RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Chase has integrity, compassion and should be re-elected to State House

To the editor: Chase has integrity, compassion and should be re-elected to State House

I am delighted to support Heather Chase, a person of integrity and compassion, in her re-election for state representative for the people in the towns of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham. Heather has served us well in Montpelier. As a nurse and a mother, she is a champion of the rights of a woman to […]

To the editor: Meet State House candidate Tom Charlton on Oct. 17

To the editor: Meet State House candidate Tom Charlton on Oct. 17

Hello my fellow Windham residents! We all faced huge property tax hikes recently and I don’t think we can afford to pay a $4 per gallon tax on our home heating fuel, among other tax hikes coming our way. Our education system is broken, the opioid epidemic is damaging Vermont families, our housing crisis is […]

To the editor: Springfield Hospital financial health improves as it seeks path to future service

To the editor: Springfield Hospital financial health improves as it seeks path to future service

Despite a forecast to the contrary outlined in a recent healthcare consultant’s report, Springfield Hospital is proud to report that, year to date, we have a $2.4 million improvement over fiscal year 2023. We are extremely proud of the work being done every day by our staff caring for patients and making these performance improvements […]

To the editor: Chase demonstrates leadership and knowledge of issues

To the editor: Chase demonstrates leadership and knowledge of issues

Greetings to the Voters of Chester, Grafton, Windham and Athens, It is with great pleasure that I endorse Heather Chase for re-election for another two-year term as our State Representative serving Chester, Grafton, Windham and Athens. I had the opportunity to serve with Heather for several years on the Chester Select Board before serving myself […]

To the editor: Jonynas endorses Chase for re-election

To the editor: Jonynas endorses Chase for re-election

It is my privilege to endorse Heather Chase for reelection to the Vermont State House for the Windham/Windsor district. Heather has been a strong proponent of fair and considerate legislation in the interest of all Vermonters. She is open and receptive to the needs and concerns of her fellow neighbor constituents. She is always willing […]

To the editor: To save Vermonters, vote Republican Nov. 5

To the editor: To save Vermonters, vote Republican Nov. 5

Many residents of Windsor County and all of Vermont are struggling. I am one of them. My property taxes went up by another $800 this year. Woodstock residents saw a 30 percent increase in their education property taxes. Similarly, there was a 34 percent increase in Bridgewater, 26 percent in Thetford and 16.6 percent in […]

To the editor: Rep. Chase has been attentive to Windham taxpayer needs

To the editor: Rep. Chase has been attentive to Windham taxpayer needs

I am writing to support the reelection of Heather Chase, delegate to the Vermont House from the Windham-Windsor District. Heather Chase has kept our community of Windham well-informed about legislation being considered in Montpelier.  She has met in person with Windham residents, attended our community events and has submitted articles regularly to our community newsletter. […]

To the editor: Density based zoning doesn't belong in Chester's rural districts

To the editor: Density based zoning doesn’t belong in Chester’s rural districts

On Sept. 18, the Chester Planning Commission presented the Select Board with proposed changes to the Rural Zoning District Bylaws. Due to questions and concerns that arose during this hearing regarding replacing Minimum Lot Size Requirements with Density Based Zoning, the Select Board voted to continue the public hearing to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. […]

To the editor: Sen. Clarkson works hard for Windsor County

To the editor: Sen. Clarkson works hard for Windsor County

The people in Windsor District are so fortunate to have Alison Clarkson representing us in the Vermont Senate where she is majority leader.  Clarkson is one of our three state senators from the Windsor District and is seeking re-election for her 5th term in the Senate. In her 20 years representing our communities, in both […]

Chris Morrow won the seat vacated by Rep. Kelly Pajala File photo

To the editor: State House candidate Morrow on ‘listening tour’ this week

My name is Chris Morrow. I am running for state representative from Andover, Londonderry, Weston and Winhall, the Windham-Windsor-Bennington District. If you would like to meet me and discuss state government, I am on a listening tour with an event in each town over the coming week. Please join me! Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 5 […]

To the editor: State legislature's priorities do not include us

To the editor: State legislature’s priorities do not include us

In a letter to the editor of The Chester Telegraph last week, state Sen. Alison Clarkson talked about the large property tax increase.  In essence, she said they saw the education costs rising rapidly but did nothing about it for three years because they had “free” Covid money they could use to hide the issue […]

To the editor: Progressive policies are making Vermonters poorer

To the editor: Progressive policies are making Vermonters poorer

Concerning Sen. Alison Clarkson’s recent letter to the editor: Clarkson on why taxes increased so much and what can be done about it: The Vermont legislature is so out of touch with hard working Vermonters that I find it offensive how they find every excuse to blame high property taxes on nearly everything but themselves. […]

To the editor: Clarkson on why taxes increased so much and what can be done about it

To the editor: Clarkson on why taxes increased so much and what can be done about it

Most towns in Windsor County have received their education and municipal property tax bills by now. Many, but not all, towns have big tax increases. Woodstock residents have yet to receive their bills but we can expect a 30% increase. These are increases none of us have budgeted for, and one that will be a […]

To the editor: Thanks to Williams River volunteer water quality samplers

To the editor: Thanks to Williams River volunteer water quality samplers

The Chester Conservation Committee wishes to thank the six volunteers who sampled the Williams River every other week this summer. The samples collected give scientists with the Vermont Agency of Natural of Resources and the Connecticut River Conservancy a summer’s worth of data points about the water quality on specific days, at specific times. This […]

To the editor: Upcoming election is important to our future

To the editor: Upcoming election is important to our future

To the residents of Athens, Chester, Grafton and Windham, This election for our president and vice president may be the most important vote that we as citizens of the United States have had in our lifetimes. Kamala Harris and Tim Walz represent a future rooted in democracy, in civil and human rights, in aspiring toward […]

To the editor: End the Democrats' supermajority in the Vermont legislature

To the editor: End the Democrats’ supermajority in the Vermont legislature

Another election season is upon us. Ballots will be mailed out starting Monday Sept. 23. I am asking my fellow Vermonters to again take consideration of candidates that will put a stop to the never ending tax and spend agenda of the Democratic supermajority in the Vermont House and Senate. As a lifelong Vermonter, I […]

To the editor: Why is Sen. Clarkson taxing Vermonters?

To the editor: Why is Sen. Clarkson taxing Vermonters?

It likely comes as no surprise to you that Vermont is the third most taxed state in America.  By comparison, Wyoming has nearly the same population yet pays roughly half in taxes as Vermont.  This year, we just slogged through one of the most painful increases in property taxes, which could have been avoided were […]

To the editor: Clarkson, White are invaluable state senators

To the editor: Clarkson, White are invaluable state senators

There are many acute problems crying for attention in the upcoming legislative session.  Affordability is a leading one that affects most Vermonters in one way or another.  Families and individuals who would like to live in our communities are priced out due the lack of affordable housing.  Businesses cannot fill open positions; hospitals, medical offices […]

To the editor: Retiring state Sen. McCormack backs incumbents Clarkson, White for re-election

To the editor: Retiring state Sen. McCormack backs incumbents Clarkson, White for re-election

I’m writing in support of my state Senate colleagues, Alison Clarkson and Becca White, who are seeking Democratic nominations for re-election to represent the Windsor County District. We’ve worked together to make life better for Vermonters with economic development, a higher minimum wage, childcare, family leave, and school meals. We’ve worked for Diversity, Equity, and […]

Chris Morrow won the seat vacated by Rep. Kelly Pajala File photo

To the editor: Morrow seeks support in race for state rep for Windham-Windsor-Bennington

Vermont is at a pivotal time. We are at the mercy of global and national forces such as inflation, climate change, a broken health care system and housing shortages. Simultaneously, we have statewide dynamics to address – primarily our outdated and expensive education funding system, but also hospital finances/health care and housing. How do we […]