RSSAll Entries in the "Community & Arts in Brief" Category

Briefs: Lindbergh on her mother; gallery's 1st anniversary; Irene oils exhibit; St. Luke's Supper

Briefs: Lindbergh on her mother; gallery’s 1st anniversary; Irene oils exhibit; St. Luke’s Supper

Reeve Lindbergh on Anne Morrow Lindbergh at Misty Valley Books Reeve Lindbergh, a daughter of world-renowned aviator Charles Lindbergh and celebrated author Anne Morrow Lindbergh, returns to Misty Valley Books at 5 p.m. Thursday, July 26 to discuss the latest collection of her mother’s previously unpublished works, Against Wind and Tide. The book of letters […]

Arts Here and Away: Film on street art, Gilbert & Sullivan, ballet

Arts Here and Away: Film on street art, Gilbert & Sullivan, ballet

Enjoy the viewing and discussion of the movie Exit Through the Gift Shop, the inside story of Street Art, a brutal and revealing account of what happens when fame, money and vandalism collide. This Reel to Real conversation will be held at 8 p.m. Thursday July 19 at Vermont Institute of Contemporary Art, 15 Depot […]