RSSAll Entries in the "Commentary" Category

Commentary: Do it in public -- a call for transparency and accountability

Commentary: Do it in public — a call for transparency and accountability

By Cynthia Prairie ©2015 The Chester Telegraph The Chester Telegraph has sent a formal letter of complaint alleging that on Nov. 19 of last year the Chester Select Board held an illegal executive session. You can read a copy of that complaint here. That seems like a pretty serious step. But the fact is that […]

The Telegraph Poll: Eliminate voting at Town Meeting?

The Telegraph Poll: Eliminate voting at Town Meeting?

The Chester Select Board is preparing warnings to ask voters if they wish to eliminate voting on specific budgetary issues at the Monday Town Meeting, in effect making the Town Meeting strictly informational prior to the Tuesday vote.

To the editor: Thanks to the many who helped with BRGNS’ annual holiday food drive

On Thursday, Dec. 18 some 30 volunteers gathered at Fletcher Farm for the annual Black River Good Neighbor Services’ holiday food distribution. They filled boxes with the ingredients for an all-inclusive holiday dinner, complete with turkey or chicken, stuffing, vegetables, bread, milk and more than a dozen other food items. The boxes were destined for […]

To the editor: Friends of Rockingham Library gives thanks for community support

The Friends of the Rockingham Free Public Library wishes to thank the Rockingham community for its participation in the Holiday Celebration at the RFPL on Saturday, Dec. 6. We thank the many area businesses and artists who contributed merchandise and gift certificates for the raffle. The fundraising efforts of the Friends of the Library help […]

Commentary: Signs for our times

By Cynthia Prairie ©Telegraph Publishing LLC-2014 The Chester Planning Commission has begun considering making further changes to the sign regulations within the Unified Development Bylaws after tweaking them in the last go-round. (You can read them at right.) It had amended the Home Occupation and Home Business standards by cutting in half the allowable signage […]

To the editor: Civil discourse makes for a brighter future for Chester

The night prior to the vote on an amendment to Chester’s Unified Development Bylaws, a public meeting  was held at Town Hall for voicing views and asking questions on the matter. For me, it was a valuable experience. It became clear that there were many on both sides who had Chester’s – not outside corporate […]

To the editor: Heartfelt thanks to all who supported Lindsey, family

To the editor: Heartfelt thanks to all who supported Lindsey, family

Our family has so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. It seems like the perfect time to express our gratitude to all who have helped us along our journey. We have many people and organizations to thank for their support over the last nine months of Lindsey’s bone marrow operation and recovery. The Chester […]

To the editor: Rep. Dakin outlines priorities, asks for voter input

To the editor: Rep. Dakin outlines priorities, asks for voter input

Thank you very much, voters, for re-electing me to the Vermont state legislature from Windsor District 3-1.  I am honored to represent the citizens of Andover, Baltimore, Chester and North Springfield, particularly in this period of economic challenge for all of us. As I return to the State House in January 2015, my focus will […]

To the editor: Go before Planning Commission to seek bylaw changes

Chester has a Development Review Board charged with the task of reviewing each application for Conditional Use on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the project meets the requirements of the Unified Development Bylaws.  Those bylaws include general, specific and performance standards that must be met before a project is permitted.  In the interest of […]

To the editor: Reasons to vote Yes

Vote “YES” on Nov. 18, to remove the proposed addition of auto/sales/service/fuel on Main Street in Chester. This is why: In response to M.J. Miles’ letter to The Chester Telegraph challenging perceived and actual claims by those opposing the addition of used car lots, fueling stations, and other auto service outlets along Chester’s Main Street, […]

To the editor: Keep Chester’s new zoning regulation

On Nov. 18 there will be a vote to remove Automobile Fuel/Sales/Service from the Residential-Commercial District (R-C).   The R-C zoning district layout is similar to that of the town of Woodstock. The village center is separated from the automotive uses that are located on the east side of the village. (The Chester Zoning district map […]

To the editor: Strip malls not part of re-zoning

I have to respond to the handout today addressing the Nov. 18 vote on the Automotive Fuel/Sales/ Service. As is the case in many political views, the spin on this document is unbelievable: that by voting no you are saying yes to strip development. This is absolutely an assumption that is difficult to connect. Strip […]

To the editor: Rockingham Library seeks public input on technology

We want to hear from you!  This fall, the Rockingham Free Public Library is running an online survey to understand how the community uses the library’s technology so we can provide resources and services that are valuable to the community. The Technology Survey is anonymous, available in English and Spanish, and takes 10 to 15 […]

To the editor: Feed & Feedback as Efficiency Vermont community forums seek input

Efficiency Vermont was created in the year 2000 to help Vermont homes and businesses reduce their use of electricity. At a larger level, we work in partnership with all of Vermont’s traditional utilities to help reduce strain on the electric system, and defer the need for expensive investments in new power plants and transmission lines. […]

To the editor: Wilder Library seeks patrons’ feedback

I want to draw our community’s attention to an important opportunity. Throughout October, the Wilder Memorial Library will be conducting a survey to better understand how our community benefits from free access to computers and the Internet at the library. This information will help the library improve its technology services and communicate the value of […]

To the editor: Thanks to all who helped make Fall Festival a success

Thanks to everyone in the community who came together to make the 40th Fall Festival a great success!  With a cool cloudy day on Saturday, vendors were pleased to find Sunday sunny and warm. Both visitors and locals enjoyed the fine crafts displayed on The Green, watched craftspeople demonstrating their skills, had a face painted […]

To the editor: Thanks to farms, folks who donated fresh veg to Food Shelf

To the editor: Thanks to farms, folks who donated fresh veg to Food Shelf

The Chester-Andover Family Center extends its thanks to Abundance Acres, local merchants, the Vermont Food Bank, the Healthy Harvest Network, the School-to-Work Program at Green Mountain Union High Schoo and individuals who donated Community Sustainable Agriculture shares and veggies from their own gardens. Thanks also to the center’s wonderful group of Food Shelf volunteers who […]

To the editor: Milne campaign letter needs to be clarified, corrected

We in Vermont are fortunate that we have a choice. In some states, the politics is so one-sided, there is no real choice. Here, we have a choice and that’s a good thing. That said, I feel the need to comment on a couple of items in Hayden Dublois’ letter to the editor. First off, […]

Editorial: Chester officials can do more to engage the public

By Shawn Cunningham ©The Chester Telegraph — 2014 Tonight, Wednesday, Sept. 17, the Chester Select Board is scheduled to adopt new zoning regulations, and from comments made by board members at the Sept. 3 meeting, Chester residents either don’t have an opinion on the regulations or are not engaged in the process because they have […]

To the editor: A call for clarity in Chester’s planning

Having received notice of a Planning Commission meeting on the evening of Monday,  Sept. 15, I attended to ask a question about the addition of a new conditional use in the Residential/Commercial district in the current draft of the Unified Development Bylaws. The new use is “Automotive Fuel/Service/Sales” and it would allow for dealerships for […]