RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

To the editor: Hall wants to move Grafton forward

To the editor: Hall wants to move Grafton forward

I’m Noralee Hall (that’s my dog Bess next to me) and this March 7th, town meeting day, I would appreciate your vote. I’m running for a 3-year Selectboard term. Here’s my brief back story: I live in town full-time, own my home, and I’ve worked in Grafton over the past 37 years. At the Grafton […]

To the editor: Bonds are being used like a credit card

To the editor: Bonds are being used like a credit card

I’ll vote for the school bond and the fire truck bond, but I do not support the paving and mower bonds. Let’s say I bought a $30,000 truck and took a loan for the full amount but paid only interest for the first three years.  At the end of the third year, I would still […]

To the editor: Chester committee needs your help

To the editor: Chester committee needs your help

The Chester Economic Development Committee is a group dedicated to stimulating the Chester economy. A marketing plan has been established, the first steps of which are detailed below. However, the CEDC needs your support and your photo contributions to help facilitate it. High Speed Internet Access The CEDC is discussing how to leverage the town’s […]

To the editor: Gustafson would bring much to Chester Select Board

To the editor: Gustafson would bring much to Chester Select Board

I know Lee Gustafson to be a hard working family man with a high level of integrity, intelligence, diverse life experience and one who treats others with fairness and respect. Lee owns and operates a successful home-based, family business in Chester, which brings him excellent insight to the diversity of our town’s population as well […]

To the editor: Cavanagh announces run for Derry Select Board

To the editor: Cavanagh announces run for Derry Select Board

My name is Tom Cavanagh and I am running for a seat on the Londonderry Select Board this March. I will be running for the seat that Bill Wylie held, which has a one-year term. My parents, Jim and Jean Cavanagh, owned the Londonderry Inn for many years and were very active in the community. […]

To the editor: Support school budgets

To the editor: Support school budgets

The Green Mountain Union High School Board respectfully requests your support of the FY 2017-18 proposed budget on Town Meeting Day. The budget represents an increase in the amount to be raised by taxes of 2.4 percent, largely based on personnel costs and a decrease in prior year fund balance. The budget itself indicates a […]

To the editor: Arrison will be good for business, historic Chester

To the editor: Arrison will be good for business, historic Chester

It is that time of year when we make important decisions about our local leaders. I am pleased to know, introduce and endorse Kelly Arrison for a one-year seat on the Chester Select Board. Kelly Arrison is active on the Chester Historic Preservation Committee, the Economic Development Committee and the Master Planning Committee.  In late […]

To the editor: Support Kelly Arrison

To the editor: Support Kelly Arrison

I am writing in support of Kelly Arrison who is running for a one-year seat on the Chester Select Board. Kelly is life-long resident of the area and has operated a business here for 26 years. He’s an active member of several committees that are important to our community. These include the Master Plan Steering […]

To the editor: Take a close look at Arrison

To the editor: Take a close look at Arrison

I ask Chester residents to take a close look at Kelly Arrison, who is running for a one-year seat on the Select Board. A long-time Vermonter, Chester resident and local businessman running Heads Up Motorsports, Kelly is well aware of the diverse needs of those trying to make a living locally and the factors that […]

To the editor: Clearing up confusion over Chester UDBs

To the editor: Clearing up confusion over Chester UDBs

Editor’s note: Carla Westine is chair of Chester’s Development Review Board but is commenting here as a private citizen, not on behalf of the DRB. There seems to be some confusion related to Home Business, Home Occupation and Building and Construction Trades and how all these terms apply to the proposed changes to the UDBs […]

To the editor: Arrison a businessman committed to improving Chester

To the editor: Arrison a businessman committed to improving Chester

As the former owner of a long-term local business and a native of Chester, I heartily endorse Kelly Arrison for a one-year seat on the Chester Select Board. Kelly is a life-long resident and has owned Heads Up Motorsports for 26 years. He has traveled throughout the world in his 20-year career as a team […]

To the editor: Turner seeks 2nd term on Grafton Select Board

To the editor: Turner seeks 2nd term on Grafton Select Board

There is much work to be done by the Grafton Select Board. Currently, I serve on the board, and wish to continue to do that necessary work. In 2012, I moved to Grafton as a full-time resident after having visited this great town for 30 years. I was asked to accept the position of Grafton […]

To the editor: Pass the Chester development bylaws

To the editor: Pass the Chester development bylaws

I attended many Planning Board meetings and gave input, have read over the 114 page UDBs three times and have attended the Select Board’s review process. I have listened to presenters about their personal issues and re-read letters written about the issue added to the minutes. In a debate competition, debaters are given a topic […]

To the editor: 'Main Street USA' in Chester is a fantasy world

To the editor: ‘Main Street USA’ in Chester is a fantasy world

There’s a movement afoot in Chester that seems intent upon driving the gentrification of our town. A small, but vocal and well-healed minority is attempting to drive their agenda of making Chester into a sort of “Main Street USA” fantasy world. This group is now working to rewrite our zoning laws to include regulations that […]

To the editor: Raise the minimum wage

To the editor: Raise the minimum wage

Raising the minimum wage is not a new idea. But we need to get serious now. There is a bill before the Vermont legislature that would gradually raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. There are many benefits to this. It would help Vermont workers. It would help families. It would help the Vermont […]

To the editor: GMUHS announces new Jr. Iron Chef teams

To the editor: GMUHS announces new Jr. Iron Chef teams

I am pleased to announce that Green Mountain Union High will be participating for the 5th year in the incredible culinary competition for middle and high school chefs, Jr. Iron Chef Vermont, on March 18 in Essex. In three previous years, our teams have returned from the event as winners. In looking over the recipes […]

To the editor: From breakfast to lunch to Iron Chef Jr., GMUHS is cooking

To the editor: From breakfast to lunch to Iron Chef Jr., GMUHS is cooking

Here we are mid-winter and everything is going great in the kitchen at Green Mountain Union High. We offer a great breakfast everyday from 7 a.m. and throughout the morning. You will find on any given day a number of choices to satisfy everyone. We offer a great breakfast sandwich on a wrap, biscuit or […]

To the editor: Orange-1 recount was conducted properly

To the editor: Orange-1 recount was conducted properly

An Open Letter to the Vermont House of Representatives Re: H.R. 8, House resolution relating to conducting a recount in the election for the House of Representatives for the Orange-1 District As you may know, we were Election Officials for the District Orange 1 recount that took place on Nov. 21, 2016 at the Orange […]

To the editor: Arrison announces candidacy for Chester Select Board

To the editor: Arrison announces candidacy for Chester Select Board

My name is Kelly Arrison, and I’m running for a seat on the Chester Select Board. I’ve lived in Chester for 45 years. Twenty-six years ago, I brought my auto racing business to Chester, where it has thrived. Chester is a great place to live and work. Because it has given me so much I […]

To the editor: Champion Fire Company thanks Thrifty Attic

To the editor: Champion Fire Company thanks Thrifty Attic

The Champion Fire Company #5 of South Londonderry would like to thank the Thrifty Attic for its continued support in the improvement of our firefighting operations. This year’s financial assistance from the Thrifty Attic is allowing us modify and upgrade our current self contained breathing apparatus compressor to a higher pressure and to purchase four […]