of warm, gently used items were on display at the Chester Congregational Church in Chester. At least 150 shoppers were able to find coats, hats, scarves, sweaters, vests, socks, boots and more that […]

To the editor: Zupan champions American principles
The fresh ideas and can-do Vermont spirit of Lawrence Zupan is exhilarating at a time of so much negativity. As he is a champion of the American principles of free enterprise and competition, I’m inspired to cast my vote for Zupan to be our next U.S. senator for Vermont. With regard to his opponent, Bernie […]

To the editor: GM teams prep for Jr Iron Chef
For the seventh year in a row, Green Mountain Middle and High School will be participating in the Jr. Iron Chef event this March. We have three great teams and they and their coaches are already in the kitchen on a weekly basis, perfecting their recipes as they create one to enter into the event. […]

To the editor: CAES work is coming along
Work at the Chester-Andover Elementary School is going smoothly and on schedule. The slab under the classrooms that was damaged has been repaired and new carpeting has been laid. Record Concrete has demolished the old concrete pad in the boiler room and poured the new pad. The new boilers have been ordered and are due […]

To the editor: Springfield schools benefit from an evening of laughs
More than 200 people attended this year’s Springfield Schools PTA Comedy Night Fundraiser grossing over $10,000. This year, the event took place on Sept. 29 at The Great Hall, at 100 River St., part of the revitalized building once home to the Fellows Gear Shaper Factory. Comedians Tom Hayes, Kyle Crawford, and EJ Edmonds kept […]

To the editor: Vote out Clarkson, McCormack and Nitka
The taxpayers of Vermont and Windsor County can no longer afford to have Alison Clarkson(D), Dick McCormack (D) and Alice Nitka (D) represent us in Montpelier. Since 2013, state Rep. Clarkson, now a state senator, has voted to raise fees and taxes on Vermonters by the astronomical amount of $344.6 million. Vermonters are struggling mightily […]

Op-ed: In Vermont, accessible registration, secure voting
By Jim Condos Election Day is fast approaching. On Tuesday, Nov. 6, Vermonters will head to the polls to vote for the people who will represent them, from Justice of the Peace all the way up to governor and members of Congress. Free and fair elections are the bedrock of our democracy, here in Vermont […]