All Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Vote for Republicans in General Election
I am a delivery driver and a service technician for a home heating company. The only candidates on the ballot that will not destroy the home heat industry, which my coworkers and I rely upon to support our families in Vermont, are Republicans. The only candidates on the ballot that will not increase our home […]

Op-ed: Free, fair, accessible and secure elections
By Sarah Copeland Hanzas The General Election is less than two weeks away. As the rhetoric and “noise” intensifies, it’s worth a reminder that Vermont’s elections are not only among the most accessible in the country, they are also incredibly secure. Election policy is always a balance of accessibility and security. I feel very strongly […]

To the editor: North Star to move Rockingham Health to Springfield, Charlestown locales
As highlighted by the Green Mountain Care Board’s recent guidance under Act 167, Vermont’s healthcare system is at a crossroads. While their report focused mainly on area hospitals, most healthcare entities in our state are struggling. Effective Jan. 1, 2025, North Star Health will consolidate our Rockingham Health Center with our Springfield and Charlestown, N.H., […]

To the editor: Vote your climate conscience at the ballot box
As the election draws closer, we cannot ignore the growing impact of climate change on our communities. Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton, along with dozens of wildfires this past summer — they’re all clear warning signs of a very real climate crisis. This issue deserves more attention than it’s received so far this election […]

To the editor: Vote Morrow, Bongartz and Plunkett for state House and Senate
As Election Day approaches, we are faced with an important decision about the future direction of our state. I am endorsing Chris Morrow for state representative (Andover, Londonderry, Weston, and Winhall) and Seth Bongartz and Rob Plunkett for state Senate (Bennington County, plus Londonderry, Stratton, and Wilmington) in this election. What sets these candidates apart […]

To the editor: Why vote for Clarkson, White and Major?
There’s a reason you see lots of signs for Alison Clarkson, Becca White and Joe Major now: They are the cream of the crop running for the Vermont state Senate, and Windsor County voters recognize these stellar candidates. These three share a deep understanding of our communities’ needs and have records as public servants showing […]

To the editor: ‘Friends’ group seeks to protect Vermont public schools
Be informed. In early spring this year a small group of longtime school board members – most former, one current – got together to talk about pushing back against the steady attacks on our public schools, which are also longtime. We decided to start a grassroots effort, calling ourselves Friends of Vermont Public Education. Our […]

To the editor: Cavendish Town Elementary PTG thanks all who helped purchase of sound system
On behalf of Cavendish Town Elementary School’s families, teachers, and staff, The Parent/Teacher Group extends a heartfelt thank you to Tyler Butterick and his non-profit company, Fairway Fundraising. This summer he donated money to purchase a much-needed sound system for our beloved school. We’d also like to thank the event’s primary sponsors, including The Loft […]

To the editor: Rep. Chase works to meet constituent needs
I’m writing to support Heather Chase for re-election to the Windham-Windsor seat in the Vermont House of Representatives that she now holds, representing Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham. I first saw Heather in action when she was a member of the Chester Select Board, which that night was dealing with a very complicated issue facing […]

To the editor: Chase has been terrific for Grafton
Heather Chase has been a terrific representative for Grafton. Heather is very responsive to our needs as individuals and as a town. She is committed to helping small schools survive, and will be front and center in the fight to keep Grace Cottage Hospital open. This whole small village relies on these two institutions to […]

To the editor: Endorsements of incumbents ignore results of their actions
I see the endorsements of the incumbents and can’t help wondering how the people can completely ignore the results of their actions. Highest in cost of living in relation to wages, second in homelessness, third in overall taxes per person; two out of five Vermonters living with food insecurity. We have high energy costs that […]

To the editor: Only Heather Chase will stand up for IVF and abortion care in race for State House
My name is Krista, I’m a life-long Vermonter who lives in Athens on the same land that my family has for at least six generations, and I write to endorse Heather Chase for our state representative. This election is deeply personal to me as my ability to have children — and the ability to receive […]

To the editor: County Democratic chair urges residents to vote for Dem state Senate candidates
As we enter the last weeks of this election cycle, it is important to recognize the characteristics that are most critical in a candidate – integrity, honesty, transparency, and a genuine desire to be sensitive to and to understand the needs of the people of Vermont. There can be no ulterior or self-serving motives that […]

To the editor: Chase has integrity, compassion and should be re-elected to State House
I am delighted to support Heather Chase, a person of integrity and compassion, in her re-election for state representative for the people in the towns of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham. Heather has served us well in Montpelier. As a nurse and a mother, she is a champion of the rights of a woman to […]

To the editor: Meet State House candidate Tom Charlton on Oct. 17
Hello my fellow Windham residents! We all faced huge property tax hikes recently and I don’t think we can afford to pay a $4 per gallon tax on our home heating fuel, among other tax hikes coming our way. Our education system is broken, the opioid epidemic is damaging Vermont families, our housing crisis is […]

To the editor: Springfield Hospital financial health improves as it seeks path to future service
Despite a forecast to the contrary outlined in a recent healthcare consultant’s report, Springfield Hospital is proud to report that, year to date, we have a $2.4 million improvement over fiscal year 2023. We are extremely proud of the work being done every day by our staff caring for patients and making these performance improvements […]

To the editor: Chase demonstrates leadership and knowledge of issues
Greetings to the Voters of Chester, Grafton, Windham and Athens, It is with great pleasure that I endorse Heather Chase for re-election for another two-year term as our State Representative serving Chester, Grafton, Windham and Athens. I had the opportunity to serve with Heather for several years on the Chester Select Board before serving myself […]

To the editor: Jonynas endorses Chase for re-election
It is my privilege to endorse Heather Chase for reelection to the Vermont State House for the Windham/Windsor district. Heather has been a strong proponent of fair and considerate legislation in the interest of all Vermonters. She is open and receptive to the needs and concerns of her fellow neighbor constituents. She is always willing […]

To the editor: To save Vermonters, vote Republican Nov. 5
Many residents of Windsor County and all of Vermont are struggling. I am one of them. My property taxes went up by another $800 this year. Woodstock residents saw a 30 percent increase in their education property taxes. Similarly, there was a 34 percent increase in Bridgewater, 26 percent in Thetford and 16.6 percent in […]

To the editor: Rep. Chase has been attentive to Windham taxpayer needs
I am writing to support the reelection of Heather Chase, delegate to the Vermont House from the Windham-Windsor District. Heather Chase has kept our community of Windham well-informed about legislation being considered in Montpelier. She has met in person with Windham residents, attended our community events and has submitted articles regularly to our community newsletter. […]